Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis - Healing a Leaky Gut

Did you know that your digestive tract is the size of a small football pitch?

If you've got colitis then this football pitch sized bodily organ has become damaged at one or various points along its enormous area. When the cells of the digestive tract become damaged it makes the digestive tract more permeable - hence the term Leaky Gut. When your gut is leaky like this it can let through the digestive wall some incompletely digested food particles.

Some research has been done into the link between IBD and Intestinal Permeability and one study found that Crohns patients had a six fold increase in intestinal permeability.

A leaky gut can lead to food sensitivities as any food particles leaking out of the digestive tract may cause an immune response in the body, leading to inflammation. Elemental diets where patients are fed a diet of pure nutrients have been shown to bring about a reduction in intestinal permeability. Researchers have also found that low-allergenic diets where grains and dairy are avoided can produce welcome relief from Ulcerative Colitis.

How to fix a leaky gut?

There are several steps we can take to heal a leaky gut -

· Initially identify any foods you may be allergic to or have intolerance to. Try a York Test which is a pin prick blood test that you can do at home. A small blood sample is sent away to a lab where they test it to look for any anti bodies to specific foods. It will tell you if you have any food intolerances.

· Next you need to get some probiotics in there, to correct any in balance between the good and bad bacteria, and correct any Dysbiosis in the gut. You need more good than bad! A good Probiotic is Primal Defense or VSL-3. Probiotics have been shown in several medical studies to be very helpful in the treatment of colitis.

· Get some l-glutamine powder, glutamine is an amino acid which is very useful for healing the digestive tract. Glutamine is the preferred 'fuel' for the cells lining the mucosa of the small intestine called enterocytes. These cells have the ability to take up glutamine directly rather than waiting for it to be supplied through the blood stream. Glutamine is also required for the production of both intestinal mucus and Secretary Immunoglobulin Type A (SIgA).

As a result of these functions, a good supply of glutamine will help repair a leaky gut. Glutamine also has the benefit of helping to prevent bacteria from getting from the gut to the bloodstream. You can buy l-Glutamine powder, or try juicing Cabbage as this is a good source of Glutamine.

What Causes Pain Below The Rib Cage?

The words pain below the rib cage can mean several different things, and it's important to make a distinction. In this article, we'll consider the words pain below the rib cage to mean pain in the physical area often called the stomach or abdomen. We will not cover possibilities like heart disease and lung cancer, which occur inside the rib cage in the upper part of the chest. Technically speaking, you could say these disorders cause pain below the rib cage too, but that's not the meaning we'll employ here.

The area below the rib cage that's generally described as the stomach or the "belly" is packed with organs, tissues and muscles. So when you have discomfort in this area, it might be caused by one of dozens of possibilities. Stomach pain under the ribs may simply result from indigestion: a dose of antacids might be all you need to feel better. On the other hand, stomach pain under the rib cage could be a symptom of something serious like an ulcer or stomach cancer. Fortunately, stomach cancer is relatively rare today in the U.S. and many other countries. But hundreds of thousands of people certainly suffer from painful stomach ulcers.

Gallbladder problems are likely to cause pain below the rib cage. The most common gallbladder disorders are gallstones and gallbladder attacks, which typically cause abdominal distress but may also radiate to the right shoulder or even the middle of the upper back. Gallbladder attacks often occur after you've eaten a big meal - especially one that includes a lot of fat - because your gallbladder can't process an overload of cholesterol. It becomes inflamed and irritated, which is the cause of the pain.

Pancreatitis is another possible cause of pain below the rib cage. Your pancreas is also involved in digestion, so you'll have pain in the upper abdomen if your pancreas isn't functioning properly.

There are many digestive problems involving the colon and intestines: a colon infection, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or one of several other colon-related problems. Unfortunately, colon cancer is a possibility too.

If you have pain below the rib cage at the same time you have pain in the back or sides, it could be caused by kidney stones. Generally, kidney stone pain occurs in the back, but sometimes it radiates to the abdomen and even down into the upper thighs.

Injury or illness affecting the spine can cause pain below the rib cage too. If you damage a disc, for instance, you may feel pain all the way around to the front of your body. Pain sometimes travels along the nerve pathways, so it's possible to "feel" pain away from the actual source of the problem. This is known as referred pain. When this happens, you usually feel numbness, tingling, and a "pins and needles" sensation.

Strained muscle and ligaments can also be a source of pain in the stomach area. This can be caused by exercising too much or not warming up enough before you exercise. There's also a condition called a side stitch which is characterized by sharp pain under the rib cage. A side stitch, as the name implies, often happens on one side or the other. The medical name for this condition is exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP). It has not been scientifically established why so many people get a side stitch during exercise, but it certainly can be painful.

Many of the problems mentioned above can happen in the stomach area, or on either side. But if you have pain on the right side under the ribcage, it's possible you have liver trouble. The liver is situated on the right side under the ribs.

In conclusion, this article has been intended briefly list and describe some of the possible causes of pain under the rib cage. But always remember that only a doctor is qualified to make a diagnosis. Pain is often just one symptom that something is wrong. Your doctor will need to evaluate all your symptoms to help him or her come up with the answers you need to get relief.

Acid Reflux Remedies: A Natural Way To Treat Heartburn

Acid reflux remedies are natural and effective in giving relief from heartburn without any side effects. They are safe as compared to chemically formulated drugs that cause some or the other side effects. The most dreaded symptom of this condition is heartburn, which is the persistent burning symptom in the chest, which is annoying and gives a headache. There are many medicines formulated specifically to treat this condition, but those medicines are not safe and are associated with adverse side effects if taken for a longer time. Natural home remedies are safe as compared to chemically formulated drugs and can be taken even by pregnant women and children. Before we move on to these remedies, let us understand this condition.

Acid reflux is one of the most common yet uncomfortable problems that can happen to anyone. It is a medical condition in which the food pipe becomes irritates due to regurgitation of acid from the stomach. Acid reflux is characterized by symptoms such as heartburn, acid or food regurgitation, bad breath and sore throat. Chronic acid reflux can erode the lining of the stomach wall and can cause ulcers or GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Hence it is important to take care of these symptoms right from the beginning by taking home remedies and corrective measures to treat as well as prevent further occurrence.

Some of the effective remedies for acid reflux are:

1. Apple cider vinegar: This is a quick remedy that works during the acute episodes of acid reflux. Mix one tsp of apple cider vinegar in half glass of water and drink immediately. This calms down the acidity and gives relief. You can also slowly sip this water with your dinner to prevent getting heartburn.

2. Ginger: This natural herb has great absorbing properties. It absorbs all the excess acid in the stomach and calms down the nerves. You can either take ginger root capsules daily after dinner or ginger solution (crushed ginger in half glass of water and then strain the liquid).

3. Fennel Seeds: Fennel seeds are effective acid reflux remedies as they aid in digestive conditions. Fennel seeds contain Anethole that helps in controlling the cramping pain or spasms in the stomach. You can chew these aromatic seeds directly after dinner.

4. Aloe Vera juice: Aloe vera has a soothing effect and is used in treating a number of digestive ailments such as indigestion, diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. Drink one glass of aloe vera juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. Licorice root: Licorice root is a popular herbal remedy used for centuries for treating gastrointestinal ailments. Licorice works by forming a protective gel coating on the stomach which helps in preventing acid attack. It is available in the form of tincture or tea.

6. Herbal tea: Drinking Chamomile tea soothes the inflamed mucosal lining of stomach and esophagus. Instead of consuming tea in few gulps, slowly sip the tea to increase its therapeutic effects.

7. Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, which helps in digestion and relieving acid reflux.

8. Aniseed and Lavender tea: This herbal tea helps in reducing the amount of acid in the stomach. To prepare this tea, take equal quantities of lavender and aniseed and mix them in 2 cups of boiling water. Strain it and add one tsp of honey to sweeten it. Drink one cup of this tea daily on the morning to get acid reflux relief.

9. Baking soda: Sodium bicarbonate is a natural antacid that gives relief immediately. Just add one tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it before the fizz goes away.

10. Acid reflux preventive remedies: Apart from natural acid reflux remedies, some corrective steps have to be taken to prevent the recurrence of heartburn. Make some dietary changes such as avoiding processed junk food and sugar, eating larger portions and going to bed immediately after dinner. Alter your meal times and take walk after your dinner. Drink plenty of water as it helps in proper digestion and keeps your body hydrated.

Treating the uncomfortable feelings is not that difficult. Making few lifestyle and dietary changes and using holistic acid reflux remedies can help in getting rid of heartburn.

Benefits of Chlorella - How Your Health Can Improve With Chlorella

The benefits of Chlorella are well researched and documented. These days a lot of people take supplements in order to improve their health and help with any conditions that they might have. One that most people might find worth considering is chlorella. This is an algae that is sold in the form of powder or pills that is being researched due to the many possible benefits of taking it.

The reason why most people might find this worth taking is because one of the benefits of chlorella is that it boosts your immune system. That means it will help to keep you from getting sick, and help your body fight off any illnesses that you might have. It also contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals, as well as protein and amino acids. Since it is actually a food, most people don't have any adverse effects from taking it, so it is worth a try.

The preliminary studies that have been done seem to point to the benefits of chlorella including the treatment of ulcerative colitis, fibromyalgia, and hypertension. It is also sometimes used to help remove heavy metals and toxic chemicals from the body since it tends to bind with these substances, making it so that they are excreted from the body rather than being stored as they would otherwise be.

People suffering from a lot of different illnesses swear by Chlorellas benefits.. Some of these conditions include:

  • cancer

  • high blood pressure

  • hypoglycemia

  • constipation

  • diabetes

  • gastritis

  • ulcers

  • high cholesterol

  • Crohn's disease

  • asthma

In general, besides those already mentioned above, the benefits of chlorella include improving digestion, improving kidney and liver function, lowering cholesterol, helping with skin conditions, balancing blood sugar, and detoxifying your body.

It is best to start out taking small doses throughout the day to make sure that this supplement agrees with you. Some people have had issues with digestive upset, and others have had allergic reactions. This is sometimes only true with certain brands, but it is best to check with a doctor before taking any more. Also, since chlorella is high in vitamin K it might interfere with drugs like Warfarin that thin the blood.

could also include some bullet points of some of the benefits of Chlorella

Ginger Root - An Herb With Medicinal Properties Used As An Alternative To Traditional Medicine

Ginger root is an herb that has been used in a variety of ways as a healing agent for over 2000 years. It is thought to have medicinal properties that can be helpful to those suffering from a myriad of ailments, including arthritis, nausea, motion sickness, headaches, and perhaps even types of heart disease. In the United States the use of herbs as medicine is still considered as alternative, but in places such as China, the Caribbean, India, parts of Africa and Europe ginger is widely accepted as a healing herb.

The history of ginger is quite fascinating. The Sanskrit name for ginger is srngaveram, which translates to "horn root". This is believed to be because of the appearance of the ginger root, which does bear a resemblance to an animal's horn. At some point in history ginger disappeared, but it is thought that Marco Polo brought it back with him after his extensive travels and it then became a delicacy in Europe. Most of the supply of ginger comes from Jamaica, India, Africa, and China. Ginger grows in the wild in Jamaica and other islands of the Caribbean because the tropical climate offers the best growing conditions. Ginger in the wild produces flowers when the herb is at its most ripe stage. Queen Elizabeth I loved the taste of ginger and encouraged her cooks to experiment with it. The gingerbread man is said to have been the direct outcome of this experimentation.

Ginger has been used most commonly to treat gastrointestinal maladies such as nausea, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, heartburn, intestinal gas resulting in excess flatulence, and colitis. Many believe that ginger can help with these ailments because it contains properties thought to strengthen the muscle tone in the intestinal tract.

Herbalists use ginger extract to decrease inflammation, which is a leading cause of many ailments including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, dermatitis, and ulcerative colitis. Studies are not at all conclusive, but many people prefer to use a natural remedy instead of taking ibuprofen or other traditional medication.

Use of ginger to treat motion sickness appears to be at least somewhat effective but more studies need to be conducted and analyzed. As far as heart disease is concerned, it is unclear whether or not ginger can be used successfully to lower cholesterol. It is simply to early to make an intelligent comment on this type of medicinal use of the herb.

Ginger appears as a knotted root with an underground stem known as a rhizome. It consists of volatile oils (somewhere between 1 and 4%), as well as pungent compounds known as gingerol and shogaol. It is these compounds that are thought to be responsible for the healing properties of ginger for nausea and vomiting.

You can find ginger in the produce department as a fresh or dried root. Ginger is also available as a powdered extract, in capsule form, or as an oil. You can use ginger to prepare a tea or use it as a cooking spice to prepare breads, cookies, or as an ingredient in vegetable dishes.

It is always wise to do your own research and talk to your physician before supplanting ginger, or any other spice or herb, with prescribed medications. Many health food stores have herbalists on staff that can also answer any additional questions you may have. As with all things in your life, moderation is the best choice. But when choosing spices that may also be medicinal, try using ginger as a healthy, natural alternative.

Social Networking Gone Wrong!

Social networking is a global phenomenon; hundreds of millions of people use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook everyday. I have a Facebook account and I go on frequently to stay in touch with friends and family that I rarely get to see in person. As helpful as social networking can be, it's important to remember that there are dangers in communicating with people on social networking sites and even email for that matter. An electronic conversation is very different from talking to someone face-to-face. All the information you would receive from a person's tone and body language is unavailable, opening the door for something you said to be misunderstood or taken out of context.

Very recently I learned this lesson the hard way. Keep reading to hear more about how a social networking experience I had went horribly wrong. With some help from the rest of the Priority Learning gang, I outlined some rules to live by to avoid having a similar incident.

Just like Dragnet, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I have a friend named John, who has not had an easy time in the working world. A mutual friend Sarah, who is not on facebook, was able to get John a job working in the same organization where she is a manager. Recently I was on Facebook and I saw a status posted by John's mother-in-law, Sue, who was a friend on my Facebook page. She was describing a negative experience John had at work and was making some serious accusations regarding John's boss. Knowing some of the back story, and thinking that Sarah might be the boss she was writing about, I thought that it was inappropriate to write such a thing on a networking site like facebook. As it turned out, other people joined in and the comments they were writing made this issue even worse. John, who was having difficulty with his boss, didn't feel the need to participate.

I decided to write that I didn't think it was a good idea to talk about John's boss on Facebook given John's employment history and the fact that this post could so easily get back to Sarah. Sue was not impressed with my comment. Apparently Sarah was not the "boss" she was speaking of and she commented back that it was ridiculous that I would imply that HER post to HER own page on Facebook would ever affect John's employment. She also went on to say that I was a bad friend for not having sympathy for John's experience. It was a relief to know that Sue's post was not referring to Sarah and I did feel bad for John. However, I still felt that writing about any boss on Facebook could only lead to trouble. I wrote back that I was sorry I had offended her, since I clearly had. I then wrote that my point was simply that when you write something on facebook, it becomes public knowledge. I also included a hypothetical situation that explained how if other mutual friends of John and Sarah see the negative postings, they could easily mention it to Sarah who could then mention it to John's boss.

The response I got back shocked me. Sue was even angrier and, worse, she didn't understand that the scenario I had written about was hypothetical and not something I planned to do. She replied that she was going to call Sarah herself and let her know what really happened, before I could give her my side of the story. I thought to myself, "What side of the story?" I didn't have a side of the story - my point was simply that you shouldn't use Facebook to complain about someone's boss. Now the very thing I was worried about happening was in fact going to happen because I made a few comments on facebook. Clearly the situation had gotten out of control. I decided not to respond since all it had done so far is make matters worse. A few of Sue's friends decided to back her up and chime in. In the end, my words were twisted and I ended up being referred to as "the crazy person who was trying to get John fired." Finally I got so fed up with my remarks being taken out of context that I removed Sue from my friends list.

At this point I wished I possessed a time machine so I could go back and tell myself not to bother commenting on Sue's status. I think most of you would agree that I had a good point; the problem is that it was completely lost on Sue and all it did was make her mad and exacerbate the situation. I honestly don't know what the end result was. As far as I know Sue never called Sarah and I'm sure the whole incident has died down and has largely been forgotten. I have to say that this whole fiasco has taught me some important lessons. Fortunately, Priority Learning helped me come up with some "Social Networking Rules To Live By".

Social Networking Rules To Live By:

  1. Know Your Audience - On Facebook I have almost 100 friends. Do I have 100 friends in real life? No! I have maybe 20 - 30 people that I am close to and the rest are acquaintances. They are people I know, but not people that I would say I know really well. If the Facebook friend isn't a close friend, like the one I wrote about above, don't comment on their status unless what you have to say is as sweet as gumdrops or puppy dog kisses.

  2. Never Use Social Networking To Address Sensitive Issues - It is important to remember that everyone's idea of a "sensitive issue" is different. For example: I have ulcerative colitis (a form of IBD). I talk about my disease freely and have no trouble describing it in detail, but I have found that many people with ulcerative colitis prefer not to talk about it unless they have to. Even if it is common knowledge, don't post anything about someone else that could be considered sensitive unless they have already written about it themselves.

  3. Never Use Social Networking To Try And Resolve A Conflict - Anytime you have a disagreement, it's always best to talk it over face-to-face. When someone is already at a high level of agitation, anything that is written could be misunderstood or misperceived. This could create a further rift between you and this person.

  4. Watch Your Humor - My Grandfather loves to tell jokes and I always laugh, even if I already heard that one a thousand times. The thing that makes them so funny isn't the joke itself; it's the inflection in his voice and the silly expression on his face. If I were to read that joke on a piece of paper or a computer screen, it wouldn't have the same effect. Humor on social networking can often be misinterpreted and someone might even feel offended.

  5. Don't Discuss Work Related Issues On Social Networking Sites - This is the very point I was trying to make to Sue and what ultimately caused me to break some of the other rules I previously listed. Just because you can choose who sees your page on social networking sites does not mean that this page is private. In fact, it is much more public than you might think. I just read an article about a teacher who posted on Facebook something to the effect of "I just wanted to kill my students today." It sounds to me like she was having a bad day and was using Facebook to blow off some steam. Unfortunately, even though she claimed that none of these students where her Facebook friends, school officials caught wind of it and she ended up getting fired. I'm sure that almost everyone reading this has said or written something similar, but writing something of that nature on Facebook gives it a whole new connotation and can lead to serious consequences at work, if you're not careful.

Although social networking sites are clearly a positive new force in our lives, make sure to be mindful of what you write. If you think there is even a small chance that writing something might be taken another way, it probably will be and once you hit enter or click the "comment" button, you can't take it back!

Friday, July 5, 2013

SoZo Nutritional Beverage - The Most Powerful Natural Anti-Oxidant On the Planet

SoZo® Nutritional Beverage

The Most Powerful Natural Anti-Inflammatory on the Planet!

What Is SoZo?

SoZo® is a polyphenol-rich food supplement beverage that has been scientifically designed to incorporate a full spectrum of the most antioxidant-laden fruit and vegetable whole food powders and extracts available in the world today. SoZo is a hand-picked combination of well-studied freeze dried whole foods, fruit and vegetable concentrates, and effective TargeTested™ patented ingredients.

All raw materials for the SoZo formula are obtained from our partner VDF FutureCeuticals. VDF FutureCeuticals provides a wide spectrum of fruit-, vegetable-, bean-, and grain-based ingredients that are rich in a variety of antioxidants and other phytochemicals. Their product lines focuses on items with scientifically proven benefits. Many of their newest nutraceuticals products are patented, proprietary and unique. VDF FutureCeuticals methods of raw material selection, concentration and drying assure that all products have maximum levels of nutrients and are only the highest quality. Their in-house processing, testing laboratories and state-of-the-art quality control assure that each bottle of SoZo contains the promised product quality.

Each of the individual products that make up the SoZo formula has under gone TargeTesting™ by FutureCeuticals.

The foundation of the SoZo® formulation is CoffeeBerry® which at 15,000 ORAC/gram value is the most powerful fruit ever tested by the USDA. CoffeeBerry® is a patented product owned by FutherCeuticals and can only be obtained from them. SoZo has an exclusive licensing agreement with FutherCeuticals for the use of CoffeeBerry® in the beverage market. You could combine the ORAC values of the Blue Berry, the Acai Berry and the Maqui Berry and the CoffeeBerry® would still be over 10 times more powerful

What Are TargeTest™

TargeTest™ is a method of laboratory testing created by FutherCeuticals to facilitate rational product development. The test examines the effects of dietary supplements on target enzymes and markers in the blood. Research has shown that activity of these markers can have effect on chronic health conditions.

· Past research has linked enzymes in human blood to common health concerns.

· TargeTest™ measures the activity of these enzymes.

· The first step is an ex vivo measurement. This step measures effects of an ingredient on human serum. Finger blood is usually sufficient for this testing.

· If the ex vivo test shows a positive result, testing moves to the second step.

· Second step involves acute in vivo human clinical case studies for two hours after ingestion of food material.

· TargeTest™ is a cost-effective and reliable form of testing that can help differentiate ingredients and finished formulation. TargeTest™ can help eliminate wasted research assets by rapidly identifying product functionality. Screening results confirm bioavailability and efficacy in people.

TargeTests™ Results on SoZo Components


Activates: Phase II Proteins (P2P)

Phase II Activators found in certain edible plants have a significant impact on health by helping to combat the damage of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can trigger inflammation, a condition that can contribute the development of chronic diseases.

· Exercise, poor diet, muscle stress and environment can induce complex signals in the body that produce oxidative stress.

· Oxidative stress triggers inflammation and pain. Long term inflammation can lead to many chronic diseases, especially as the body ages. Inflammation suppresses Phase II Activators levels.

· Researchers have found that consuming selected fruits and vegetables can boost Phase II Activators in the body.

· Phase II Activators work to counteract the complex signals that create oxidative stress. Traditional pain killers can temporarily block the body's ability to send the signals that trigger inflammation. Phase II Activators more completely and more naturally inhibit this activity.

· Research has shown that Phase II Activators prevent harmful enzymes that cause inflammation.

· Phase II Activation can promote reduced inflammation, improved heart health and protection from certain types of cancers.

VitaGrape® VitaBerry® CoffeeBerry®

Activates: Paraoxonase 1 (PON1)

PON1 is a human blood enzyme associated with maintenance of healthy HDL levels and reduction of oxLDL cholesterol activity. Healthy HDL levels have been associated with decreased risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Elevated oxLDL levels have been associated with an increased risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases. PON1 activation could be a potential strategy for heart health management.

· HDL levels decrease and oxLDL levels increase as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, genetics or irregularities in the body's natural cholesterol transportation process.

· Cardiovascular disease can develop as a result of decreased levels of HDL and an accumulation of oxLDL.

· Published research has reported that activation of PON1 can improve lipid metabolism, an important factor in the onset of cardiovascular disease.

· Studies have shown PON1 activation results in elevated HDL serum levels. It is also known that PON1 activation leads to a reduction in accumulation of lipoperoxides in LDL particles. In other words PON1 inhibits the accumulation of oxLDL.

Food materials that can activate PON1 in humans can help maintain healthy HDL levels and reduce harmful oxLDL activity. PON1 activation in humans can help maintain healthy HDL levels and reduce harmful oxLDL activity. PON1 activation could be useful in the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system.

VitaBerry® CoffeeBerry®

Activates: Quinone Reductase (QR)

Quinone Reductase (QR) is an enzyme that fights cellular damage caused by toxic compounds in the body. Cell damage from these compounds increases susceptibility to chronic diseases and other certain types of cancer. QR activity is an important indicator of Phase II Activation. Phase II Activation significantly impacts healthy cells by inhibiting the damage of oxidative stress.

· Toxic compounds called quinones enter the body through food.

· Quinones cause the damage and eventual destruction of cells. This damage increases risk of chronic diseases.

· Researchers have identified over 60 active compounds that induce Phase II Activators. One plant compound, sulforaphane, is especially important in activating QR, a potent Phase II Activator.

QR activation can help protect cells in the body from damage by free radicals. Consuming fruits and vegetables that are rich in QR activators can help maintain healthy levels of QR

· VitaGranate® VitaGrape®

Inhibits: Soluble Epoxide (sEH)

Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase (sEH) is a blood enzyme that is responsible for conversion of acids important in maintaining renal vascular function to harmful acids that are attributed to many inflammatory disorders. sEH inhibition could affect hypertension and inflammation and combat the damage of hypertension on healthy arteries.

· Certain acids in the body called epoxyeicosatrienoic (EET) have anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory properties. They are important in maintaining renal vascular function.

· sEH converts EET acids into harmful dihydroxyeicosatrienoic (DHET)

· DHET acids have been attributed to many inflammatory disorders including adult respiratory distress syndrome.

· Research has shown that certain foods affect sEH inhibition. sEH inhibition could be a treatment possibility for inflammation-related health concerns.

sEH inhibition could affect heart health, blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and carcinogenesis.


Inhibits: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (AEC)

Angiotensin converting enzymes (ACE) inhibitors are heart medications (or food) that widen or dilate your blood vessels to improve the amount of blood your heart pumps and lower blood pressure. ACE inhibitors also increase blood flow, which helps to decrease the amount of work your heart has to do.

· ACE inhibitors are critical in the treatment of heart failure. They can prevent further wreaking of the heart and prolong your life.

· When given after a heart attack, some ACE inhibitors can prevent some of the damage to the heart and improve the survival rate of heart attack patients.

· Some ACE inhibitors have been found to slow the process that leads to kidney damage in many type 2 diabetics.

· In high risk individuals, ACE inhibitors have been shown to decrease the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

· Research has shown that certain fruits can act as an ACE inhibitor.

CoffeeBerry® VitaBerry+® VitaGrape®

Inhibits: Elastase

Elastase is an enzyme that destroys a number of proteins, including elastin, an elastic substance that supports the structure of organs and tissue. Elastin is an elastic fiber that together with collagen, determines the properties of connective tissue. High Elastase levels have been associated with disorders such as Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

· Elastase destroys proteins, including elastin.

· The destruction of elastin leads to tissue damage. Elastin is a fiber that supports the structural framework of tissue.

· Tissue damage caused by Elastase plays a role in skin aging, arterial stiffness as artery walls lose elasticity.

· Food that can inhibit Elastase in the body could be useful in the treatment of Elastase-related health conditions.

· Elastase inhibition has been associated with improved skin elasticity, heart health, flexibility of arterial walls, management of COPD and Ulcerative Colitis.

FruiteX B®

FruiteX B® is a unique mineral carbohydrate molecule found in fruits and vegetables (chemically known as calcium fructoborate), represents a significant breakthrough for individuals concerned about bone and joint health, vitality and healthy aging.

FruiteX B® is the world's only food-form source of borates-mineral carbohydrates containing traces of the element boron. These plant based sugars and sugar-alcohols are considered by scientist to be essential for maintenance of healthy levels of serum calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, DHEA, estrogen and testosterone.

Double- Blind Placebo-Controlled Study

· 79% of participants reported significant increases in joint comfort and flexibility.

· Vitamin D deficient participants showed a 19.6% increase in of serum vitamin D3.

· Vitamin D deficient men exhibited a 29% increase in serum testosterone and a 56% in serum DHEA

· CRPs showed a reduction of 37%

· Perhaps the best testament to the product's appeal, subjects in the FruiteX B® group unanimously requested additional product at the end of the study.

What Is the strength of each of these components?

"SoZo lists the individual ingredients in our Proprietary Blend but not the amounts. All the weights of a specific ingredient in the blend are at levels that equal or exceed the manufactures suggested amount per day for maximum results. I will go further in regards to CoffeeBerry® and say that it does exceed 350mgs per 3oz serving of the highest grade of CoffeeBerry® available."

CoffeeBerry Forte® *

143% increase in Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Clinical Trial

BDNF is a protein active in the brain and central and peripheral nervous system with a critical role in neuron development, maintenance, and repair and in protecting against neuron-degeneration. BDNF is important for a variety of processes, including learning, memory, alertness, mood, controlling body weight, and controlling energy metabolism.

Low levels of BDNF have been associated with numerous deleterious conditions, including obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease

FruiteX B®+ Resveratrol

59% reduction in C-Reactive Protein (CRP's)

65.5% reduction of pro-BNP

Clinical Trial

The CRP test is a general test to check for inflammation in the body. It is not a specific test. That means it can reveal that you have inflammation somewhere in your body, but cannot pinpoint the exact location. A positive test means you have inflammation in the body. This may be due to a variety of different conditions, including: Cancer, Connective tissue disease, Heart Attack, Infection, Inflammatory bowel disease, Lupus, Pneumococcal pneumonia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Tuberculosis

SoZo® Nutritional Beverage

Nutrition Journal Published Clinical Trial

40% reduction in 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ( IL-8)

IL-8 is a potent vasoconstrictor, and is considered a gold standard for measuring oxidative stress in vivo. Studies have shown that serum levels of this biomarker are raised under certain inflammatory conditions such as obesity, arthritic and cardiovascular diseases.

39% reduction in Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP)

AOPPs are a product of plasma protein oxidation-especially oxidation of albumin. Because of its rapid response to changes, it is thought to be suitable for measuring short-term changes in oxidative stress. Serum levels are increased in subjects with inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative colitis and renal failure. Increased AOPP levels also correlate with cardiovascular disease markers-they may have a causal relationship in the development of atherosclerosis.

9% increase in Nitric Oxide (NO)

Nitric oxide works in the body as a vasodilator, increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Those with atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension have been shown impaired nitric oxide pathways.

Natural Supplements As Treatment For Ankylosing Spondylitis

Using natural treatments for ankylosing spondylitis appeals to many who are afflicted by this condition. ankylosing spondylitis is a form of spinal arthritis that can be both painful, and debilitating to the body of the sufferer. While almost all treatment protocols within the medical community will involve physical therapy to combat the tightening of muscles and to keep the joints as mobile as possible, as well as offering pharmaceutical drugs that are aimed at taking away the inflammation. We are going to look at 5 Supplements that can help alleviate some of the discomfort of ankylosing spondylitis, as well as being to treat some of the underlying causes that may be the true issue.

1. Curcumin

Curcumin is a member of the ginger family, and is found in the indian spice turmeric. Curcumin has shown in studies to reduce inflammation and combat against the diseases of inflammation, such as ankylosing spondylitis. Curcumin is an excellent supplement to add to your regime for it's anti-inflammatory property.

2. Zinc-Carnosine

Zinc-Carnosine attack what many researches believe is the root cause of ankylosing spondylitis; leaky gut syndrome or chronic inflammation of the large and small intestine. Zinc Carnosine in many studies has been proven to help stabilize the lining and gut mucosa. Oral supplementation with zinc carnosine has been found to reduce gastric inflammation and possible injury to the lining of the digestive system. This supplement is used in natural medicine to treat ulcers.

3. N-Acetyle Glucosamine:

N-A-G supplementation can help provide the body with what it needs to repair wounded tissue in the gut. NAG can also be used as for musculoskeletal health, which makes it an even better candidate for the treatment of ankylosing sondylitis. NAG is often used to help reduce the symptoms of IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis as well as has been used as a treatment for Osteoarthrtis. Bottom line reduce inflammation in the gut, reduce the inflammatory effects of ankylosing spondylitis.

4. Deglycyrrhiziniated Licorice (DLG)

DLG has been traditionally used in Chinese and Aurvedic medicine for a long time as a treatment for intestinal inflammation. This powerful supplement. The studies suggest it helps improve blood flow to damaged areas of the digestive tract, to help remove inflammation and promote healing of the stomach

5. L-Glutamine
L-glutamine is an amino acid that is commonly used in the gym world as part of the supplementation routine of those who exercise frequently, this is because L-glutamine is the fastest absorbing amino acid that body can absorb. The body can use this to repair muscles, but it repairs damaged tissue in general, it has been researched to have a very positive impact on the stomach and digestive system. L-Glutamine is a part of many natural medicine practitioners protocols for healing the stomach

With regards to natural treatment for ankylosing spondylitis, it can be used as a side effect free way to help reduce some of the symptoms of this painful condition. Seeing as the underlying cause ankylosing spondylitis is inflammation of the digestive tract, working to reduce this inflammation treats the real cause, which will in turn help provide relief.

Crohn's Disease and Vitamin Supplements

What is Crohn's Disease you may ask? Another name for it is Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It mainly affects the small intestine. It causes both chronic pain and diarrhea and is similar to ulcerative colitis, which causes ulcers in the intestinal lining. Unlike some diseases, IBD affects both men and women. It can also show up in children later in their adulthood. No one is quite sure what causes Crohn's Disease, but there are a variety of treatment options available.

One of the main symptoms of Crohn's Disease is lack of vitamin D. This is due in part because it is not absorbed regularly into the body because of the active inflammation in the intestines. You normally get vitamin D through foods that you eat and also from exposure to the sun, which causes you to absorb vitamin D through the skin. We need vitamin D to help regulate the amount of calcium absorbed into our bodies from foods. But for Crohn's Disease patients, vitamin D supplements might need to be taken.

With the scare of skin cancer nowadays, people are staying out of the sun more. This in turn causes people to not have enough sun exposure. One of the side effects of this is the lack of vitamin D. As we have learned earlier on, we need vitamin D for calcium. So, lacking one vitamin causes a chain reaction of lacking other vitamins or minerals in some way. Now studies have shown that too much sun can cause skin cancer. So baking in the sun at the beach eight hours a day daily is not a good idea. You need a balance. Some doctors have suggested that 15 minutes daily is good enough. But as always, talk to your doctor. Me personally, to get as much sun exposure for an hour in the park is something that's relaxing. Whether I'm jogging, biking, walking, or just plain sitting around in the sun relaxing is something I don't mind doing for an hour. The rest of the time you're either in the office or at home for most of us.

So what happens when you don't get enough vitamin D? The result is osteomalacia. This is a condition where your bones are weaker than it should be. In children, this can cause rickets. But in all age groups, your bones can be easily fractured.

Vitamin D supplements are not usually classified as drugs so you can buy it over the counter at some pharmacy or health food store and even online. But just because it's not classified as drugs doesn't mean you don't need to take precaution. First, consult with your doctor if it's safe for you to take vitamin D supplements. Since you have Crohn's Disease, you are most likely taking other medications, so it's vitally important that you consult with your doctor before you take any supplements. Taking supplements might seem harmless with your medication, but it can interact and cause side effects. You should also ask how much of the supplement you can take daily. Taking too much can lead to overdose, or vitamin poisoning, which can lead to problems with your kidneys and liver.

Living with Crohn's Disease might be difficult, but little things like vitamin D supplements can help make life easier. Talk to your doctor to learn how to make vitamin D supplements a part of your daily life routine to help battle Crohn's Disease.

Learn All About Laparoscopic Surgery, Its Main Uses and Various Advantages

First we will know, what is Laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure which uses a unique surgical instrument called a laparoscope to appear inside the body, or to perform certain operations. A tiny camera is attached to the laparoscope, which transmits the picture to a television screen above the operating table. Instruments are then inserted into additional incisions to retract, cut, suture, and staple.

  • Laparoscopic surgery is a new surgical specialty which involves operating through small incisions.

  • Typically, about 4 incisions less than 1/2 inch (10 millimeters) in length are used. Carbon dioxide gas is used to create a working space within the abdomen, but also in other areas of the body.

This laparoscopic surgery is sometimes called 'key-hole surgery' or 'minimal invasive surgery'. Laparoscopic surgery can be used for various procedures.

  • Over the last 10 years the use of this method has expanded into intestinal surgery. In traditional "open" surgery the surgeon uses a single incision to go into the abdomen. Laparoscopic surgery uses several 0.5-1cm incisions. Each incision is called a "port." At each port a tubular instrument known as a trochar is inserted. Specialized instruments and a special camera known as a laparoscope are passed through the trochars during the procedure.

  • At the beginning of the procedure, the abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas to provide a working and viewing space for the surgeon.

  • The laparoscope transmits images from the abdominal cavity to high-resolution video monitors in the operating room.

  • During the operation the surgeon watches detailed images of the abdomen on the monitor. This system allows the surgeon to perform the same operations as traditional surgery but with smaller incisions.

  • In certain situations a surgeon may choose to use a special type of port that is large enough to insert a hand. When a hand port is used the surgical technique is called "hand assisted" laparoscopy. The incision required for the hand port is larger than the other laparoscopic incisions, but is usually smaller than the incision required for traditional surgery.

For which diseases we can use Laparoscopic Surgery?

Removal of the gallbladder. This is sometimes called a laparoscopic cholecystectomy or 'lap choly' for short. It is now the most common way for a gallbladder to be removed.

  • Removal of the appendix.

  • Removal of patches of endometriosis.

  • Removal of parts of the intestines.

  • Female sterilisation.

  • Treating ectopic pregnancy.

  • Taking a biopsy (small sample) of various structures inside the abdomen which can be looked at under the microscope and/or tested in other ways.

  • Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, cancer, rectal prolapse and severe constipation.

  • Removal or repair of diseased parts of the colon or stomach (digestive system)

  • Removal or repair of the bladder, ureters, or kidneys (urinary system)

  • Removal or repair of women's reproductive organs, such as the uterus or fallopian tubes

  • GERD or Anti Reflux Surgery

  • Tubal ligation

  • Removal of a kidney in a living donor

  • Bariatric Surgery

  • Repair of a hernia

  • To view the liver and pancreas for the presence of cancer tumors

  • To view the abdomen for signs of disease that has been difficult to diagnose (exploratory surgery)

  • To view a tumor in the abdomen

  • To check the source of abdominal pain or remove scar tissue

  • To look for the source of internal bleeding or fluid buildup if the patient has a normal blood pressure

  • To view injury following trauma or an accident

What are the advantages of laparoscopic surgery?

The smaller incisions cause less damage to body tissue, organs, and muscles so that the patient

  • Smaller incision, which reduces pain and shortens recovery time, as well as resulting in less post-operative scarring.

  • Recovers quickly.

  • Experiences fewer post-operative complications and less pain.

  • Reduced hemorrhaging, which reduces the chance of needing a blood transfusion.

  • Less pain, leading to less pain medication needed.

  • Although procedure times are usually slightly longer, hospital stay is less, and often with a same day discharge which leads to a faster return to everyday living.

  • Reduced exposure of internal organs to possible external contaminants thereby reduced risk of acquiring infections.

Microscopic Colitis

Microscopic colitis is a disease that causes an inflammation of the colon, resulting in chronic diarrhea and occasional abdominal pain. It was given the name "microscopic colitis" because the inflammation can only be viewed through a microscope.

What causes microscopic colitis?

Research shows that microscopic colitis is a result of the immune system attacking bacteria living in the colon. Scientists are still unsure, however, about what instigates the attack to these bacteria. It is suggested that consumption of certain antibiotics or certain types of foods may trigger the attack. It is likewise believed that the body's immune system attacks non-foreign elements in the intestine after erroneously identifying them as foreign elements. Why this anomaly happens is uncertain.

Tests have also suggested that a certain gene present in the body may be the cause of the attack, but due to the lack of consistency in the results, there is no conclusion that can be drawn from the test.

Studies have also suggested that estrogen could be the cause of microscopic colitis. Research has yielded convincing findings that there are more women affected by this disease than men, and that these women are usually affected much later their in life when the supply of estrogen in the body is much higher.

Although it is not the actual cause of microscopic colitis, the body's reaction to glutinous food products could be the trigger for the inflammation of the colon. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats.

Treatment and prevention

The first step of treatment for microscopic colitis is the modification of the diet. The patient is usually asked to stick to gluten-free foods.

A new medical process is being developed to rid the body of immunogenic strains of bacteria that cause microscopic colitis. The process involves replacing these bacteria with good bacteria called lactobacilli.

The Truth About Culturelle Probiotics

My Story

I bought Culturelle some years ago at the recommendation of a friend, who was giving this to her autistic son to treat his leaky gut syndrome. Costing approximately SGD40 for a 30 day supply, this product did not come cheap. But I decided to give it a try anyway, hoping that it would ease the digestive troubles I was experiencing at that time. To cut the long story short, I did find relief from my indigestion three days after taking Culturelle , but did not understand or appreciate why or what makes it so effective then.

Recently I became highly interested in the topic of probiotics and started doing research on Culturelle for some time. My relentless pursuit in the jungle of information that is the internet finally revealed some fascinating facts about this product.

What Places Culturelle Apart From Other Probiotics Supplement?

Culturelle is a probiotics supplement that contains the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (strain ATCC 53103), a bacterium that occurs naturally in the human digestive tract. This bacteria strain was discovered in 1985 by two Boston based scientists, Professors Sherwood Gorbach and Barry Goldin, who were looking for a strain that could satisfy the following stringent criteria:- 

1) The bacteria should be of human origin; 2) It must be capable of attaching to human intestinal lining 3) It must be capable of colonizing the gut to prevent competition from invading pathogens; 4) It can withstand stomach and bile acid in order to survive the journey from the stomach to the intestines; and 5) The strain should have health-promoting benefits in the human body 6) It needs to be safe for human consumption. LGG satisfies all of these criteria and is the best-studied and most extensively documented probiotic lactic-acid bacteria strain in the world. At present, Lactobacillus GG has the most extensive safety assessment record of any other probiotic strain. Few other strains in the Lactobacillus rhamnosus species have received this kind of scientific attention.

Pretty amazing, I would say. But I wasn't satisfied yet. Not until I see some real scientific data behind these claims. Below is what I uncovered....

LGG proves effective for acute and traveler's diarrhea

 o LGG is an effective form of treatment for diarrhea caused by the clostridium difficile bacteria. (a) This type of bacteria is also responsible for more serious intestinal disorders like colitis. In one study of 32 patients carried out in 1996 in Boston and Baltimore the LGG treatment success rate is a significant 94%.

o LGG also significantly reduced the duration of diarrhea in another study particularly in rotavirus-caused diarrhea.(b) Professor Gary Huffnagle, renowned author of "The Probiotics Revolution" also cited a study carried out at European medical centers on 287 children (ages 1 month to 3 years) that "the duration of the diarrhea was reduced by an impressive 13 hours.."(refer to page 128 of "The Probiotics Revolution")

 o The incidence of traveler's diarrhea is lower in people who consumes Lactobacillus GG .(c)

 LGG moderates milk-sensitivity

o LGG prevents inflammation in individuals sensitive to cow's milk.

o In a double-blind, crossover study, it was found that LGG eliminated inflammatory response in the milk-sensitive subjects to a significant degree. In non-sensitive subjects, LGG stimulated their immune system.(d)   LGG decreases the incidence of atopic eczema

o Lactobacillus GG has been clinically shown to prevent occurrence of atopic eczema in children.

o In a 6 months trial of 159 infants who are at risk of developing atopic eczema, it was found that infants administered LGG were only half as likely to develop the skin disorder compared to the placebo group during the first 2 years of life.(e)   o The protective effect of LGG continued to for at least 4 years.(f)

Other Proven Therapeutic Effects of Lactobacillus GG

o Reduce H.pylori antibiotics side effects. LGG significantly reduced sided effects such as bloating, diarrhea and metallic taste in the mouth while on triple therapy, the standard treatment for H. pyloric infections.(g)

o Anti-Tumor Effects.Lactobacillus GG was observed to slow down the development of colon tumors in rats on a high-fat diet.(h)

o Prevents relapse in ulcerative colitis patients.(i)

What Else Do I Like About This Product? A check at Culturelle's website shows that they guarantee 10 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of Lactobacillus GG at the time of use-the scientifically researched amount proven for beneficial clinical response. Most manufacturers only list the number of viable bacteria cells at the time of manufacture.

Another point worth mentioning here is that each capsule in Culturelle "is individually double-foil protected and nitrogen flushed to assure maximum potency and stability, as well as to act as an effective barrier against light, moisture, heat, and air."This makes it very convenient for travelling as well as people who have limited space in their refrigerator.

Culturelle is proven safe for infants and children and pregnant women. It has no known adverse interactions with medications.

What To Watch Out For....

Milk-sensitive people be aware

Although the scientific data I presented above claims that LGG is safe for milk-sensitive individuals, I personally feel there may still be potential for allergies since Culturelle contains trace level of casein and whey which are milk protein. A search on some review sites shows that a very small minority of users experience digestive disturbances and colon irritation when taking Culturelle. Well, I suppose nothing works perfectly well for everyone, since every human being has a unique makeup in their biochemistry.

You might to consider other brands like UAS Lab's Probioplus and Natren's Healthy Trinity which are good non-dairy options.

No one type of bacteria strain works for everything

Due to the huge amount of attention place on the LGG strain by the scientific community, it is easy to neglect the potential benefits other strains of bacteria may have on the human body. In the words of Professor Gary B. Huffnagle, a highly respected immunologist and microbiologist, "all members of a bacteria species share many microbiological and biochemical traits, and others might be just as beneficial as - or even superior to-the GG strain....Until all the information is in, variety is your best bet."

My Verdict

Overall, Culturelle is a good all-rounder at an affordable price, so I would give it a 4 1/2 out of 5 star rating. Despite its flaws, I would still purchase this once in a while to create a diverse probiotics colony in my gut. It would very likely be my first choice should I ever need to fight a bad bout of gastrointestinal infection.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

What and What Not to Eat During a Colitis Relapse

As anyone with colitis knows, there is always a question mark over what foods to consume and what diet to follow whether you are in either remission or suffering from a relapse. A real challenge appears when the patient encounters a period of relapse where the inflammation of the colon becomes active and eating presents a painful problem.

It is of course essential that during a relapse the patient maintains some food intake to provide the fuel to fight the disease. Continual pain, physical and mental tiredness all take their toll and without a planned colitis diet to follow during this testing period, the patient will become even weaker and may not have the sufficient residual strength to fight the attack. As the sufferer's daily intake of food shall be reduced some weight loss is inevitable so it is vital to establish a colitis diet that the patient is comfortable with and for them to try and stick to it.

There requires to be a level of consumption of food that will sustain the patient yet not create the problem of increasing the frequency of painful toilet visits that are already having to be endured. The waste that requires to be evacuated has to unfortunately pass over the inflamed area of the colon which creates discomfort and pain for the patient. So the balancing act is between sustaining the nourishment for the patient yet trying to reduce to a minimum any further resultant pain and discomfort.

A colitis diet during a relapse should thus avoid large portions plus any food that has the tendency to create intestinal gas. Foods with such strong flavours such as herbs and spices should be avoided plus any foods that contain a high acid content. As small portions will be about all the patient can manage, there should be a tendency for higher calorie food to be consumed which can in fact take the form of snacks rather than set meals. It is important to understand that this is not a time to be concerned about putting on weight by consuming foods with a high calorific content. The patient's problem will be trying to stem the weight loss. Plus, the maxim of consuming a certain amount of fresh fruit and vegetables per day does not have to be part of a colitis diet during a relapse.

If during the height of the relapse, the patient feels too unwell to take much food if any, there are special drink supplements available which contain vitamins and minerals and are regarded as food substitutes where the patient still benefits from the intake of such without having to physically eat.

By continually trying out different foods, the sufferer should be able to create their own specific colitis diet for period of a relapse. The target is a small but constant supply of nourishment without an unacceptable increase in the amount of painful toilet visits.

Adrenal Fatigue Testing

Exhaustion and weariness is one of the popular and the most frequent rants among all the adult patients. If you have the symptoms such as the following: tiredness, frequent influenza, fearfulness, allergies, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory and difficulties in concentrating on one topic, insomnia maybe, or the fact that you are always worn-out, you could very well be suffering from a the infamous case of adrenal fatigue.

The General Symptoms

The Adrenal fatigue has a wide variety of non-specific yet often unbearable symptoms. The beginning of this disease is often sluggish and sinister. Patients are told and often forced to believe that they are stressed and need to learn to just relax more. Indeed, it is a known knowledge that stress kills to a great extent.

But, the ultimate question is how does it kill? And, what are the solutions offered to address it? Allergy and sensitivities to dietary or ecological substances can act as a body weight that contributes eventually to the Adrenal Fatigue.

It is very important to do away with or reduce the end product of these so that we can restore a healthy adrenal function. The lab tests listed on this page may help you determine the following tests can tell you if you have adrenal fatigue or not.

Gastro Test

Gastrointestinal test is excellent for people suffering from upset stomach, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, along with irritable bowel syndrome. This test is especially made for detrimental pathogens such as yeast, parasites, worms and bacteria. It also tests for small intestinal and colon inflammation, pancreatic enzyme production, and food intolerances to soy, dairy, egg and gluten, which are all upsetting to your stomach.

Hair Analysis Testing.

This can tell you which are the minerals and vitamins your body really needs at the moment. Not only that but also this test may also tell you if you have toxic metals such as aluminum, lead, copper, or mercury. This is a helpful test for people with anxiety problems, ADHD, seizures, panic attacks, hyperactivity, sleep problems, even people working in the area of toxic metals, or those who simply want to know what minerals and vitamins does their body needs.

Environmental Testing

The test is called the test for environmental allergy test. It is a sensitive blood test that somewhat precisely detects direct hypersensitivity/allergy reactions to environmental allergens that take place in just minutes up to a few hours after your exposure. However, this does not involve any skin testing. There are no unfavorable reactions since the test is done to your blood.

Food Testing

This test is called Food allergy test. It is a series of sensitive blood tests which correctly perceives instant and delayed hypersensitivity/allergy reaction to food. The delayed reactions can happen within 12 hours to weeks subsequent to exposure. It's often the deferred type of reaction which is tough to take down for the reason that symptoms might not appear until a couple of hours or days after you've eaten the substance that you are allergic to. This kind of food allergy test is the only one that could give you this kind of information.

The ELISA/ACT LRA can gauge sensitivities to molds, medicines, additives, preservatives, spices, condiments and herbs as well as many other edible foods. A diverse combination of tests is available, enabling you to decide as few as forty food items or maybe as many as two hundred plus.

Colon Flush Tips - Should You Try a Colon Flushing Treatment?

Colonic hydration, or colon flush irrigations, is one method of cleansing the colon. This method involves a two-inch tube, which is inserted into the rectum. This allows water to enter the colon, flushing out any toxins that may have built up on the colon walls over time- typically from undigested food particles, among other factors such as pollutants in the air.

The colon is charged with the duty of ridding the body of waste, and when the toxic buildup occurs, the colon cannot do its job at normal speed. This is where colon cleansing comes into play.

When choosing the colon flush above the other methods of cleansing, it is very important to make sure that the water used is pure- that way no additional toxins will be entering the body.

Colon flushing is not recommended on a regular basis because it can cause damage to the large intestine, and can also result in dependency in some cases. It also is not recommended for those who suffer from or have had surgery for the following ailments: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, kidney or heart problems, rectal hemorrhoids and diverticulosis.

Other methods of colon cleansing are deemed safer, and more natural. These include herbal remedies and altering the diet to include more fiber and water. Although those ways will take longer, they are safer because they are more natural, and cannot cause any harm on the inside during the colon flush. Also, they are aware of what exactly is going into their body. The patient should check with the doctor before having a colon cleanse.

Flaking Nails


Can you give me any advice about paper-thin, flaking nails? I follow a fairly low-fat diet because of cholesterol problems but I don't think it is extreme, and have other health problems including vitiligo. My nails are so bad that they make everyday activities a problem and playing the piano is impossible.


Nails reflect the state of one's general health. In fact, traditional physicians look at nails to diagnose various internal problems. Normally the nail takes four months to grow from the skin fold (cuticle) to the edge of the finger. Serrations or lines across the width of the nails show that there has been an inflammation or illness in the body. So if you have a single line across the nail around the midway line, you can trace its origins to an inflammation (such as joint ache, bad injury or fracture) or infection (such as sinus, tonsils, bladder) about two months before.

White spots on the nails indicate zinc or calcium deficiency. Ridges along the length of the nails testify to chronic inflammation of the body (such as sinusitis, colitis, gastritis, eczema). Clubbing or drumstick-like appearance of the fingertip suggests chronic lung disease( such as bronchitis or asthma) or a long-term inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis. pitting and uneven surface of the nails indicate some soft of fungal infection or psoriasis. Flaking nails, however, suggest that there is chronic malabsorption of calcium or a calcium deficiency in the blood. Calcium acts as the cement for the elastic fibres that fortify and roughen the nails so a deficiency will leave them loose and the nails will flake.

Lack of calcium is caused by:

*Poor synthesis of vitamin D, which facilitates calcium absorption in the colon.

* Lack of calcium in the diet, often due to a vegan or strict vegetarian diet (no animal protein means a poor level of vitamin D which is present in animal products).

*Poor absorption of calcium in the colon, usually caused by chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea or inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis.

All your muscles need calcium to contract. A calcium deficiency will cause inactivity in the muscles. The body needs to move all the time and the heart muscles have to contract rhythmically 24 hours a day. If there is a chronic deficiency, the muscles of the calves and toes go into a cramp to prevent any activity in them. So the demand for calcium is high and its presence in your blood is crucial. If your body detects a drop in the calcium level in your blood, it 'steals' it from the bones (leading to osteoporosis) and stops supplying it to less essential areas including joints, walls of blood vessels, teeth and nails. So someone with calcium deficiency may suffer from flaky nails, weak teeth or tooth enamel and bruising under the skin, as well as, potentially, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

To prevent your nails flaking, do the following:

* Make sure you are nor constipated: drink 1.5 to two litres of water daily, eat papaya, prunes and figs for breakfast, and take lsabgol psyllium husks with two tablespoonfuls of warm water or milk, and two tablets of Herbolax at bedtime for one month.

* Take breaks in the sun, either in a garden or park or at a window; sit near windows whenever possible and get as much sun as possible on your face, body and arms.

* Home-made chicken broth contains gelatine, calcium and other important minerals. Boil baby chicken, cut into pieces and seasoned with garlic, ginger, bay leaves and a cinnamon stick, in five to six pints of water, for 90 minutes on a slow heat. Strain and drink one cup of the broth an hour before your evening meal.

* Eat organic cottage cheese with manuka honey and crushed walnuts to boost your protein and calcium levels.

* Soak whole fresh almonds and hazelnuts in water at room temperature for 24 hours and eat ten of each daily. Their zinc content is also essential to healthy nails.

* Take a supplement of Coral Calcium: mix two sachets in 1.5 litres of water and drink the water throughout the day. This is an easily absorbed source of calcium.

* Eat organic chicken, fish, eggs and meat which are good sources of fat-soluble vitamin D.

* Take 400ius of vitamin E daily for three months, to encourage healthy nail growth.

Ulcerative Colitis And Depression

Ulcerative colitis can be a maddening illness to deal with. We may be concerned in an UC support cluster. From time to time it is obliging now to be familiar with so as to we are not on our own as well as there are further individuals who are bothered. For UC victims, talk about indicators, investigations and handling decisions might cause discomfiture, though an UC support collection is prepared for people who have the similar or comparable knowledge.

Constant illness may show the way to depression in addition to nervousness. Several doctors who think about ulcerative colitis patients counsel psychotherapy along with UC support group. If our general practitioner or our family associate's doctor does not have information regarding support, we may get it on the net. Various people oppose the thought of counseling or UC support group, although both may be extremely helpful. Even now discussing with others who are concern for UC patients might be helpful. Moreover, if we have had the illness for some time, we might be able to present insight to persons who are recently detected. The following are at present a few of the various programs we might find attractive and cooperative.

The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is a non-profit association so as to provide learning concerning care meant for UC, finance investigating studies, clutch an UC support group for patients and their families and sponsors activities for members. The CCFA currently has over 50,000 members and 40 chapters nationwide. At their website, you can learn more about the disease and connect with a local ulcerative colitis support assembly or else find out regarding existing investigation, decisions used for medication as well as concern for UC.

There is the Crohns illness and UC Support Group Australia, which recommends affiliates a meeting on behalf of on-line conversation, playoffs, recipes, information regarding care for UC and a support site meant for persons who have had surgical treatment or will require surgical treatment.

The majority of healthcare experts think with the aim that support groups are essential for any person who undergoes as of several chronic sicknesses, in addition to their family associates. Discovering a UC support group might reduce the probability with the intention of becoming miserable and might reduce nervousness. At the same time as anxiety is not supposed to be the cause of illness, it is assumed to make worse indicators.

Aloe Vera - A Solution For Skin Diseases and Ulcerative Colitis

While Aloe is used in the treatment of several digestive disorders of all degrees of acuteness, from mild to moderate to severe, Aloe is most commonly used with great success in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Use of aloe has been suggested for both internal and external ailments. Externally it is used in the treatment of first-degree burns especially for quick recovery. Aloe vera gel is preferred to shrink warts and also reduce the pain involved in shingles. Psoriasis symptoms can be reduced with the use of aloe gel. Dental problems including bleeding gums and denture stomatitis can also be healed using Aloe vera.

Internally aloe is used to clear constipation and cleanse your bowel. Its antioxidant properties make aloe juice a miracle potion. European folk medicine uses aloe vera to cure heartburns and ulcers. There are suggestions that it can even cure diabetes though these are not scientifically proven. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients are significantly benefited by aloe vera. Accumulation of residue in the colon is ejected naturally by the regular use of aloe. Internal ulcers and other lesions are also healed by it. The soothing effects of aloe are known to help colitis, peptic ulcers and other irritations of the digestive tract. Acidity removal is one of the many other capabilities of Aloe vera. Its anti-inflammatory fatty acids such as alkalize digestive juices keep over acidity under control.

The benefits of Aloe vera are many. Nutritionally it contains Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and various amino acids. Aloe also optimizes blood and lymphatic circulation and facilitates digestion. Aloe vera is also known for its skincare abilities. It increases the amount of oxygen available to the skin and thereby helps in the synthesis and strengthening of skin tissues. It is also popularly used in cleansing the skin. Another of its immense utilities is that it prevents tanning caused by the sun because of its anti-burning properties making it a skin care product par excellence.

Poop is Green? 5 Facts About Green Poop Revealed

Just because poop is green, it does not mean that you suffer from some kind of inner infection. However, if your poop comes with ailments of the stomach like indigestion, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach bloating or constipation, then you might have to take natural procedures of colon cleansing into consideration. Here are the top 5 causes behind dark green poop:

1. The greatest reason that abrupt color changes occur within your poop would be from eating too much leafy green vegetables. If you regularly eat green vegetables like spinach and broccoli, your poop might naturally change its color.

2. If you eat a lot of red beans, breakfast cereals, spinach and red meat, you might suffer from dark green poop because these foods come with a lot of iron that could darken your poop's color. This happens because these foods cannot get completely absorbed by the intestinal tract.

3. If you eat foods that make use of certain coloring agents, like popsicles, sherbet and drink flavorings, you might suffer from green poop.

4. One primary reason why poop is green would be adverse side effects that come with various medications. As a matter of fact, using too many antibiotics and laxatives could also be very harmful for your body. One primary cause could also be food poisoning.

5. Several chronic abdominal diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, nutritional malabsorbtion and an unexpected overgrowth of dangerous bacteria inside the human colon could also change your poop's overall color.

Dark green poop might not be an ailment that should be taken seriously. However, if it persists and comes with chronic abdominal conditions like abdominal pain, gas, irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion, you have to cleanse the infected colon with natural supplements of colon cleansing as soon as possible. Supplements of colon cleansing that are made out of herbs have the power to get rid of plaques, blocked fecal matter, and parasites from inside the intestinal tract. They will also eliminate your green poop permanently.

These natural supplements of colon cleansing truly have the power to eliminate green poop in no time. As a matter of fact, they can also help in curing chronic abdominal conditions with ease, as well as help with weight loss.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Thai Mango - A Luscious and Precious Staple

The Thai mango is known as "Ma Muang" in Thai, although this varies by region. For example, in the Northern region a mango is also known as "Pae," and in the South as "Pao." The mango is rich in symbolic meaning. As part of the feng shui tradition, for generations many Thais have believed that growing a mango tree on the south side of the house will bring prosperity to the family. More broadly, mangoes are so widely enjoyed in Thailand and surrounding countries that they truly do represent a precious part of the culture. There are perhaps more than one hundred types of Thai mangoes, many of them hybrids developed in Thailand. The mango tree only bears fruit once per year, and its season is between late March and early June. This is the time one will find delicately delicious mangoes - a fairly small window of time for top quality. Nevertheless, this small window of time represents much of the enjoyment of mangoes by so many in Thailand, making it in effect a staple for meals and especially desserts.

Thai mangoes vary in size, shape and color depending on the type, soil and harvest areas. The shapes of mangoes can be round, kidney-like in shape, oval, or a long slender shape. The color of a raw mango is typically green, but the color of ripe mangoes (the skin) can be yellow, yellow-green, green, yellowish orange or yellowish red. All mangoes have only one flat seed surrounded by flesh. Ripe mangoes have flesh that is yellow, golden-yellow, orange or orange-yellow.

The following are the most well-known mango types:

  • Nam Dok Mai: oval with a sharp pointed tip. The ripe fruit has golden-yellow flesh with a sweet-scented taste;

  • Kiaw Sa Woei: oblong dark green fruit. The ripe fruit has pale white flesh with a sweet taste;

  • Thong Dam: oval with rounded tip. The ripe fruit has yellowish orange flesh with a sweet taste;

  • OK Rhong: oval with rounded tip. The ripe fruit has light yellowish orange flesh with a sweet taste;

  • Raed: oblong with a small pointed knob. The ripe fruit has light yellow flesh with a sweet-scented taste;

  • Pim Sian: oval with tapered tip. The ripe fruit has light yellow flesh with a sweet taste;

  • Nang Klang Wan: oblong with curved and tapering tip. The ripe fruit has light yellow flesh and a sweet-scented taste.

As I experienced in Thailand, mangoes are eaten in a number of ways depending on the type of mango. Both ripe and raw mangoes are enjoyed as snacks. Nam Dok Mai, Nang Klang Wan, Thong Dam and OK Rhong are usually served at the peak of ripeness. The most famous dessert is perhaps mangoes with sticky rice (Khao Niaw Ma Muang). Increasingly, this dish is being offered at restaurants in America as well. Kiaw Sa Woei, Pim Sian, Fah Lan and Raed are preferably eaten raw, even though they are also delicious as ripe mangoes. Well-liked dishes include Mango Salad (Yum Ma Muang - spicy shredded raw mangoes) and Crispy Shredded Catfish with Raw Mango Salad (Yum Pla Duk Foo).

When eating raw mangoes, dipping sauce is essential. The two common dipping sauces are:

  • mixed of salt, sugar and crushed dry chilli, called Prik Gleua in Thai,

  • mixed of chilli, fish sauce and palm sugar, heated to a caramel-like consistency, called Nam Pla Wan in Thai

Besides eating fresh and raw mangoes, Thais also use mangoes to make ice cream, juice and milkshakes, as well as pickled mango (Ma Muang Dong), dry pickled mango (Ma Muang Chae Im), or air dried pureed mango (Ma Muang Kuan). Since mangoes ripen so quickly and are abundant during the season, many mangoes are canned and sold, both domestically and internationally. Mango products are usually made from other types of mango such as Kaew, Chok Anan and Maha Chanok.

Thais not only use mangoes as fruit or in cooking, but in medicine as well. The following process is one example. The seed of the ripe mango is dried, and subsequently ground up or boiled in water. This process results in a drink which helps one with health problems such as a bloated feeling or to get rid of a parasite or worm. Another approach involves boiling 15-20 mango leaves with water to create a drink to treat bloated feelings, ulcerative colitis, or for other applications such as external use to clean wounds. Some drink water boiled with the bark of a mango tree to reduce fever. As always, consult a physician as appropriate before deciding on treatments.

Asian grocery stores in America often do not have Thai mangoes, but may have products made from Thai mangoes. In this case, if mango juice or mangoes with sticky rice sound appealing this summer, mangoes from the Philippines or Mexico are your best substitute. Costco often offers Mexican mangoes - wait until they are ripe - the skin will be very yellow. Mangoes from the Philippines may be better, but they are equally if not more difficult to find.

As the vast majority of people in Southeast Asia eat mangoes, the cultural significance of the mango is broadly based. The mango has been a luscious and precious staple for generations. This is an ongoing result of both the high quality Thai mango itself, and the inspiration of its many delicious variations, uses, and cultural heritage.

Napatr Lindsley

Signs and Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome also known as intestinal permeability are terms used to describe the inability of the stomach lining to process or absorb protein molecules. Instead of being absorbed and digested, these proteins flow throughout the bloodstream. Here, they stimulate the immune system, and in turn, the immune system reacts to their existence as they would to any foreign bodies by starting an inflammatory reaction that leads to autoantibody production and autoimmune disease development. Evidence for this theory includes the presence of stomach damage seen in patients with a number of different auto-immune diseases including IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's condition, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thryroiditis, vasculitis, and dermatitis herpetiformis. In many of these conditions, a reduction of digestive inflammation correlates with a reduction or remission of autoimmune symptoms.

Common causes of leaky gut involve alcohol, medications, parasitic organisms, caffeine, bacteria, some food preservatives and additives, allergic states such as gluten understanding and lactose intolerance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, adrenal cortical steroids, enhanced sugars, oral birth control methods, and fungus. Serious swelling from these sources damages the protective coat of Immunoglobulin A, which interferes the body's normal capability to inhibit these substances. The resulting toxins then interfere with the liver's ability to detoxify these substances. One result is increased sensitivity to environmental agents such as cigarettes, chemical cleaners and strong fragrances. Early signs involve a tendency toward hay fever.

Stage 1 Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

• Bloating
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Depression
• Intestinal Gas
• Heartburn
• Gum Disease

Leaky gut, in its beginning period, makes severe swelling in your intestinal tract producing significant harm to the abdominal coating. As that coating becomes more damaged, your body no longer can make the necessary enzymes to not only digest, but also absorb food.

Stage 2 Symptoms

• Pain in the joints
• Migraines and other headaches
• Digestive problems
• Dermatitis, Psoriasis and Eczema
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Apparent Food Allergies

At this stage, it is causing intestinal lining cells to break down and form large gap junctions. These gaps allow the partly consumed food and substances into your bloodstream instead of sending them through your digestive tract to be further digested.

Stage 3 Symptoms

• Ulcerative Colitis
• Arthritis
• Systemic Candida, nail Fungus, ringworm, etc.
• Celiac's Disease
• Severe Skin Conditions
• Colitis
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Crohn's Disease
• Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Without treatment, your immune system will eventually become fatigued - this is what causes the development of autoimmune problems. When this happens, Leaky Gut is even more problematic.

It is crucial to not allow Leaky Gut Syndrome to progress very far because it becomes even more difficult to cure. The earlier you start to study on how to heal leaky gut, the more good it will do.

Also, keep in mind that even though it is relatively easy and typical to use other issues as the reason for such serious symptoms, the reality is that your body is basically trying to tell you that there is something wrong. If you pay attention to your signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome, they will take you to the actual problem.

Omega 3 Fish Oil - Head to Toe Benefits For Type 2 Diabetes!

Contrary to popular belief within diabetic circles... and even some physicians, most of the deaths of people with type 2 diabetes are caused by heart disease. As you may have seen in the news, fish oil is one of the best supplements for preventing heart disease.

One of the most well established connections between heart disease and type 2 diabetes is the fact that most diabetics have high triglyceride (fat) levels and low HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Eating sufficient levels of fish or taking fish oil supplements can have positive effects on both of these heart health indicators.

This doesn't mean that you should stop trying to control your blood sugar levels and just eat lots of fish. You still need to reduce carbohydrates and start exercising if you haven't already. But eating fish two times a week is a good addition to your diabetic diet, and if you don't particularly like the taste of fish, you can find omega-3 fish oil supplements just about anywhere.

Reduce Fats and Increase Good Cholesterol:

Studies show type 2 diabetics can increase their good cholesterol levels and reduce triglycerides in their bloodstream simply by taking omega-3 fish oil supplements. The results for people in the pre-diabetes stage show that those who consumed enough fish oil either through eating fish or taking supplements, lowered their risk of progressing to a diagnosis of full-blown type 2 diabetes.

The American Heart Association wholeheartedly endorses the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, the technical name for the contents of fish oil. In fact, the Heart Association recommends eating at least two meals of fish every week. The omega-3 fatty acids we need are found in two forms, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

While you can acquire omega-3's in the form of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) from other sources, such as flaxseed, walnuts, canola and soybean oils, these are not as good for your heart as the forms found in fish. The best types of fish for omega-3 fatty acids are:

  • sardines

  • albacore tuna

  • herring

  • mackerel

  • swordfish and

  • salmon.

Omega-3's - Head to Toe Benefits for Diabetics:

Cardiovascular research indicates that omega-3's can benefit everyone, even if you already have had a heart attack. Fish oils have also helped people who have joint problems from rheumatoid arthritis... a common affliction with type 2 diabetes.

The latest studies are focusing on how omega-3 fatty acids can help memory loss in people who have varying forms of dementia. Other diseases and conditions being researched in relation to the effectiveness of omega-3's include cancer, cystic fibrosis, transplant rejection, ulcerative colitis, lupus, Chrohn's disease, asthma, and schizophrenia, just to name a few.

What About Mercury?

Think that omega-3 recommendations without a discussion about mercury is a bit...fishy? So do I. Although women who are pregnant and children should stay away from fish with the highest mercury levels, there are always fish to eat with the lowest levels. These include salmon and canned tuna fish, among others. The US Food and Drug Administration recommends adding fish to your diet as well and says that the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Omega-3's from Plants:

Type 2 diabetics sometimes have a harder time processing omega-3s which come from plants. However, these are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids as well, although they are high in ALA, the "less good" omega-3. The best plant based omega-3 sources are:

  • flaxseed oil

  • canola oil

  • tofu

  • soybeans

  • pecans

  • walnuts, and even

  • dark green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach

Omega-3's really fit into an eating plan which is aimed at increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of diabetic complications which includes heart disease.

Gastroenterology Specialists - What Can They Treat?

Physicians who specialize in gastroenterology diagnose and treat the digestive systems of the body. This is a complex field.

Medical practitioners who specialize in the field of gastroenterology diagnose and treat many portions of the body's digestive systems. Gastroenterologists are grouped with the focus of hepatology in order to offer diagnostics, treatment and preventative care for more than just the stomach. There are many organs and body parts that play a part in digestion including the colon, intestine, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, esophagus and stomach. The food that we eat goes through many channels and stages in order to nourish our bodies.

Some of the treatment services these physicians may offer include:

Constipation: Constipation can occur for many different reasons. Diet can be a component as can dehydration and lack of exercise. Function of the rectum and pelvic floor must also be tested for proper workability.

Fecal incontinence: On the other end of the spectrum from constipation is fecal incontinence. Dietary changes or sphincter surgery may help.

Reflux problems and Barrett's esophagus: Monitoring, evaluation and treatment of these problems can be achieved by these doctors.

Pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer: Multiple problems pertaining to the pancreas are tended to by these gastro specialists.

Preventative testing: Endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasounds, colonography and more may be done as preventative testing.

Malnutrition guidance: Nutritionists may help to sort out feeding and eating problems which have led to a patient becoming malnourished. Malabsorption may be part of the problem, as well.

Esophageal cancer: Cancer of the esophagus is diagnosed and treated within this arena of health care.

Gastrointestinal cancer: These cancers occur in the stomach, rectum, colon and anus.

Liver problems: Liver transplants may be performed by these physicians.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Inflammatory bowel disease is also referred to as IBS. Medications as well as psychosocial counseling often help sufferers of this malady.

Crohn's disease: Drugs and surgery along with lifestyle alterations can be utilized to help with Crohn's disease. Sufferers can still live an active lifestyle.

Colitis: Ulcerative colitis causes swelling of the large intestine and can be very painful. There is no cure but many ways to make sufferers more comfortable.

Difficulty swallowing: Nerve and muscle problems can make swallowing difficult. Two conditions are called oropharyngeal dysphagia and esophageal dysphagia.

Treatment options in gastroenterology and the digestive centers of the body have increased in recent years due to research and technological advancement. Many procedures are less invasive than in the past due to new techniques.

If a patient is having difficulty in any of the above areas, he or she should seek a consultation with a reputable gastroenterology specialist to find answers. Since these are highly specialized physicians, it will be difficult to get word-of-mouth referrals from your average friend or neighbor. For such a practitioner, asking one's family doctor for professionals that they would recommend is one method of obtaining referrals. Calling one's insurance company to see who is covered on their plan is another good idea. Doctor referral resources are also available online in order to help a new patient pre-screen a physician.

Basic Coping Methods for Common Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Incontinence underwear can help you manage your problems with ulcerative colitis. What is ulcerative colitis and how do you know if you are suffering from it or not? There are many symptoms to this problem and you need to speak with your doctor to be sure that you do have it. Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis but the main indicator is dealing with rectal irritation.

Many people find that one of the big causes of ulcerative colitis comes from the way in which you handle the emotional stress in your life. Emotional stress will take its toll on your body and it can often lead to many of the painful symptoms. It can flare up without any type of reason, which can baffle doctors. This often causes you to be in a lot of pain or to have fecal incontinence. When this happens you need the protection of quality adult diapers or incontinence underwear that will capture the fecal matter and prevent you from being embarrassed.

An infection of the bladder or of the bowels can end up causing you to struggle with incontinence and the pain of ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea often causes many infections to occur and this can lead to a flare up with your disease. It also makes it painful to pass gas or to pass the fecal matter. This is why you need to have adult diapers or other incontinence products that will give you the protection you need.

You will need to take medications if you have ulcerative colitis. This will help the inflammation in the large intestine and will prevent the ulcers from forming in the colon. If you have chronic abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea you likely have ulcerative colitis and you need to seek out medical treatment immediately. It is vital to be tested as you could have Crohn's disease and you will need to have additional treatments. You can learn about treatment options as well and figure out common triggers that doctors believe lead to flare ups with ulcerative colitis.

Changing your diet is one of the best things that you can do in order help manage ulcerative colitis. You need to avoid certain foods that are believed to trigger problems. These foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fried foods. The dietary needs for individuals with ulcerative colitis is hard for you to manage and adapt to but the longer you are on the diet, the easier it will be for you to adjust to it. Reduce your intake of dairy products as they too lead to problems with the digestive track. Increasing your intake of folic acid is a great way to manage your condition.

Depending upon the severity of your condition you may need to go in for surgery. This is a great option as it may help you get back to normal. A part of your rectum and colon will be removed and it helps to allow for normal bowel movements again. For individuals that have been dealing with rectal leakage because of ulcerative colitis, this can be a blessing as you may no longer need to wear adult diapers.

Maintaining a healthy body is also important to help you with ulcerative colitis problems. You need to work hard on exercising the body to help relax the bowels and give you control over them again. Having a relaxing workout session helps to decrease stress and many believe that it causes them to gain control again so they do not need adult diapers or other incontinence products.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis - Symptoms

Ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease both of which are disorders that come under the category of irritable bowel syndrome have certain common symptoms. The three most frequent symptoms are persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever.

Ulcerative colitis is a disorder that is caused due to inflammation of the inner lining of the colon. It is one of the two disorders that fall under the irritable bowel syndrome with the other being crohn's disease.

The symptoms of this condition are similar to crohn's disease and hence, it is difficult to diagnose which disorder of the irritable bowel syndrome a patient suffers from unless detailed medical screening is done. Here is a list of symptoms, some of which are common to both these disorders. These symptoms are also likely to vary depending on the severity of the inflammation or the extent to which the colon is inflamed.

Recurrent diarrhea - Quite often patients refer to loose stools three or four times a day as irritable bowel syndrome. However, it is essential to diagnose the condition to receive proper treatment. Anyone suffering from recurrent diarrhea three or four times a day for several days on end should consult a physician and undergo the prescribed tests for diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.

Abdominal pain - Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis often suffer from cramping in the left side of their abdomen. This is one point of difference from crohn's disease where the pain is usually experienced in the right abdominal region. Persistent abdominal pain in left side warrants medical evaluation to diagnose or at least rule out the disorder.

Fever/fatigue - Since this disorder is caused by an inflammation in the body, a common symptom is fever that could either be mild or very high, but persistent. In some cases, patients suffering from ulcerative colitis could also experience constant fatigue, which is caused by the inflammation and aggravated by diarrhea.

These are the three most common symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, there could be symptoms such as rectal bleeding, loss of appetite, and urgent need to pass stool after every meal. It is important to address the symptoms early as medication can help control the disorder. Common technique used for diagnosis of ulcerative colitis includes colonoscopy based on which a biopsy of the tissue is carried out. Certain other tests could also be prescribed. Once the physician is able to identify which disorder of the irritable bowel syndrome the patient suffers from and rules out crohn's disease, he can prescribe medication to control the inflammation.