Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Detox the Natural Way With Herbal Fiberblend

There are many methods available to detox the body. Enemas and Colonic Irrigations can provide fast relief. Those who use these treatments may notice a feeling of more energy afterwards. Can Herbal Supplements enhance this process?

Cancer Of The Colon

The Bowel Cancer & Digestive Research Institute of Australia states, "Colon Cancer is the second most common cause of death amongst Cancers in Australia". According to the American Cancer Society, "6% of Americans will contract Colon or Rectal cancer during their lifetime". While surgery can often help those with cancer, perhaps we should look at prevention to avoid situations like colon bags replacing a part of the large intestine!

Why Detoxification?

in his book, "The Detox Diet", Elson Haas, M.D. defines a toxin as " Any substance that creates irritating and/or harmful effects in the body, undermining our health and stressing our biochemical or organ functions.".

A Body Overloaded with Toxins Can Result in a Number of Symptoms, including Constipation, Poor Digestion, Headaches, Gas, Weight Gain, Fatigue, Excessive Mucus, Poor Concentration, Poor Skin, Poor Memory, Depression, Stomach Bloat, Body Odor, and Bad Breath.

Many Health Practitioners Relate Toxins To Specific Diseases. R.A. Buist, M.D., (International Clinical Nutrition; states that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be related to toxin exposure. Dr Buist is an advocate of herbal Fiberblend and I have heard him lecture on the subject some years ago. Multiple chemical sensitivity and Fibromyalgia (muscle and joint pain) may also be environment-related diseases.

Why Do We Need More Fiber?

Constipation is often due to insufficient fiber in the diet. You May Think One Bowel Movement a Day is Normal. In Fact 3 Bowel Movements is Optimal to Remove Toxins and Cleanse the Colon of Harmful Toxins. Toxins Build up in Your Colon, and That is the Cause of Colon Disease.

Dennis Burkitt, in his book, "Don't Forget the Fibre in Your Diet" revolutionised the concept of colon health by recommending everyone add extra fiber to their diets as a way to improve digestive tract function.

Constipation Can Cause Many Ailments Including: Appendicitis, Hernia, Diverticulitis, Hemorroids, Headaches, Insomnia, Obesity, Indigestion and Varicose Veins. Harmful Toxins Held in the Bowel Can Lead to Diabetes, Candidiasis, Ulcerative Colitis, Meningitis, Migraines, Gas and Bloating.

A Herbal Fibre Blend

A Herbal Fiberblend combines the soluble fiber psyllium with 17 cleansing herbs providing a simple way to cleanse. Studies have found that in populations with high-fiber diets, have significantly lower incidences of colon cancer, appendicitis, and diverticulosis. Industrialized countries, which largely have diets high in fat and low in fiber, have higher incidences of these diseases.The addition of specific herbs allows so much more than just provide bowel bulk.

An example of a few herbs considered necessary in a good Herbal Fibre Blend. Alfalfa, Black walnut hulls, Cascara Sagrada, Hibiscus Marshmallow root & Yucca. You should at least have these in any Herbal Cleansing product you sue.

More Than Plain Fiber

When we add a few herbs to Psyllium, we get a formula that kills many intestinal parasites, and gently reconditions the colon over time. While colonic irrigations and enemas certainly do a good job of cleaning the bowel, there are long term benefits associated with regular use of fibre plus herbs to repair deterioration that naturally occurs over the years.


As you age, looking after your health becomes increasingly important. Colon health is a necessary part of this and if you don't know that already, you will unless you take preventive measures! In our modern world, this is becoming more important than ever.

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