Sunday, June 23, 2013

Survivor Reveals How to Reduce Ulcerative Colitis Pain

If there is one aspect of a colitis attack that every sufferer regards with some apprehension it is the build up and at times the ferocity of the resultant abdominal pain. Even though other symptoms such as diarrhea which results in frequent trips to the toilet coupled with the appearance of blood, tiredness and a loss of appetite have to be endured, it is the associated abdominal pain that is the number one symptom to be concerned about.

Abdominal pain endured during a colitis attack is the result of inflammation of the large colon. The area that is affected becomes inflamed and will excrete both blood and bowel mucus. This in turn alters the frequency and consistency of the feces with the result being that the sufferer has to go to the toilet much more frequently and experience pain when emptying the bowel.

The abdominal pain is created in two different ways. Firstly, when matter within the colon is in contact with the inflammation this antagonizes it. At its very worst, the effect can be compared to using a food grater against an open wound. Secondly, the body's movement can create this pain as the affected part of the colon will move and force contact with more of the colon.

An easy and effective method of reducing the pain is to try and eliminate all unnecessary body movement. This will entail accepting that the daily routines of life are put on hold. When experiencing a full relapse, there is little point in trying to do anything other than rest and eliminate movement as the consequences will be to inflame the symptoms unnecessarily. Laying down flat in bed is one of the most effective methods of reducing the pain. Movement is eliminated and as the colon is therefore still, its walls will not be coming into contact with each other. This position will also help reduce the movement of the bloodied diarrhea within the colon so as to reduce its likelihood of coming into contact with the inflammation, thus less pain.

When symptoms are at their worst, a sufferer maybe faced with the prospect of every time that they move they will have to get to the toilet. This indicates severe inflammation and will result in pain when emptying the bowels. A doctor may prescribe steroid foam to be administered directly onto the inflamed area in order to ensure the medication is concentrated where it is required most.

Whilst trying to eradicate movement is particularly important in the quest to reduce abdominal pain, the colitis sufferer should also attempt to be proactive in not unerringly planting the seeds for avoidable instances of the pain to occur. As an example, the role of diet is also very important when experiencing a relapse and through effective colitis management techniques, the sufferer can attempt to mitigate the chances of increasing ulcerative colitis pain unnecessarily.

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