Saturday, May 18, 2013

Salt Rooms Vs. Salt Caves

Artificial Salt Rooms are popping up around the country. They are an inexpensive way of giving the public a "taste of what real salt therapy" is all about. These artificial salt rooms are constructed by placing a metal grid on the wall and then mixing sea salt with artificial resins and applying the mixture to the wall by hand until all the spaces are covered. Some salt rooms use this method on their ceilings as well. The floor is covered in loose sea salt.

The room has a "sterile white" appearance. To soften this appearance many salt rooms place Himalayan Salt Lamps around the room. Some of the materials used for the construction of the room could become breeding grounds for bacteria.

Keeping this in mind, manufacturers of Halo-generators recommend that after each 45 minute session the room be treated with an ultra violet light to destroy any bacteria in the room.

Salt is introduced into the environment through the use of a machine called a Halo-generator. The Halo-generator has numerous metal blades which grinds and blows crushed salt up into the air, at a continual high speed, with an audible sound. This method of distributing sodium chloride salt particle aerosol (about 0.3 -0.5 microns) can accommodate a room up to 300 square feet.

The construction of a salt cave is very different.

Salt caves are built with tons of imported large salt rocks, natural resins, wood and water features that create a natural micro climate, totally free of bacteria. This sterile environment filled with negative ions helps to relax and modulate the nervous system, freeing the body from the stresses of external stimuli and initiating healing and rebalancing.

Salt Caves do not use halo- generators or other mechanical or artificial means of "spraying salt". Salt oxidizes mechanical parts, which then spray unhealthy oxides into the environment. The salt in a cave regenerates and grows because the water features found within the cave feed the micro climate with a salt saturated solution known as sole (pronounced so-LAY). This is the same solution which is found in the primal oceans and in embryonic fluid.

This unique microclimate is enriched with 84 trace micro-elements, the same elements found within the human body. They are absorbed by the human organism in a natural way through respiration and one's pores. As these elements are inhaled and absorbed into the body, the body's PH is leveled and returns to the healthy state of homeostasis. Water and salt are the essence of life. The result: the body and mind are in perfect balance and you feel relaxed, rejuvenated and energized.

Research and studies have demonstrated the beneficial value of the microclimate of salt caves in shielding our bodies against viral infections, in balancing our immune system, in the enhancement of sport performance & in the following disorders:

(1) respiratory infections: upper respiratory system, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, obstructive pneumonia
(2) Cardiovascular diseases: hypotension, circulatory insufficiency, post-infarct period
(3) Immune system diseases: thyroid gland etc.
(4) Gastrointestinal diseases: large intestine inflammation, Crohn's disease, spastic colon & ulcerative colitis, constipation, malabsorption, gastritis, stomach & duodenal ulcer
(5) Skin diseases: acne, dermatitis, allergies, psoriasis, delay in skin aging, wrinkle removal
(6) Nervous system disorders: chronic fatigue, panic attacks, migraine, improvement in ability to concentrate.

Disorders of metabolism: obesity treatment

As a drug-free treatment for asthma, bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and sinusitis salt caves focus on the source of the problem rather than just suppressing the symptoms like medication does. It is a drug-free solution that is free from side-effects.

Curcumin Supplements - What to Look For?

Before you buy curcumin supplements, you need to know what to look for. Otherwise you could end up wasting your money or worse, you could end up with more health problems than you started with.

First, you need to know about "bioavailability".

The term is used by researchers to describe a drug's or nutrient's ability to be used by the cells of the body, their ability to pass into the bloodstream. Research has shown that the antioxidant does not show up in blood serum, even after eating large quantities.

Where does it go?

Most of it stays in the digestive system. It is rapidly degraded by stomach acid. In this form, it may still be beneficial for conditions such as ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel.

It might help prevent colorectal cancer as well, but some of the purported health benefits would require that it enters the bloodstream.

So, even high dose curcumin supplements may not provide the benefits that you are looking for. That's money wasted, but high doses can also cause health problems. Nausea and diarrhea have been reported in clinical studies.

It may also interfere with iron metabolism, which could cause anemia. These unwanted side effects are not seen at low to moderate dosages, but that brings us back to the problem of bioavailability.

It is possible to address that problem with a tablet that has an enteric coating. It is stomach acid that causes the degradation or breakdown of the beneficial compound.

An enteric coating protects it from that. The coating would also prevent any nausea or stomach upset.

Once the tablet passes the stomach, the nutrient is released into the upper intestine. There, it can pass through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. Problem solved? Almost.

Safe daily dosages are in the range of 50-100mg per day, but with that small amount, we want to be sure that all of it is absorbed.

If your curcumin supplements contain piperine, it is included to insure that the entire nutrient is absorbed. Piperine is found in black pepper. It increases the bioavailability of many nutrients, including beta-carotene, selenium, B6 and amino acids.

When it comes to curcumin, it increases the bioavailability of that nutrient by 2000%.

Piperine has health benefits of its own. It improves digestion, reduces pain, may help reduce asthma attacks and increases the production of serotonin, one of the body's "feel good" chemicals.

Curcumin supplements, if properly designed, reduce inflammation, support brain, heart and liver health, reduce your risk of various types of cancer, support healthy immune system function and contribute to digestive health.

If you are looking for the best single-ingredient supplement, the only one that I would recommend is omega3 DHA fish oil. It's good for the brain, the heart and the joints.

But, even then, it is best to shop around for the highest quality, if you want to see the most benefit.

When it comes to antioxidants like curcumin supplements, there are just too many beneficial ones to choose from. Luckily, we don't have to.

Some supplements contain practically all of them.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet - Will Changing the Way You Eat Help?

Anyone who has Colitis knows in spite of what the Doctors tell us that Diet has a huge effect on our symptoms. Eating the wrong foods can make symptoms get much worse and may even trigger a full blown flare up. I've done loads of research in to diet, read loads of books and tried many different ways of eating in order to recover from my Colitis fully. The best type of diet I have found is a type of Paleolithic eating plan, which is basically eating in the same way as our hunter gatherer ancestors did. We evolved and thrived as humans over millions of years being hunter gatherers, and it is only in the last 10,000 years that our diet has changed.

Benefits of Paleolithic Eating

o It is how you are designed to eat, perfected over millions of years of evolution.

o It is highly nutritious and covers all major dietary components.

o A Paleo diet has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory diet.

o People with autoimmune diseases have been shown to get much better when they eat a Paleo diet.

o Your weight will naturally normalize to a healthy level for you.

o Insulin response is normalized and so you don't get energy dips in the day.

o It makes you feel great! Mood is improved and Energy levels are more even.

So how do you eat like Paleolithic Man did? Well its remarkably simple and easy to do. You can basically eat everything except for any Refined Sugar, Dairy, Grains, Beans or Potatoes. Thats the basics of it. When I first started eating in this way it helped my symptoms enormously, especially with wind bloating and stomach cramps. It also had a positive effect on my stool consistency and I now only need to go once a day. There are some additional adjustments to the basic Paleo diet which help even more for people with autoimmune diseases like Colitis. They are avoiding eggs, tomatoes and peppers.

Ulcerative Colitis Remedy - Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is a plant that originates in Africa and has long been regarded as having anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. The gel from the plant can be taken orally for Ulcerative Colitis. Initially there wasn't real evidence that the plant could have a proven benefit as an Ulcerative Colitis remedy. Proponents believed that it did but there were definitely skeptics as well. More recently there have been blind studies conducted that have shown that there actually is a marked positive effect for sufferers of the disease who consume the gel orally as compared to those who don't.

In the studies a number of patients were given a regime of Aloe Vera gel. Another set of patients were given the same regime but the in this case were administered placebo. The results indicated that there were definite benefits for those who were given Aloe Vera. For instance:

  • Clinical remission occurred in 30% of Aloe Vera patients as opposed to 7% of those who took placebo

  • Improvement was documented in 37% of those who took Aloe Vera in contrast to only 1% of those who didn't

  • Response occurred in 47% when Aloe Vera was used but for only 14% of the patients who received placebo

In light of these findings it seems very obvious that a clinical benefit exists. Many in the medical field often discredit natural remedies for diseases in favor of expensive manufactured drugs. Hopefully this proves to them that alternatives to harsh medicines may exist and can benefit those who suffer from illness. It is important to remember to always heed the advice of a medical professional, but it never hurts to research ways to supplement and maybe even replace harsher prescription drugs in favor of a natural remedy for Ulcerative Colitis. Aloe Vera gel has other significant uses as a natural remedy as well. Here are some examples:

Can be used topically for

  • Minor burns

  • Wounds

  • Sunburn

  • Radiation-related skin reaction

  • Genital herpes

  • Psoriasis

Can be used orally for

  • Ulcers

  • Diabetes

  • Crohn's disease

  • Immune Support

  • Constipation

Since Aloe Vera gel has also been proven as a safe natural remedy for Ulcerative Colitis there is definitely good reason to make use of this supplement in your routine. Many have already done so and are gladly reaping the benefits of this wonderful natural remedy. In addition, using natural supplements can also mean a great cost savings especially if the patient can reduce the amount of the costly prescriptions drugs that are required.

Digestive System Disorders

The function of the digestive system is to take the food and liquids that we put into our mouths and then either turn them into nutrients and energy needed by the cells of our body, turning what the body doesn't absorb into waste products to be expelled by our body as bowel movements. Digestive system disorders happen when there is a faulty function during the process of digestion which prevents some part of the digestive system from working as it should do. There are many common digestive system disorders.

Colon and Rectal cancer is a malignant cell in large intestine, which consists of the colon and the rectum. Colon and rectal cancers share so many common features that they are referred to as the same cancer which is how the name colorectal cancer came about. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death by cancer in the U.S.A. If you have symptoms of colorectal cancer you should consult your doctor right away. Common symptoms include: a change in normal bowel habits, blood on or in the stool that is either bright or dark, unusual abdominal or gas pains, very narrow stool, a feeling that the bowel has not emptied completely after passing stool, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.

Stomach cancer, or gastric cancer, affected approximately 21,700 Americans in their 60s and 70s in 2001. The risk factors for developing stomach cancer are increased by a diet that consists of eating large amounts of smoked foods, salted fish and meat, foods that are high in starch and low in fiber, pickled vegetables, and foods and beverages that contain nitrates and nitrites.

Diarrhea is watery stool, or an increased frequency in bowel movements, or both as compared to the normal amount of stool passed by the individual. Diarrhea can be short-term, which can be related to a bacterial or viral infection, or it can be long-term which is usually related to a functional disorder or intestinal disease.

Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection which occurs in small pouches that bulge out in the colon. There is a tendency for these patches to catch and trap food particles, which can lead to infection.

Gas in your digestive tract is often caused by swallowing air or during the breakdown process of certain foods by the bacteria that is present in the colon. Everyone has gas, but if you have a gas problem it can be uncomfortable and certainly embarrassing to pass the gas.

Heartburn is what most of us get from time to time. Chronic, problematic heartburn is a digestive disorder called gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is caused by gastric acid that backs up from the stomach and into the esophagus, where it can burn sensitive tissue, and can lead to cancer.

There are several different diseases that fall under the category of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), all of which require a doctor for treatment. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are two of these diseases. Ulcerative colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders and to Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease differs because it causes inflammation deeper within the intestinal wall and can occur in other parts of the digestive system including the small intestine, mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Crohn's disease symptoms can be different for each person. The most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Some people have bleeding in the rectum, which is the lower end of the GI tract, just before the anus, which can be serious and may not stop without medical help. Bleeding can lead to anemia, the loss of too many red blood cells. Anemia makes a person feel tired. People can also have weight loss, skin problems, and fevers. Children with Crohn's disease may develop and grow slower than most other children or they may not reach their expected full height.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, also called spastic colon, irritable colon, or nervous stomach) is a condition in which the colon muscle contracts more readily than in people without IBS. A number of factors can trigger IBS including certain foods, medicines, and emotional stress. Symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain and cramps, excess gas, bloating, and a change in bowel habits such as harder, looser, or more urgent stools than normal. Often people with IBS have alternating constipation and diarrhea. The primary causes for IBS include: eating a diet low in fiber, not drinking enough water or other fluids , not getting enough exercise, traveling or other changes in routine, eating large amounts of dairy products, being stressed, resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, overusing laxatives that, over time, weaken the bowel muscles, taking antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum, taking certain medicines (especially antidepressants, iron pills, and narcotic pain medicines), and pregnancy.

Lactose intolerance is a condition caused by the lack of an enzyme called lactase, which is needed by the body to digest lactose (a sugar found in milk products). Adults and children can be affected by this intolerance. Digestive diseases or injuries to the small intestine can cause this intolerance. Individuals can experience different symptoms but the common ones are: cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea. The symptoms will worsen when milk products are consumed.

Stomach ulcers, or gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers are open sores or lesions found in the mucous membranes of areas of the body. Lifestyle, stress and diet may have a role in ulcer formation; however they are not the main cause of them. Scientists now know that ulcers are caused by hydrochloric acid and pepsin that are contained in our stomach and duodenal parts of our digestive system and that these acids contribute to ulcer formation; many stomach ulcers are caused by the bacteria H. pylori, and can be cured with antibiotics.

Constipation is the difficult passage of stools or the infrequent (less than three times a week) or incomplete passage of stools. Constipation is usually caused by inadequate roughage, or fiber, in the diet, or a disruption of the regular routine or diet. Constipation causes a person to strain during a bowel movement. It sometimes causes anal problems such as fissures and hemorrhoids. The body needs two types of fiber: soluble fiber (dissolves and acts like a sponge) and insoluble (does not dissolve and acts like a wisk broom). We have recently recognized the need for a third kind of fiber, macrofiber; macrofiber is not only insoluble, it is indigestible, and it carries water through the digestive tract with your food. We used to get a lot of macrofiber 100 years ago; we called it chaff, and a little dirt from the garden, and bug parts....

Structural disorders are those in which the bowel looks abnormal and doesn't work properly. Sometimes, the structural abnormality needs to be removed surgically. The most common structural disorders are those affecting the anus, as well as Diverticulitis and cancer.

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that line the anal opening caused by excess pressure from straining during a bowel movement, persistent diarrhea, or pregnancy. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are normal structures cushioning the lower rectum and protecting it from damage by stool. When they fall down into the anus as a result of straining, they become irritated and start to bleed. Ultimately, internal hemorrhoids can fall down enough to sink or protrude out of the anus. External hemorrhoids are veins that lie just under the skin on the outside of the anus. Sometimes, after straining, the external hemorrhoidal veins burst and a blood clot forms under the skin. This very painful condition is called a pile.

Anal fissures are splits or cracks in the lining of the anal opening. The most common cause of an anal fissure is the passage of very hard or watery stools. The crack in the anal lining exposes the underlying muscles that control the passage of stool through the anus and out of the body. An anal fissure is one of the most painful problems because the exposed muscles become irritated from exposure to stool or air, and leads to intense burning pain, bleeding, or spasm after bowel movements.

Colitis is a condition that causes an inflammation of the bowel. There are several types, including infectious colitis (caused by bacteria), ischemic colitis (caused by not enough blood going to the colon), radiation colitis (after radiotherapy), ulcerative colitis (cause not known), and Crohn's disease (cause not known). Colitis causes diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and urgency (frequent and immediate need to empty the bowels).

Celiac disease is a condition of intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, and in some medicines. In people with celiac disease, the body's immune system reacts to gluten by attacking and damaging the lining of the small intestine. Eating foods containing gluten can produce severe abdominal pain. When the lining is damaged, the body cannot get the nutrients it needs. Over time, celiac disease can cause anemia, infertility, weak and brittle bones, and other health problems. Celiac disease tends to run in families.

Rapid gastric emptying, or dumping syndrome, occurs when undigested food empties too quickly into the small intestine. Early rapid gastric emptying begins either during or right after a meal. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue. Late rapid gastric emptying occurs 1 to 3 hours after eating. Symptoms include hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar; weakness; sweating; and dizziness. Experiencing both forms of gastric emptying is not uncommon.

Smoking can harm all parts of the digestive system, contributing to such common disorders as heartburn and peptic ulcers. Smoking increases the risk of Crohn's disease, and possibly gallstones, which form when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. Smoking also damages the liver.

Many diseases of the colon and rectum can be prevented or minimized by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and practicing good eating, exercise, and bowel habits:

Eat to live, rather than living to eat. Choose foods that will nourish your body, the fresher the better; keep prepackaged foods and snacks down to a minimum; there are healthy snacks!

When you eat, stop, sit, relax, slow down, and chew well. Try not to overeat; many small eatings are much better for our digestive system than three large ones, especially if you also snack.

To get the most out of the foods you eat, it is best to avoid drinking lots of liquids 20-30 minutes before and after your meals. Drinking too much liquid with meals dilutes the concentration of hydrochloric acid and enzymes needed for proper digestion.

Find your best time of day to have a bowel movement, usually a half hour to an hour after breakfast or after lunch.

Eat all of your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at a predictable time each day. The bowel functions best when food is introduced at the same regular intervals.

Eat a high fiber diet.

Drink plenty of fluids, ideally 64 ounces a day or 8 glasses of water. Keep caffeine to a minimum; it is a diuretic which draws fluid from your colon and leaving your stools hard.

Exercise daily. Bowel function is helped most when exercise is at a consistent daily time.

It is generally accepted that you should take only a minute or so to empty your bowel. Never strain or hold your breath. Hemorrhoids can result from straining.

Avoid relying on laxatives and use them only when needed - ask your doctor or continence adviser for help.

Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fresh high fiber foods should keep your bowel healthy. Believe it or not, try chicken soup; it is not just a Jewish myth. Half a cup or so of chicken broth sipped with meals is a great digestive aid.

Disclaimer: The above article is educational in nature, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.

Do You Fart More or Less?

The digestive system, like all other body organs, is susceptible to various diseases too. Depending on what you eat and how you eat it and also when you eat, your dietary habits do determine what diseases affect your digestive system.

Did you know that farting is considered a sign of a healthy digestive system.

Digestion starts in the mouth. With the aid of saliva, the teeth break down the food into smaller portions. As the saliva moistens the food, it digests starch into maltose. After digestion in the mouth, the food is rolled into little balls and pushed down the throat through a process called peristalsis, into the stomach.

In the stomach, the food is mixed with gastric juice. Together with the hydrochloric acid, these digestive juices further breakdown the food into absorbable substance. After about three or four hours of digestion, the absorbable substances leave the stomach for the duodenum.

In the duodenum, the rest of the substances that had not been digested or fully digested in the stomach are then further converted into absorbable elements. After the duodenum, the digested substances leave for the intestines where absorption does take place.

Nearly all the digested food is absorbed in the small intestines. With substances such as mineral salts, water, cellulose and vegetable?fibre?which are not?absorbed?here, they are passed on to the large intestines where they are absorbed into the blood. What is not absorbed is then passed out of the body through the anus.

There are many diseases and health conditions that affect the digestive system. Many of these diseases are lifestyle related illnesses, and thus are common among people. They include indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, colitis, flatulence and Crohn's disease. Here is a brief description of these diseases, their causes and their symptoms.

Mouth sores. These are painful ulcerations that are white and red. These are cold sores that can be caused by allergic reactions, deficiencies, a weak immune system or a viral infection.

Bad breath. Have you met a person with a foul smell from the mouth? This?condition?is known as halitosis and it is caused by poor digestive, constipation, oral hygiene, alcohol and other substance consumption.

Dental carries and gingivitis. This is the inflammation of the gums and the teeth. Both are caused by oral bacteria and sugar intake. Gingivitis leads to peridontitis, which is the loss of teeth.

Indigestion. This is painful digestion characterized by flatulence, discomfort and acidity. Medical studies illustrate that it can be an early symptom of a serious illness such as ulcers. Its causes are usually organic, a result of unhealthy diets that compromise the digestive process.

Gastritis. This is the inflammation of the gastric mucus. It is caused by reaction of the mucus linings to certain types of foods and fluids, consumption of alcohol and other substances such as drugs and tobacco.

Flatulence. This is where you have excess intestinal gas. This is usually as a result of its production by intestinal bacteria.

Ulcers. This is the inflammation of the stomachs linings. This condition can be fatal if not treated and effectively managed. ??It is caused by excess stomach acid and is aggravated by intake of spices, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, drugs and stress.

Constipation. This is a condition where food does travel too slowly in the intestines. It does produce toxins which are then absorbed into the blood resulting into autointoxication of the body. It can be caused by substances such as drugs, alcohol and lack of adequate physical activity.

Diarrhoea. This is where the food does travel too fast in the intestines. This condition renders absorption inadequate since the mineral salts and water are not absorbed into the blood stream.

Ulcerative colitis. This is the inflammation of the colon. It is characterized by loose?faeces?which sometimes can be accompanied by blood.? It is caused by an allergic reaction to certain foods and medication such as antibiotics.

Crohn's disease. This is the inflammation of both the small and large intestines. Those who are highly at risk of this disease are those who are regular consumers of junk and fast foods.

It is a natural instinct in animals to eat, at least per day. Eating is essential anyway, we need food for survival. To benefit from the food you eat, the body has to digest and then absorb the nutrients into your blood and to all your cells.?Do you eat to live or do you live to eat??You must be familiar too with the phrase "you are what you eat".

Take a look at all the causes of these diseases. It is common that, the dietary choices you make influence a lot on the development of these diseases. To avoid these digestive system illnesses, give your digestive system time to rest. Eating even if you are not hungry or just because it is the hour of serving, only overwhelms your digestive system.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Veg Cutlet

Veg cutlets are a rich source of nutrients. They contain a variety of vegetables which provide immense nutrition to the body.


Carrot - 1 medium sized (cut into medium cubes)

Potato - 2 medium sized (cut into medium cubes)

Green peas - 翻 cup

Cauliflower (gobi) - 1 cup (florets)

Coriander leaves - 翹 cup (finely chopped)

Onion - 1 medium sized (finely chopped)

Bread crumbs - 職 cup

Corn flour - 1 tea spoon

Semolina (sooji) - 翻 cup

Red chilly flakes - 1 tea spoon

Fresh lemon juice - 1 tea spoon

Turmeric - 翹 spoon

Jeera powder (cumin seed powder)- 1 tea spoon

Dhaniya powder(coriander seed powder)- 1 tea spoon

Ginger garlic paste - 翻 tea spoon

Garam masala - 1 tea spoon

Cooking oil - 3 table spoon

Salt to taste


Heat a thick bottomed wok on stove. Pour 1 table spoon of oil. Add onion and fry till it turns golden brown. Add ginger garlic paste and fry well. Transfer all vegetables add turmeric, chilly flakes, garam masala, cumin seed powder (jeera powder), dhaniya powder, salt and turn it well. Sprinkle little water and close it with a lid. Keep on turning in between. When vegetables have become soft, put off flame. Add lemon juice, bread crumbs and corn flour. Mix everything well. Make small patties and sprinkle semolina (sooji) on them or roll them in semolina. Place a nonstick tawa on stove and smear it with 1 tea spoon of oil. Place these patties on it and shallow fry both sides using little oil. Serve it with tomato sauce and pudina (mint) chutney.

Benefits of Ingredients:

Potatoes are rich in nutrients. They contain vitamins and minerals. They are fat free and contain no cholesterol. Their skins are a great source of fiber. Potatoes serve as best balanced diet. The nutrients of this vegetable nourish our brain, body and skin. They are good energy boosters.

Carrots are rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. Flavonoid compounds in carrots help to protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers. The nutrients of this vegetable protect our body from free radicles. It is store house of number of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus.

Peas are rich in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. They are relatively low in calories and contain no cholesterol. Peas help body develop resistance against infections. It helps in bone mass building. It is more beneficial in Alzheimer's disease. Peas help greatly in maintaining the health of skin and mucous membranes.

Cauliflowers are rich in antioxidants. This vegetable has very good anti inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of cauliflower helps in inflammatory conditions like arthritis, obesity, diabetesmellitus, inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis. Cauliflower is rich in fiber. It helps to cleanse digestive system and normalizes bowel movement. Cauliflower is rich in purines. Hence persons with gout should consult their physician before including this in diet.

Onion help to rejuvenate liver, normalize digestion, relieve constipation and increase appetite. Hence it is very beneficial in piles (hemorrhoids), constipation, jaundice and indigestion. White onions are recommended in bleeding disorders to reduce bleeding. Hence it is used in conditions like bleeding piles and bleeding through nose. Onions are used in home remedies to reduce cough. Onion and its seeds are known to help in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and male infertility. It helps to increase libido, quality and quantity of semen. It is a very good vajikara. It helps to reduce itching on skin.

Natural Solutions for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a serious condition involving inflammation, ulceration, and bleeding of the colon. It is considered to be an auto-immune condition for which conventional medicine has no cure. The person is generally given steroids and other drugs to control flare-ups and bleeding. The only cure conventional medicine has is to remove a person's colon. This disease can either be minor with occasional flare-ups, or debilitating and severe. The internal bleeding can cause severe anemia. The diarrhea can cause a loss of fluids and electrolytes. The pain from intestinal spasms can be extreme. It can get to the point that a person does not want to eat for fear of the pain and the problems they have due to ulcerative colitis.

There are a number of natural ways to manage and control this disease, and even potentially put it into remission.

First of all, there are methods of modulating the immune system and reducing its tendency to create inflammation without the use of steroids. Steroids can have numerous side effects, especially used long term for a chronic condition like this. They can cause bone loss, water retention, severe insomnia, psychosis (means you go crazy), and impairment of organs. Researchers are also looking into the possibility that the euphoric high some people get from steroids like prednisone may cause psychological dependency.

A number of essential fatty acids and enzymes can reduce the inflammatory response of the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and in flaxseed oil. This has been shown to be beneficial for people with all sorts of auto-immune conditions including ulcerative colitis. Another fatty acid is called cetyl-myristolate, also called CMO. CMO has been used successfully to treat a number of auto-immune conditions, including ulcerative colitis. One enzyme that seems promising for the treatment of ulcerative colitis is serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is excellent for managing the pain and reducing inflammation in the colon, and in other areas of the body.

Certain vitamins are helpful for ulcerative colitis. Highest on the list is vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to regulate the immune system's response and reduce inflammation. Sublingual B-vitamin complex can also be beneficial. The B-vitamins can aid the nervous system, reducing a negative response to stress, which is often the source of people's flare-ups.

Pectin and liquid soluble fiber have been shown to be useful in controlling ulcerative colitis, and preventing flare-ups.
Many people have found that colloidal silver, taken regularly, can put their ulcerative colitis in remission.

The long chain mucilaginous polysaccharides found in aloe vera gel, made from the inner leaf of the aloe vera plant, can heal the damage and the ulcerations formed in the colon during a flare-up of ulcerative colitis.

The Chinese herbal formula, Jianpiling, has been used on over 10,000 people in China with ulcerative colitis. It has been shown to put 66% of cases into remission within 3 months of taking the formula. Some people needed to take the formula again a year later to go back into remission, but the majority still had no flare-ups one year after the study. When examined via colonoscopy, erosions, mucous accumulation, and bleeding spots were shown to be eliminated in 90% of patients.

A Chinese herbal remedy that has been commonly used for all sorts of internal bleeding has been shown to help stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis as well. This formula is called Yunnan Paiyao. It contains pseudoginseng, which has hemostatic properties. Other Chinese herbs used to stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis include mume and sanguisorba.

If a person does take corticosteroids to control ulcerative colitis, they can reduce the dosage they take by also taking licorice root. Licorice root has components that are similar to cortisol. As a result, taking the root magnifies the effects of corticosteroids, making it possible to get similar effects from a smaller dosage. If you take this route, be sure to work with your physician to wean yourself to lower dosages slowly.

As you can see, there are many natural methods of managing ulcerative colitis. All natural remedies require consistency over time to see the best results, since they are generally milder than chemical drugs. Natural approaches also work best if you work on your health in between flare-ups and don't wait for the situation to become extreme before addressing it. If you are ready to be diligent and take charge of your own health, then the natural route to treating ulcerative colitis may be the best option for you.

Crohn's Disease? There's Crohn's Help Now

Crohn's disease typically impacts the very last section of the small intestine, but can also affect other locations in the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative Colitis affects just the large intestine ( colon ). Crohn's disease is a bit more common in women versus men. It is usually a persistent disorder, often called -inflammatory bowel disease. The condition will cause ulcers within the intestinal area and could be anywhere between the mouth area and rectum.

Symptoms Signs or symptoms of Crohn's disease include things like fever, low energy, abdominal and cramping pains, rectal bleeding, recurrent looseness of the bowels and lack of appetite which ultimately cause weight-loss and poor nutrition. As this is a persistent issue, which means it is continual, scar tissue formation can accumulate within the intestinal tract and even result in obstruction and may also bring about holes in the affected area, referred to as fistulas.

Cause of Crohn's Disease The factors that cause Crohn's disease aren't entirely understood. Nevertheless, the top features of the illness would suggest an autoimmune dysfunction. Although additional studies are necessary, the top present-day way of thinking is that the microorganisms within the intestinal tract get inadequate access into the intestinal wall, which activates an immune response against bordering tissue. What may cause Crohn's disease is often a fiercely argued and controversial subject. Many notions are plentiful about the sources of Crohn's disease. Some say it's a condition brought on by the body's very own defense mechanisms, while some feel it's a genetic issue. Others however, believe that dietary practices and inadequate nourishment, in fact, bring about the disease. Although, many more point to bacteria and fungi as the trigger.

Inflammation Crohn's disease brings about inflammation deep within the lining of the intestinal tract. Some studies have shown that present and past tobacco users have higher risk of developing Crohn's disease than non-smokers do. Among the individuals with the disease, tobacco is linked to a increased rate of relapse, repeat surgical procedures, and immuno-suppressive therapy. Why cigarette smoking raises the potential risk of Crohn's disease is not known. However, many theorists are convinced that cigarettes may decrease the intestine's defenses, reduce the circulation of blood to the intestines, or bring about the body's defense mechanism alterations that lead to inflammation.

Treatment Treatment may well include things like drug therapies, natural health supplements, surgical procedures, or a mixture of these options. The desired objectives of treatment approaches are to manage the inflammation and correct nutritional deficiencies. Treatment may help manage the condition by minimizing how frequently an individual experiences a recurrence, but it is said there no cure. Side effects of conventional medication for Crohn's It is crucial that an individual is aware that pharmaceutical medications have possible side effects.

Immune Modifiers The immune system modifiers work by suppressing the body's defense mechanism to minimize inflammation. Typical unwanted side effects include things like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, higher possibility of an infection, diminished white blood cell count, and liver deterioration. Anti-inflammatory prescription drug, including drugs like Infliximab, also have side effects. Infliximab suppresses the body's defense mechanism to allow it to control inflammation. By doing this, affected individuals encounter weakened immune systems which makes them susceptible to microbial infections and bacterial contamination including TB.

Alternative Treatment Method Unless of course, you've been hiding inside a cave over the past few years, you most likely are aware of the growth in the alternative health industry. With diminishing confidence in modern-day medicine, consumers are stepping into a virtual time machine and looking to solutions of earlier times for remedies of the future. Dealing with Crohn's disorders obviously is no exception.

Managing The Symptoms Side effects and additional complications that occur with Crohn's disease are the major objectives of most physicians and health care professionals. Precisely the same results however, can be obtained through the use of less hazardous, far more gentle compounds in the human body, as opposed to the generally approved prescription drugs. There are numerous herbal plants and herbal solutions which, rather effectively, respond to minimizing, and in many cases, eradication Crohn's disease symptoms and unwanted side effects.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis - A Disease That Affects the Bile Ducts of the Liver

Sclerosing cholangitis is a progressive disease that affects the bile ducts which are located both on the inside and outside of the liver. The progression of this disease leads to the bile ducts becoming fully blocked and eventually destroyed which causes liver failure and a liver transplant which is the only known cure for this disease.

However, a liver transplant is not typically performed unless the liver is severely damaged which tends to occur approximately twelve to eighteen years after a diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis is made.

Causes and Symptoms of Sclerosing Cholangitis

While the cause of this disease has not been definitively determined, medical experts believe it may be caused in individual's who are susceptible to this disease when their immune system has reaction to an infection or toxin.

This disease has also been more frequently diagnosed in individuals who have other medical issues including "IBD" or "inflammatory bowel disease" - particularly ulcerative colitis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is most prevalent in younger males with a diagnosis typically being made between the ages of thirty and sixty years.

This disease has also been known to occur in some patients who have a family history of sclerosing cholangitis. In its beginning stages, primary sclerosing cholangitis may not cause any symptoms that are noticeable and often times is only discovered after a patient has had blood tests that indicate their liver is not functioning properly.

When symptoms do occur with this disease, they may include pain in the abdominal area, fatigue, fever, chills, unexplained weight loss, diarrhea, itchiness, and jaundice which is the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

When the bile ducts become narrower and scarred, this causes a reduction in the amount of bile salts that are normally secreted that are needed to for the body to absorb a sufficient amount of fats and vitamins including A, D, E, and K that are fat-soluble.

This can lead to complications and other medical conditions that include osteoporosis, bile duct stones and gallstones, an enlargement of the spleen and liver, easy bleeding or bruising, and "steatorrhea" which is greasy and foul smelling stools caused by excessive fat within the feces.

Treatment for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

The primary treatment for sclerosing cholangitis is typically to alleviate the symptoms caused by this disease. Many patients experience itching that is uncomfortable and this is typically treated with anti histamine medications and "bile-acid-binding drugs" including cholestyramine such as "Questran" or "Locholest".

Infections also occur frequently in patients with this disease and antibiotics are typically given to treat the current infection as well as prior to other medical procedures that could potentially cause an infection to occur.

Vitamin supplements are also recommended to these patients as the body loses its ability to absorb the proper amount of nutrients and vitamins, in severe cases when a patient is suffering from malnutrition due to sclerosing cholangitis, these vitamins and nutrients may be given intravenously.

Surgical procedures that are sometimes performed on patients who have severe blockage within the bile ducts include balloon dilation where a balloon catheter is inserted and inflatable to expand the ducts and sometimes a stents - plastic tubes - may be inserted in order to keep the bile ducts from closing.

Another surgical procedure that may be done on some patients is a surgical removal of the blockage where the blockage will be removed and portions of the duct that remain will be connected so as to allow the bile to continue to flow through the duct. In those patients where the disease has progressed to the point of causing liver failure, the only treatment that can be done is liver transplantation.

5 Ingredients That Fight Cold and Flu

Chicken soup can cure anything! Or so it seems. Chicken soup as a cold remedy has been used not only from the times of your great grandmother; but, did you know in 60 A.D., an Army surgeon to Roman emperor Nero wrote of it in his journals. Chicken soup is great, but there are more ingredients that can help get rid of flu and cold symptoms.

And as a bonus, the same herbs that treat cold and flu can help prevent it.

We've all heard the cure: when feeling cold or flu symptoms, rest and drink plenty of fluids. But what are the best fluids? How about power-packing those fluids with ingredients that have been proven to fight cold and flu symptoms! Here they are:

  • cranberries

  • garlic

  • ginger

  • peppermint

  • tangerines


  • super food (nutrient dense while low in calories)

  • strengthens immune system

  • fights infection (sore throats and colds)

  • fights cancer

  • protects against inflammation

Cranberries, blueberries, and concord grapes were all native to America. Cranberries were used by North American Indians to treat wounds. Later American sailors carried cranberries on sea voyages to prevent scurvy.


Garlic was highly esteemed by ancient Egyptians. They fed it to their soldiers to strengthen them before battle. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties which help the immune system fight infection and boost the immune system. Garlic combines well with Echinacea and together help fight infections.


  • enhances natural resistance for cold and flu

  • reduces inflammation

  • supports prostate health

Ginger has been used since ancient times as a medicine in Asia, India, and Arab countries. Ginger is believed to help treat headaches, painful menstrual periods, and to fight cold and flu symptoms, motion sickness, nausea, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, and arthritis.

Side Effects Side effect associated with ginger are not common especially when taken in moderation. Some may experience mild heartburn, diarrhea and irritation of the mouth, belching.

Warning People with gallstones should consult a doctor before taking ginger or undergoing surgery or if you will be placed under anesthesia for any reason.


  • calms digestive spasm

  • fights bacteria

  • fights most general cold and flu symptoms

  • decongestant

  • soothes stomach

  • relieves headaches

  • relieves cramping

  • eases tissue inflammation

  • relieves insomnia, stress, and anxiety

  • reduces fever

  • relieves nausea

Peppermint is a natural expectorant which helps treat colds, flu, bronchitis, and headaches. It also reduces fevers by inducing sweating which cools the body.


One small tangerine has more usable vitamin C than some large oranges. Many people who have trouble tolerating oranges do well with tangerines. Eat or juice two a day to fight colds during inclement weather.

Ways to use these flu fighters

Juices -

  • cranberries, tangerines, apple juice, and ginger root

  • tangerine, orange, and ginger root

  • carrot, apple, and ginger root

Cooking -

  • pancakes or waffles with mint added to a fruit topping or syrup

  • garlic chicken with ginger

  • compote (cooked fruit) with cranberries, tangerines, pears, and ginger or peppermint

Tea -

  • peppermint tea

  • ginger tea

  • cranberry or cranapple tea

  • hot water with a slice of ginger root

  • hot water with a slice of tangerine

Other cold fighting remedies

Other favorites are almost all citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemons, lime). Try different things and see what works best for you. We are all unique and what works for someone else may not work, or work as well, for us. To your health!

When is the best time to fight cold and flu symptoms? Use these recipes anytime you are exposed to someone who is ill, when around a large number of people, when traveling, or just to boost your immune system.

More about the common cold

The common cold is caused by a virus (could be one of 200 different types). When the virus causes the respiratory tract walls to swell which produces excess mucus. Symptoms range from sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, headache, fever, and hacking cough. Most colds last 7-10 days. Colds spread from by hand-to-hand contact, coughing, and sneezing. The virus can live for several hours on common surfaces.


Health information in this article and on my website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical guide for self-treatment. It does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such or used in place of your doctor's medical advice.

More Information The Juiceman's Power of Juicing, Jay Kordich, 1993 The Folk Remedy Enclyclopedia, Frank W. Cawood, 2004

Paul Nison Shares on His Story of Immediate Healing, As Well As Mistakes Along the Way of Going Raw

In this article, Paul Nison shares on his story of immediate healing, as well as mistakes along the way, going raw. Paul Nison is a raw food chef and educator. He is also the author of seven books including "The Raw Life."

Kevin: Paul Nison is a raw food chef and educator. He's been eating a raw food diet since he was diagnosed with colitis, many years ago. With no other choice but surgery according to the medical profession Paul decided to stop eating all cooked foods. Today he is 100 percent cured of his so-called incurable disease. Paul, welcome to the call.

Paul: Thank you.

Kevin: No problem. Let's start with your own personal story because I think a lot of people can learn from it.

Paul: Sure. A lot of people out there have heard me and they know it but basically, to make it short and sweet I'll tell you I got diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, which is inflammation of the colon. It's also known as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease, when I was 19 years old. The doctors told me that I had to be on drugs for the rest of my life and the only inevitable was I was at a high risk for colon cancer at 20 years old. They said by the time I was 30 I would probably have it and the only complete cure was to get rid of my colon. They said, "If you don't have a colon you can't get colon cancer." The doctors told me what to do and I listened to them and did exactly everything they told me to do short of surgery. Every time I did what they told me to do I wasn't getting better, I was getting worse. So then I got wise and I started doing the opposite and got better.

One day when I moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, without knowing it I moved right next to a place called Hippocrates Health Institute. I was in the health food store one day and I saw a fellow there, his name was Brian Clement. He was giving a lecture to some people there and I was listening. He was talking about raw food. My doctor had always told me raw foods would be bad for me. When I told that to Brian he said, "Of course they would. If you were healthy they wouldn't get paid." He told me a lot more things about the food.

I asked my doctor if the raw foods are really bad for me and she said, "They're definitely the worse thing for your condition." When she told me that I knew I was on the right track and I went on a raw food diet.

Since that day I've been completely better and helping people get better. I have to pinch myself. I enjoy every day so much.

Kevin: Now the process of healing probably didn't happen overnight. Why don't you explain how you dove into it and what are some of the things that worked for you and some of the things that you found didn't work for you.

Paul: Well actually, it did happen overnight. What I found out is health doesn't begin when we add to our diet, it begins with what we eliminate. So when I found Hippocrates Health Institute and spoke to Brian Clements, the director there, he told me to eliminate everything that was contributing to my problem. He knew what it was. It was not really the cooked food as much as the dairy, the wheat, the processed food, the overeating, eating late at night, mis-combining my meals, not chewing my meals. When I stopped doing all those things... People ask me how long it took to get well, I give them two answers. One answer is "Immediately." As soon as I stopped that I actually started feeling better, even though I wasn't completely cured. The other answer is, after almost 17 years of doing this I'm still healing because each day I feel better than the last. That is not an exaggeration. It's amazing. I feel better now than I did last year and I feel better than two years ago. I continuously feel better and I'm learning new things.

I made some mistakes at first and I see a lot of people making those mistakes today. It's one of the things that motivates me to get out there. If I didn't change I wouldn't have been too healthy today. I see a lot of people coming to the raw food movement that are making a lot of these errors.

I was blessed to meet a man who is one of my best friends, Dr. Fred Bisci, when I was interviewing people for my first book. He really woke me up and told me that it's not just about eating raw food. You can't just eat tons of fruit and you can't eat raw junk food and expect things to continue to get well. Eventually you're going to hit a road block. He really helped me understand why and how that happens.

You have to continue to change as the body changes. There's a lot of people out there in the raw food movement making mistakes. We really have to understand that raw food is great but it's not a panacea. If it's raw junk food it's just a matter of time before that's going to take its effect on your body.

It's very simple - raw, ripe, fresh and organic. We can't overeat and have got to eat at the right times. All this is what my new book is really about, but so are my other books.

My last book, was a book by Arnold Ehret. Author of "The Mucusless Diet Healing System" and he had something in there called the formula for life. If anyone understands that formula, they'll understand what the mistakes are and how to avoid them. The formula basically is power minus obstruction equals vitality. In other words, health minus disease equals wellness. So we have to put things in our body that can contribute to our health and eliminate things that contribute to disease. Then that will determine the state of our health.

Kevin: All right. Let's get into some specifics here. What were some of those specific mistakes? What were some of the foods and things that you were eating that were eventually contributing to you not getting the results you wanted?

Paul: Well, the first one was eating too much fruit. At first it was great. To anyone out there that's eaten McDonald's their whole life and then switched to a diet of eating fruit, they could eat all the fruit in the world and they're probably going to show some improvement. However, after your chemistry starts cleaning up and you continue to eat tons and tons of fruit, it's too much sugar for the body. At Hippocrates Health Institute people with certain illnesses they completely take off sugar, including the sugar that's found in fruit. So there's nothing wrong with fruit but it's overdoing it that's a problem. One of those mistakes I made was overdoing the fruit.

People ask me, "How much is too much?" It might vary for each person but you have to understand that the stomach is the size of our fist. So we have to use some common sense and say, "That might be a little bit too much food there. Look how much you're eating." We have to look at that. That's one of the big errors I made.

Another one was the time I ate. I lived in New York City, I had the world's biggest raw food restaurant, which is important because we have the world's biggest people in New York City [laughs]. I was working there for a while and after I got off work, late at night, I would go out and eat or I would eat my raw junk food. Most people that are visiting raw restaurants are not doing it at 11 o'clock in the morning, they're doing it at 9, 10 o'clock at night. So eating late at night, overeating, mis-combining my food, not paying attention, eating too much dehydrated food, not getting enough sleep, thinking sleep's not important. I asked a raw food leader out there once, somebody who was teaching raw foods, about sleep and he said, "Sleep is poison." It was no surprise it was many years ago and now that person doesn't seem to appear to be as healthy as he was back then. So I wasn't getting enough sleep back then.

People aren't getting enough exercise. Some people get too much exercise. That was my issue. I was always into fitness when I got into this and I was exercising way too much. It's all the extremes. People do too little or too much. I don't like to use the word moderation because we all have our own idea what moderation is based on how we feel. That can be a very dangerous thing. But I like to use the word "balance." We have to have a good balance. Many people are doing things too much or too little. That's where they get themselves into problems.

Kevin: You said that you were finding that you were exercising too much. How do you manage now with fitness and raw food and how do you maintain your weight? That's a big question that we get.

Paul: It's definitely a big question. I get as well, especially with issues of colitis and Crohn's Disease. A lot of people lose weight. What I find is that most people when they get into a raw food diet they're fat so nobody really complains about how they look. But when they lose the fat if there's no muscle under there then they feel too skinny and they do look skinny. The key is fitness, but not too much.

Another key with putting on weight is getting enough sleep, which most people don't do. The amount of food we eat determines how much sleep we need. If we're overeating we need a lot more sleep than we actually get. Building and healing is really taking place during sleep. So we really have to make sure we're getting the proper amount of rest.

Another thing I've found that worked with me was when I went to the Ann Wigmore Hippocrates-style eating and ate more chlorophyll-rich greens and sprouts and cut out the sugar. The sugar might give people fuel or stimulation but it's the chlorophyll that really helped my body build the muscle. Nothing takes the place of good, muscle- building exercise.

I started to see signs of one of the most common things out there today, even in the raw food world, adrenal fatigue. I started to notice these things so I cut back on the exercise. I realized it's more important to take your time and do it right than to try to get as much in as possible. When I did that I just kept getting more and more. Anyone that thinks raw foodists look skinny go to my blog - I'll give the address out later if I get an opportunity - and you can see me working out on there. Now I just basically do weights with my own body weight, pushups, pull-ups, the flash pike, if anyone knows what that is. I've got a video on my blog about that. You don't have to be skinny if you're on a raw food diet. You can certainly look fine on a raw food diet.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Colitis Symptoms - The Worst and How to Reduce It

The first period of the colitis attack after you have been diagnosed by your doctor will bring more frequent trips to the toilet; that is guaranteed. Now don't get alarmed, but be prepared to have well over a dozen trips to the toilet over a twenty four hour period. It could even be every hour! This will include being woken up during the night with the urge to go. Accept that you will have broken nights sleep for the next few weeks.

As colitis is a debilitating disease, you are going to feel really tired. Therefore, during the day it is essential that you catch up on lost sleep, that being either sleeping in to late in the morning or taking a sleep in the afternoon. Sleep assists the body in fighting disease and aids recuperation and this is going to be a vital component in your fight to become healthy again.

The amount of pain that you will have to bear will unfortunately get worse. This will steadily increase as the inflammation of the bowel becomes more pronounced to the point where the medication that you're prescribed starts to have an effect. One of the most effective ways of reducing the pain is to try and eliminate movement. The effect of movement on the bowel is to antagonise the inflammation which of course means a surge of bloodied stool to be emptied in the toilet. The more movement means more surges which, in turn, means more irritation due to stools passing over the inflamed part of the bowel which creates pain.

Often the most comfortable positions, or least painful, is when lying still in bed or on a sofa. By laying flat on your back, it is the most comfortable position and won't put undue pressure on your inflamed bowel as laying on your side will. This can result in visiting the toilet fewer times from adopting this position.

By trying to eliminate movement, you should forsake venturing outside. Remember, you have to accept that life is put on hold. It won't be you who decides this, it will be the colitis attack making you adhere to this if you wish the speediest possible recovery. You will have plenty of time to join the outside world when you are feeling better. In the meantime, if you are up to it, have the outside world visit you, reminding them that colitis is not infectious in any way.

It is essential to seek out and understand the proven methods of dealing with colitis symptoms in order that the period of a relapse can be endured without unnecessary suffering. The disease can be extremely debilitating and any advice of how to deal with it should be sought and used.

Is Frozen Yogurt Healthy? Learn the Truth About Frozen Yogurt

There's a new craze sweeping the high streets of our global village. From New York to London, Paris to Los Angeles. Whether it's a tasty treat you're after or a healthy alternative to the sugary dessert you really shouldn't have, frozen yogurt is the new 'it thing'. Some people even take more time to eat it than is actually necessary, as it's become a bit of a fashion accessory. Countless celebs have all been spotted sporting designer froyos. Is frozen yogurt healthy? If it's good enough for top super models and natural foods chefs alike, then it can't be bad for you. Or could it?

Low-fat facts or full-cream bull?

Fact is, like most things in life, the key lies in, you guessed it - moderation. Take your favorite New York Cheesecake with caramel fudge sauce; one small serving on some idle Saturday will not negate Thursday's praiseworthy efforts in the gym, while snacking on a normally healthy cocktail of grapes, avocado, dried figs and nuts all day might leave you, well, a little pear-shaped. Frozen yogurt offers the best of both worlds: it can be paired with a wide variety of delicious toppings as a low-fat alternative to ice cream, while it also provides a super healthy option for some of the more health conscious among us.

Why choose frozen yogurt?

Frozen yogurt, like regular yogurt, contains live and active cultures. The words "live and active cultures" refer to the living organisms Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus, which convert pasteurized milk to yogurt during fermentation. It is important to note that, according to the National Yogurt Association (NYA), some yogurt products are heat-treated after the fermentation process, which kills most of the beneficial active cultures found in yogurt as well as frozen yogurt. To help distinguish yogurt products that contain live active cultures from those which don't, look out for the NYA's special live and active cultures seal, which appears on refrigerated and frozen yogurt containers.

Regular and low-fat frozen yogurt contains much less calories per ounce than regular ice cream. Non-fat frozen yogurt contains less than half the amount of calories found in regular ice cream. Top it off with fresh fruit and you have a well-rounded snack, add a sandwich high in protein and fibre closer to lunch time to create a well-balanced meal, which should set you back less than 400 calories.

The health benefits of frozen yogurt are seemingly endless, according to Integrated Medicine at the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS). Dairy products are well-known for being a rich source of calcium - crucial for healthy bones, teeth and cell function. Dairy products in general are also high in protein, vitamin B12 and important minerals such as selenium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Research has shown that the live cultures in frozen yogurt may provide many benefits. Being a safe and effective means of treating acute infectious diarrhea in children as well as preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea, is among those benefits. Studies have also indicated that these probiotics may offer protection against tumor formation in the colon and help to reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's as well as ulcerative colitis. Good news for individuals with lactose intolerance is that the tests have shown that the live and active cultures in frozen yogurt may improve the digestion of lactose, when consumed in small doses over time. Proof of these cultures' ability to convert dietary fiber into healthy fats means that frozen yogurt now also boast cardiovascular benefits. These benefits are compounded when taking into consideration the yogurt's ability to increase HDL ("good") cholesterol and decreasing the ratio of LDL ("bad") to HDL cholesterol with long-term, daily intake. This may however, be due to the fatty acid distribution and the type of fats in the milk rather than the probiotics.

Like stealing yogurt from a cash cow. Ha-ha, yogurt from a cash cow. Get it? No? Anyone? 'Cause yogurt is made from milk and milk comes from cows and froyo stores are making heaps of money. Is this thing on?

Frozen yogurt has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry in a few short years. With frozen yogurt stores or 'bars' popping up all over the United States and the rest of the world. It's become the popular on-the-go snack choice for millions, however one cannot help feeling that the popularity and almost cult status of Hollywood's favorite snack is contributing to the stiff premium you can expect to pay for a serving of your preferred flavor. No wonder then that sales for frozen yogurt/ice cream makers for home use have sky-rocketed in recent times. With the three most popular frozen dessert makers occupying spots in Amazon's Top 100 Best Sellers list for kitchen and dining appliances for a combined 5 years.

Frozen Yogurt vs. Ice Cream

In conclusion it is safe to say that although frozen yogurt and ice cream may both serve as a tasty, sugary dessert; froyo also has the potential of being a super healthy snack on the way to the gym, whereas ice cream will never be the preferred option for the health conscious out there.

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies

Although there are many products on the market which claim to be ulcerative colitis remedies, it is important to follow your doctor's advice. Products containing aloe are often recommended by many doctors, but taking other products without consulting your doctor, including activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis symptoms may worsen.

Some companies are advertising activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis remedies as alternatives to medicines which have been proven to keep ulcerative colitis under control in the majority of people who suffer from the disease. While it is understandable that some people may not be able to take certain of the most commonly prescribed medications for the control of ulcerative colitis, remedies like activated charcoal and other home remedies may be ineffective. Home treatment may be effective for those people who have mild symptoms, but it is important to focus on overall health and nutrition, rather than relying on a product like activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is a material that attracts and bonds with the molecules of other substances. It is used to treat poisoning and to prevent or relieve gas and bloating. There have been no clinical studies supporting activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control. In fact there are concerns about using activated charcoal on a regular basis, because it may inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. It is believed that people who suffer from ulcerative colitis may not be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need from the food that they eat, so to introduce a product into this equation that may reduce absorption of nutrients even more may not be a good idea.

Of the ulcerative colitis remedies available without a prescription, products containing aloe are generally considered safe and may be effective. Aloe is known to be an anti-inflammatory and it is known to promote healing. It is used as a topical ointment to relieve the pain from and promote the healing of burns and other skin irritations and sores. In cases of ulcerative colitis, it is known that the lining of the colon is inflamed, irritated and sores may be present. It is believed that aloe products designed for use as ulcerative colitis remedies reduce inflammation, pain and promote healing of affected parts of the colon.

While some people may have had success with activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control, it may not be the best choice. There are other ulcerative colitis remedies on the market. It is important to investigate the ingredients in a product and consult with your doctor, before you buy.

For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems, visit

Are Systemic Enzymes the Missing Link to Overcoming Chronic Infections?

Through the advances of "modern antibiotics" and genetically modified organisms, mankind has managed to unleash superbugs upon humanity for which conventional medicine currently has no answer. Chronic, persistent infections are becoming more and more common, and increasingly more difficult to treat.

New super strains of microbes have been bioengineered for a vast array of uses, from agricultural and industrial to medical and military (bioweapons). It seems that whenever mankind chooses to cross the line between created and creator, there are unintended consequences.

However, with or without our intervention, microorganisms have proven to be quite resourceful themselves. One example of this is biofilm formation - the organized and purposeful assembly of microbes into a localized community for protection and mutual support.

Patients confront this problem with virtually all medical implants, and "biofilm strategies" may be largely responsible for many other types of chronic infections that appear to be unaffected by repeated exposures to prescription antibiotics. Fortunately, there is a safe and natural way to minimize biofilm formation in the body, thereby depriving the microbes of their "safe haven" and exposing them to our full immune arsenal.

Biofilms and Chronic Infection

A biofilm is an aggregate of microorganisms in which cells are stuck to each other and/or to a surface. These adherent cells are embedded within a self-produced matrix (often referred to as "slime") that is made of proteins, fiber and polysaccharides. Biofilms may form on living or non-living surfaces, and are commonplace in natural, industrial and hospital settings.

According to leading research, when bacteria are organized in biofilms, they produce highly effective immunoprotective substances which individual bacteria are unable to produce alone. Apparently, they are able to impart genetic material to one another to boost and maintain resistance.

The dense extracellular matrix and the outer layer of cells in a biofilm protect the interior of the community, reportedly increasing antibiotic resistance by up to 1000 fold. Research has shown that biofilms are present on the removed tissue of 80% of patients undergoing surgery for chronic sinusitis.

Systemic Enzymes Boost Immunity by Helping Degrade Biofilms

Restoring the bioterrain of an immune compromised person requires cleansing the body, revitalizing organs and organ systems to maximize cellular energy, controlling inflammation and lowering the overall burden of pathogens. A comprehensive support regimen includes probiotics, digestive enzymes, omega fats, vitamins and minerals, herbs and glandulars to promote liver health, and any number of natural antimicrobials.

Such a regimen will often restore a chronically ill person to productivity, but they may experience recurring bouts of illness if they are harboring lingering infections that are taking refuge in a biofilm. In such cases, systemic enzymes may be the "missing link" to overcoming chronic infections.

Unlike digestive enzymes which do their work in the digestive tract to break down food, systemic enzymes work throughout the body to cleanse the tissues of wastes and unwanted debris - lowering inflammation in the process. Systemic enzymes are proteolytic; that is, they break down proteins into peptides and amino acids. They are able to act on non-living tissue, such as blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and the substances produced naturally by the body as part of its inflammatory response. Research suggests that proteolytic enzymes hold immense potential in the fight against drug resistant microbes because they help to break up the biofilm communities that harbor them, greatly lowering their resistance.

Systemic enzymes should be enteric coated to prevent contact with the stomach acid. This way they pass through the stomach into the intestines where they are absorbed by the body to work their magic - fighting inflammation and fibrosis, degrading biofilms, modulating the immune system, and cleansing the blood.

Systemic Enzymes Help Balance Immunity

Proteolytic enzymes such as serrapeptase are known to be biological response modifiers; that is, they help cell signaling, assisting immune cells in carrying out their tasks. Taking systemic enzymes results in a dose dependent increase in the number and activity of immune cells.

The ability of systemic enzymes to eliminate toxins and unwanted debris removes a tremendous burden from the body's immune reserves by lowering the incidence of inflammatory immune responses. This makes systemic enzymes an excellent addition to a comprehensive support regimen for those with chronic infections or depressed immunity (such as AIDS or Morgellons sufferers) or autoimmune disorders (such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus).

A review of the scientific literature, including a series of controlled, clinical trials with large patient groups, shows that serrapeptase has anti-inflammatory, anti-oedemic and fibrinolytic activity and acts rapidly on localized inflammation.1 This suggests that systemic enzymes are useful for a broad range of inflammatory conditions.

If one considers the fact that anti-inflammatory agents are among the most widely prescribed drugs, the use of a safe proteolytic enzyme should be a welcome addition to any physician's formulary and any patient's daily health regimen.


(Mazzone A, Catalani M, Constanzo M, Drusian A, Mandoli A, Russo S, Guarini E, Vesperini G. Evaluation of Serratia peptidase in acute or chronic inflammation of otorhinolaryngolog pathology: a multicentre, double-blind, randomized trial versus placebo. J Int Med Res 1990,18(5):379-88).

The Medicinal Properties Of The Red Clover For Detox Purposes

Cleansing your body begins on the cellular level which may be stimulated through the use of Red Clover for detox purposes. The body is introduced to many harmful substances through the environment and also through some foods that are consumed. Artificial additives are commonly applied to many foods during processing which is actually unhealthy for our bodies on the cellular level. Your body needs ample amounts of antioxidants to flush out harmful substance which cause cellular damage and deterioration. When this occurs the body is able to heal itself thoroughly inside and out which actually reduces the signs of aging throughout the body.

How Red Clover for detox techniques works in your body

Free radicals are substances that attack cells and cause degeneration, interruption in biological processes and more. Using Red Clover for detox methods truly works well to cleanse your body because of its natural constituents. This alternative health supplement is full of natural vitamins, minerals, and key ingredients which provide the body the energy it needs to perform anti-oxidizing functions. It combines forces with the kidney and liver to expel harmful substances from the body to promote cellular cleansing that is needed for total body health.

Health benefits associated with Red Clover for detox purposes

The anti-inflammatory and sedative effects brought on by this key ingredient can dissolve symptoms of degenerative or chronic health conditions such as ulcerative colitis, nephritis, bronchitis and many more. All organ systems benefit from cleansing effects of Red Clover for detox goals. The effects of this ingredient target muscles that may become impaired due to cellular damage and weakness, such as when the digestive system is not able to work optimally. The medicinal use of this natural alternative health supplement allows nutrients to be absorbed and dispersed throughout the body to promote cellular strength and proliferation.

Clinical observations associated with Red Clover for detox methods

Clinical studies performed on the efficacy of this ingredient prove that it boosts energy levels in the body through different physiological mechanisms. When the immune system is optimized, this allows all organ systems to work optimally which reduces interruption in biochemical reactions. Using the Red Clover for detox enhancement is essential because it also has antispasmodic properties which alleviate cramps and indigestion when digesting foods. This key ingredient is a safe and effective remedy to many imbalances and illnesses while not causing adverse reactions throughout the body.

Our tips on getting the most from Red Clover for detox techniques

There are many ingredients that can be found in detoxifying solutions, however, only those that contain high amounts of organic constituents will assist proper cleansing of your whole body. When the immune system and digestive system are optimized the body can then expel wastes at a faster speed which allows for cellular rejuvenation to take place. The therapeutic use of healing Red Clover for detox results in the enhancement of total body health and endurance beginning on the cellular level. When you use this substance, you will be sure to meet your health and anti-aging goals with ease.

What is Colitis and How Does it Affect Me?

It is a question asked frequently by those who have experienced some bowel problem and thankfully for the majority, they will not have ulcerative colitis. For the unfortunate few, and the numbers are growing every year, to be diagnosed with the disease will change their life though to what degree can only be determined by the passage of time.

The disease causes ulceration of the large bowel. This may only be located on a few inches at the end of the bowel, often referred to as proctitis, or the ulceration may be more extensive within the left hand side (descending) of the colon. An investigatory teat known as a colonoscopy will be undertaken to determine the extent of the colon's ulceration and perhaps give an indication as to how severe the attack will be.

The main symptom of ulcerative colitis is frequent, watery diarrhoea that can have blood and/or mucus in it. The more severe cases can witness very bloody stools. There will be associated abdominal pain when passing stools. Depending on the ferocity of the relapse, the number of times of having to go to the toilet can vary widely but can easily get into double figures within a twenty four hour period during cases of a serious relapse.

But there are also other symptoms to face other than the problem of regular trips to the toilet. As can be imagined, tiredness will be a major factor when enduring a relapse and this can be extenuated by a loss of appetite and a feeling of nausea. These factors taken together can create the problem of weight loss and an insufficient intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Medication that is prescribed such as steroids can produce side effects such as increased hormonal activity and if taken for a long period have been know to cause problems of inflammation of the joints.

The condition, though once diagnosed is permanent, can fluctuate in the appearance of the symptoms. An unfortunate few can have almost perpetual symptoms though the vast majority of sufferers will have periods of relapses and remission. The periods of relapses can be a few days to several months whilst the remissions can last for weeks even years before the next relapse. Whilst experiencing periods of remission, it is common to have no symptoms at all and thus it is possible to achieve life full of normal routines.

If any abdominal pain or blood is found in the stool, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible where they will conduct an examination and test. It can often be that the symptoms the patient is experiencing is in fact inflammatory bowel syndrome which is a mild colitis like condition that can be easily treated and ultimatley kept under control. However, if colitis is diagnosed, then the patient will have to brace themselves and take, what for them will probably be a huge step into the unknown.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Presentation, Diagnosis and Complications - Clinical Features of Ulcerative Colitis

Between relapses, Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is usually symptomless. In relapse, the severity of diarrhoea and systemic upset depends on the extent of the disease and the depth of mucosal ulceration. Active sub-total or total UC, involving the large intestine from the rectum at least to the hepatic flexure, causes frequent bloody diarrhoea, often with fever, malaise, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal pain, anaemia and tachycardia. By contrast, active proctitis is characterised by rectal bleeding and mucous discharge - often with tenesmus - but the stool is usually well-formed and general health maintained. Rarely, patients may present initially with complications of UC, such as arthropathy and sclerosing cholangitis.


Local complications
Severe attacks may be complicated by toxic megacolon (or colonic dilatation with less severe systemic upset), perforation and, rarely, massive haemorrhage. Patients who have had sub-total or total UC for over ten years are at increased risk of colonic carcinoma (cumulative risk 10-15% at 20 years).

Extra-intestinal complications
Most commonly these affect the skin (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum), eyes (uveitis, episcleritis), joints (large joint arthropathy, sacro-iliitis, ankylosing spondylitis), liver (sclerosing cholangitis, choangiocarcinoma) and vasculature (arterial and venous thrombosis).

To establish the diagnosis and disease extent
The diagnosis of DC is suggested by finding inflamed mucosa at sigmoidoscopy and confirmed by rectal biopsy. If the upper limit of inflammation is not visible then colonoscopy, with further biopsies, is usually preferred to barium enema to confirm the diagnosis and its extent, and to exclude Crohn's disease. Where relevant, irradiation, ischaemic and other types of colitis should also be excluded (see Table I). Stool microscopy and culture is essential to exclude specific infections.

To assess disease severity in relapse
Disease activity can be quantified clinically (stool frequency, rectal bleeding, fever, tachycardia, and abdominal tenderness and/or distension), and by laboratory tests (for anaemia, leucocytosis,thrombocytosis, hypoalbuminaemia, and raised ESR and C-reactive protein). Cautious sigmoidoscopy is safe, but colonoscopy and standard barium enema may cause colonic dilatation or perforation in very active disease. Alternative assessment measures include plain abdominal Xray, 'instant' barium enema (without bowel preparation), and radiolabelled leucocyte scanning.

The Amazing Functions of the Immune System

Month after month, scientific articles provide proof of the relationship between health and a healthy lifestyle. Cola may up osteoporosis risk for older women; Berries and curry are at frontiers of diet-brain research; Mediterranean diet shows promise in preventing Alzheimer disease; Increasingly, scientists are discovering the same healthy habits that benefit your heart and waistline... are a few headlines from recent issues of The Tufts University Newsletter, Prevention magazine and other health publications.

At the bottom of this relationship between lifestyle and health we find the immune system, whose function is stimulated or depressed by physical activity, the food we choose to eat and the toxic substances we put into our system.

Fifty years ago, we still knew very little about the immune system. In those days, only a handful of illnesses were classified as autoimmune, conditions where the immune system doesn't recognize proteins normally present in the body and attacks its own cells. Today, researchers have found that autoimmune responses explain about 10 percent of the diseases that affect the population; among them, diabetes (type I), lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, to name only the most common ones. Ulcerative colitis and even schizophrenia are suspected to have a link to autoimmune responses. Furthermore, conditions such as coronary disease have been related to the efficiency of the immune system in clearing up plaque deposits in the heart's arteries.

By the end of the 19th century, vaccines were invented; Louis Pasteur discovered germs as the cause of many illnesses, and, later, body reactions to specific microorganisms, like the tuberculosis Koch's bacillus were identified, confirming the existence within the body of the immune system. From that time on, the immune system was conceptualized primarily as a defense army in charge of destroying an enemy, reflecting the predominant martial mentality.

Koch and Pasteur inaugurated an era where all illnesses started to be explained in terms of germs. In the early 1940's, viruses were found capable of generating illness, and the '60's and '70's saw a great boom in virology, when researchers tried to establish a causal relationship between virus and cancer. A co-relationship (not a direct causal effect) has not been confirmed, except in a few cases, such as Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer in women.

The above-mentioned research efforts were not in vain, and as the result of those studies, science has learned a great deal. Researchers have established that human bodies continuously produce cancer cells, that the immune system is capable of recognizing misbehaving cells, and of isolating, reeducating and/or destroying them, depending on the circumstances. A clear relationship between cancer and the immune system has been established. When the immune system is depressed, cancerous cell growth is not controlled.

Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the early 80s, investigators have plunged into studying what exhausts the immune system in these patients, contributing very interesting insights into its multiple functions.

Our Second Brain
Beyond an army that chases, confronts and destroys invaders, the immune system is presently conceptualized as a self-governing network that participates in the body's learning process, and is responsible for both its molecular identity and the biochemical communication between organs. That's why author Fritjov Capra deems it our second brain.

Different from other body systems, which are confined to a precise anatomic location, the immune network penetrates each tissue of the body. It is made of a number of tissues and organs (lymphatic organs), specialized cells (lymphocytes and macrophages or white blood cells) that swim back and forth along the circulatory system during surveillance missions, gathering data to assure the organism's accurate functioning.

This extraordinary system learns and evolves with experience! From the moment we are born, it learns to discriminate which molecular features typify bacteria that are usually not present in mammals. It also recognizes which are the body's idiosyncratic proteins. Vaccines are developed based on the immune system's capacity to memorize how to react to alien proteins. Many immune system organs function as gatekeepers. This is the case of the lymph nodes (in the neck, armpit and groin), the tonsils and the Peyer's patches in the intestine. The lymphatic fluid, or lymph, goes through these "customs" points where lymphocytes detain particulate matter and microorganisms and decide if they should be granted admission to the system or not. Another lymphatic organ, the spleen, is in charge of recycling old and dysfunctional cells.

This amazing system only uses its defensive resources when facing a massive invasion of foreign agents.

Moreover, the borders that science had delineated between systems start to blur, bringing opportunities for new understandings of the body's functioning. Recent research shows that brain, endocrine glands and immune system cooperate and share functions. The brain produces neuropeptides that are antibacterial precursors; the immune system has perceptual functions, and the endocrine system produces substances that work as neurotransmitters. Initially deemed as exclusive to the nervous system, they have also been found in the bone marrow, where the immune system cells are produced.

The three systems are thus, multifunctional. They form a network that exchanges, stores and passes on information, using peptide molecules as messengers. But, also, our physiology is modulated by emotions. Popular wisdom, which results from observations transmitted from generation to generation, has always correlated emotional stress with vulnerability to illness, and science has proven that our thoughts, mood and emotions influence the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and immune system and vice-versa.

Science is telling us that we can regulate the production and efficiency of our messengers (peptides) by adopting healthy lifestyles. So, eat healthy, have fun, step up!

Is Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease Treatable With a Diet?

A perfect visual element to Crohn's nutrition is the food pyramid. However, because traditional foods provide a negative consequence instead of a healthy, balanced consequence, the Crohn's diet showcases a new version of the pyramid.

Starting off at the bottom, the base on which all meals should start off of, is vegetables. However, as described earlier, vegetables, as nutrient dense as they are, are texturally dense as well, which means that one must steam these vegetables. In conclusion, the base of the pyramid is steamed vegetables. In fact, two servings a day of steamed vegetables is suggested by the Crohn's disease diet.

There is another base, however, and not just one that makes up the Crohn's nutrition pyramid-protein. The Crohn's diet proposes three to four servings a day. However, note that processed foods are a no-no. Take turkey for example. If turkey breast, thighs, or even a whole turkey is bought, and is cooked, roasted-understand that fried proteins are not considered proteins due to the unhealthiness of frying-or what have you at home by one's own doings, then the protein is perfect in regards to Crohn's nutrition. Although the pyramid does suggest protein, stay away from processed proteins-turkey slices often contain preservatives that may contain sugars, laxatives, or other harmful "anti-Crohn's diet" consumables.

The third pillar of the pyramid in the Crohn's disease diet is actually vegetables again, however in a juiced form. Healthy shakes, that may be full of protein powder or what have you, should contain mostly vegetables. The reason why Crohn's nutrition emphasizes liquid veggies is because it is the perfect inverse of density-high nutrient density and very low texture density, because it is a liquid, the lowest texture density possible, for it is not even a solid anymore.

Again, note that the Crohn's disease diet pyramid does not promote processed foods, and it is easy to be tricked. V-8 is a nutrient filled shake full of vegetables. However, it is not encouraged because of the amount of preservatives in the drink-V-8 is not even in the refrigerated section because of how much preservatives fill the bottle.

The pyramid then continues onward to, again, vegetables-raw, this time-and meats, proteins, again. Because of the high texture density in both foods, it should only be consumed a few time s a week, says the Crohn's diet, which will help get one's body used to higher dense foods. Also, meats are acidic, and is another reason why it should be limited. However, the amount of nutrients from both sources are too high to be ignored or replaced.

Next is fruits. Although Crohn's nutrition discourages such sweet, fibrous foods, the amount of nutrients, again, are too valuable to cut out. Again, note moderation.

Even higher up the pyramid is simple carbs, like pasta and breads, which should be limited to about once a month. Although dangerous, it is difficult to eliminate such basics foods that make up a traditional diet. Also, food with an incredibly high texture density must be thought of just as bad as simple carbs and processed foods, which may include nuts, seeds, and even corn.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis may be mild, moderate or severe. Mild ulcerative colitis symptoms may be treated at home, while moderate symptoms typically require prescription medications to put the disease into remission. Severe symptoms of ulcerative colitis will require medications and possibly surgery to remove the affected portion/s of the colon.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis typically present before the age of 30 and may include diarrhea, with blood or mucus present in the stool. Rectal bleeding is sometimes one of the ulcerative colitis symptoms, but without the presence of diarrhea, rectal bleeding may indicate another condition. A gastrointestinal physician can perform tests to determine the cause of rectal bleeding.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary depending on the amount of the colon (large intestine) that is inflamed and the intensity of the inflammation. There are different types of ulcerative colitis and they are classified according to the portion of the colon that is inflamed. For example, it is referred to by physicians as ulcerative proctitis when only the rectum is inflamed and the only symptom in this case may be rectal bleeding. In more severe cases the symptoms of ulcerative colitis that is confined to the rectum may include rectal pain and bleeding, sudden need to empty the bowels or a painful urge to move the bowels without result.

When other portions of the colon are affected, ulcerative colitis symptoms typically include bloody diarrhea and cramps, as well as the symptoms experienced by those who only have inflammation in the rectum. If the left side of the colon is inflamed, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include weight loss and pain on the left side of the abdomen as well. If the inflammation affects the entire colon, it is referred to by physicians as pancolitis or universal ulcerative colitis; symptoms in this case are the same as in the other types of colitis but may include the additional symptoms of fatigue, fever and night sweats. In the most severe form of ulcerative colitis, symptoms may include dehydration, severe abdominal pain, continuous diarrhea, bleeding and even shock.

In children the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include growth failure due to the lack of nutrients and fluids caused by persistent diarrhea. This lack of nutrients and fluids also causes problems for adults and may lead to dehydration and anemia if bleeding is present. Joint pain and skin rashes have also been experienced by people with other ulcerative colitis symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is considered a chronic disease, meaning that the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may come and go and vary in intensity throughout a person's life. Diet may worsen ulcerative colitis symptoms, but no foods are specifically known to aggravate or cause the condition. In fact the cause is not known. Vitamin supplements and botanical remedies like aloe are sometimes recommended to reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms. A recent study using fish oil for omega 3 supplementation showed promise, but there is no plan to market the supplement that was used in the study. Treatment is important, even when the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mild. For more information about treatment and diet, visit