Saturday, June 1, 2013

Aloe Vera Juice As a Natural Remedy for Heartburn

Many people who are afflicted by pain and burning in their chest and abdomen after eating would prefer not to take prescription medicines, and are instead looking for a natural remedy for heartburn. One such non-pharmaceutical treatment for heartburn and acid reflux is aloe vera juice. You may have heard that aloe can be used to treat burns, sunburn, psoriasis and other skin conditions, but you might not be aware of the fact that it has been used for centuries in Europe to soothe heartburn too. Have you heard of the miracles that aloe vera has brought about?

Although the effects of aloe vera juice on heartburn have not been scientifically proven, it does make sense that this plant would help ease the discomfort that arises when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus and causes irritation. In fact, medical tests have shown that aloe can be beneficial to sufferers of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease and other painful digestive ailments.

If you want to try aloe as an all-natural heartburn treatment, drink a quarter of a cup of the juice 20 minutes before eating, and see if it reduces your usual acid indigestion symptoms. You can buy specially prepared aloe vera juice at health food outlets. If you prefer to take capsules rather than liquid juice, just follow the dosage directions on the bottle. As long as you make sure the product doesn't contain aloe latex, which is a strong laxative, you should find that aloe works well as a natural remedy for heartburn.

Living With Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis, or "UC" is a chronic and possibly debilitating disease. Symptoms include cramping in the abdominal area and frequent, loose bowel movements. When the problems first begin, it is often thought to be caused by influenza. Around half of a million individuals in the U.S. are experiencing symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It is typically found in people between the ages of 15 and 25, and in people over the age of fifty. UC affects more women than it does men.

The Causes of Ulcerative Colitis

Research has not been able to pinpoint a specific cause for this condition. One issue that is common to many who have the disease is immune deficiency; however, whether the immunity issues cause the disease or the disease causes the immunity deficiency has yet to be determined. Another theory is that stress and eating habits are the cause of the problem. As this has not been proven, it is still just a theory.

Ten to twenty five percent of people diagnosed with this have a close relative who has UC or has suffered from other digestive disorders. Some research shows a connection between infection or food sensitivity that is also related to genetics.

Managing Ulcerative Colitis

Proper management consists of regular visits to the doctor and sticking to a healthy diet plan. Nutrition is of great importance when it comes to battling this chronic disorder.

The Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis

When symptoms are moderate or severe, UC is most often treated with medication before considering other measures. Drugs may include pain killers and diarrhea medications for cases that are considered mild, and antibiotics for cases that are advanced. Cyclosporine and azathioprine (or "6-MP") is the most common prescribed medication.

When these treatments do not have an effect, the next consideration is surgery. Bowel resection surgery consists of removing the damaged parts of the intestine. Fortunately, most patients are able to control the problem with the proper medications.

Prognosis over the Long-Term

Although prospects may seem grim, most of those with UC are able to lead normal, active lives and the newly-diagnosed should strive to stay optimistic. The most important factors involved in dealing with ulcerative colitis are a healthy diet and equally healthy outlook.

Patients can stay prepared for symptom attacks by keeping an extra pair of underwear and toilet tissue close at hand. Many people use pill organizers and calendars to remind them to take their medication.

AMP Aloe Relieves Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) comprises Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Both Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are characterized by an abberant response by the immune system. The immune system is comprised of different kinds of cells and proteins, which ordinarily protect the body from infection. With Crohn's disease, the immune system functions defectively.

AMP Aloe does just this: it suppresses the inflammatory response, enabling healing of the intestinal tissues and thus inducing a remission of the symptoms of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Crohn's Disease is characterized most typically by inflammation of the end of the small intestine, called the ileum, and/or the beginning of the large intestine, the colon. It may inflame other parts of the GI tract, as well as all of the layers of the affected intestine.

Crohn's Disease Symptoms differ based on the area in which the intestine is inflamed:

  • Ileocolitis: This is the most common, and affects the ileum and colon. Symptoms: cramping and/or pain, diarrhea and possible weight loss.

  • Ileitis: Affects the ileum. Symptoms: cramping and/or pain, diarrhea and possible weight loss.

  • Gastroduodenal Crohn's Disease: Affects the duodenum, which is the very beginning of the small intestine, and the stomach. Symptoms: nausea, loss of appetite and resultant weight loss.

  • Jejunoileitis: Here you'll have inflammation in the jejunum, which is the upper half of the small intestine. Symptoms: mild to intense abdominal pain/cramping and diarrhea after eating.

  • Crohn's Colitis (granulomatous) : Affects only the colon. Symptoms: diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and disease around the anus, which may include fistulas, ulcers and/or abscesses. abscess, fistulas, ulcers). Skin lesions and joint pains are more common in this form of Crohn's than in others.

Crohn's disease is named after Dr. Burrill B. Crohn. In 1932, Dr. Crohn and two of his colleagues, Dr. Gordon D. Oppenheimer and Dr. Leon Ginzburg, published a pandemic article which depicted the major factors of what we now call Crohn's Disease.

Ulcerative Colitis is implicated by inflammation of the mucosa (mucus membrane) lining of the colon and/or rectum. Its symptoms typically go through alternate periods of flare-ups and remission that can continue through a lifetime.

These periods of flare-ups can be minimized, if not obliterated, with the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharde (AMP) molecule of the Aloe Plant. AMP Aloe can extend if not make permanent your periods of remission, and has done so for hundreds of UC sufferers.

Flare-up symptoms include inflammation of the Colon and/or Rectum, Diarrhea and Rectal Bleeding; there may or may not be painful cramping. You do not usually see constipation with Ulcerative Colitis.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is often referred to as Spastic Colon, and is represented by the malfunction of the spontaneous movement and sensation in the bowel.

The nerves are more sensitive to dietary change and stress, as well as physical activities, which may stimulate the bowel.

Most people with IBS experience abdominal cramping and pain as well as changes to bowel system functioning; alternating between constipation and diarrhea.

With IBS, there is no inflammation seen in the colon lining; nor is there any rectal bleeding; signs seen with Ulcerative Colitis.

AMP Aloe regulates the bowel motility (ability to move spontaneously and independently), and reduces the sensitivity of the nerves in the bowel to external stimuli. What this gives you is a much more consistent and normal bowel movement and functioning.

Kefir Grains - Helping With Digestive Diseases

Probiotics such as water kefir are very beneficial in balancing your digestive system and have a few different ways of doing this. There are a variety of bacteria and microorganism in the digestive tract, and 400 species of intestinal flora, 30 or 40 of which are 99% of the bacteria found in humans. There are "good" (friendly), "neutral", and "bad", pathogenic bacteria lining the intestinal tract. In a healthy body 80% of the bacteria are "good" and/or neutral, and 20% are "bad", or pathogenic.

Drinking water kefir cleans out the digestive tract and fights off a number of infections that can occur as a result of a poor diet and stress, which weakens the immune system and leaves you open to not only airborne and communicable pathogens, but also digestive diseases caused by the inability of the body to break down foods and dispose of waste, reducing the likelihood of intestinal blockage that can cause them..

A poor diet consisting of saturated fats, processed sugars, and little exercise, as well as a number of meats that are difficult to digest can result in blockage of the intestines, resulting in a number of digestive diseases or even various cancers which could be prevented by eating a balanced diet high in fiber, whole grains, fresh fruit, and vegetables, taking exercise as well as adding probiotics to your diet.

Kefir, which was discovered by tribes in the Caucasus mountains and is Turkish for "feel good", restores the balance in your natural ecosystem by working with the "good" bacteria which is already present in your intestinal tract, breaking down foods which are ordinarily difficult to digest with powerful enzymes. It also contains anti-tumor properties and though it is not a cure-all for digestive diseases, which in the advanced stages may require surgery and/or doses of strong medicines, it can help with them and, if taken early enough can prevent them from occurring in the first place.

What probiotics do is support digestion by breaking food down into their component parts and work with the body's natural bacteria for complete absorption into the body. They also act to crowd out pathogenic bacteria that can build up due to stress and other factors, resulting in constipation, diarrhea, IBS, ulcerative colitis, colonic cancer and other negative intestinal disorders brought on at times by stress, a poor diet, and high doses of anti-biotics which can kill off both good AND bad bacteria in the digestive tract. In an imbalanced state the intestinal walls cannot be rebuilt as they do naturally in 3 to 5 days, and set the stage for these harmful bacteria to build up and wreak havoc on the digestive system.

When probiotics are assisted in balancing your digestive system by crowding out the pathogenic bacteria and preventing infection, then bacteria fermentation of dietary fiber and short-chain fatty acids can occur, which is essential for the production of new cells to regenerate the intestinal tract itself. Kefir grains can facilitate this balance, as well as other probiotics and a healthy diet of plenty of whole grains, fruit, vegetables and fiber, as well as plenty of water and regular exercise, all of which is common sense and much-touted by all health professionals, minus the recent emergence of probiotics as an assist to a overall healthy lifestyle and improved digestive system.

Acupuncture - Effective Tips for Treating IBS, IBD and Digestive Disorders

If you live in Boston and suffer from IBS or IBD, you are not alone. Digestive conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affect millions of Americans every year and in the case of IBS, is the second leading cause of missed school or work. Chinese medicine and acupuncture is very helpful in allowing patients with IBS or IBD to lead pain free and stress free lives. Despite their similar monikers, there are some very important differences between these conditions.

IBS is a purely functional gastrointestinal disorder. What this means is that based on Western medical theory, there is no known anatomical, biochemical or infectious cause. The syndrome categorization indicates that the diagnosis is based on a group of symptoms that typically occur together. The primary symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. The discomfort is often triggered by eating and relieved once the individual has had a bowel movement. One of the best places to find out more information about IBS is on the website of the Internal Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders.

IBD includes Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the mucus membranes of the digestive tract. In the case of Crohn's Disease, the inflammation develops across the entire tissue of the tract and while it typically affects the distal ileum of the small intestine and the colon, can occur at any point along the digestive tract. Ulcerative Colitis involves inflammation of only the outer layer of mucous membrane in the colon. The symptoms of IBD tend to be more serious and if untreated, can lead to hospitalization. They typically include an increased urgency to defecate, blood or mucus present in stools, constant diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Due to the loss of blood, particular attention must be paid to the patient to ensure their wellbeing. Diagnosis is made based on visual confirmation of ulceration during a colonoscopy or through x-ray. An excellent source for information about IBD, Crohn's and Colitis is at the website for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.

Western treatment of these gastrointestinal conditions ranges from dietary or lifestyle changes to permanent medication to surgery in the case of severe IBD. Stress is often a major player in the flaring of symptoms although there is no known cause of either IBS or IBD at this point. From a Chinese medicine standpoint, these gastrointestinal diseases fall primarily under the realm of a spleen dysfunction. The spleen is the organ in Chinese medicine theory that is responsible for the transforming and transporting of the food we eat; a fancy way of saying that it is the major player in digestion and assimilation of food's nutrients into the body. When the spleen is dysfunctional in any way, this leads to gastrointestinal difficulties such as the symptoms of IBS or IBD. The fact that stress plays a large role in the severity of the symptoms also indicates that the function of the liver is either impaired or overwhelming the digestive capabilities of the spleen. The liver is responsible for the smooth movement of the Qi, or energy, in the body and when the movement is erratic or blocked, it can have effects throughout our systems.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture seeks to tonify and strengthen the spleen through nourishing acupoints and herbal remedies while relaxing the liver to promote the smooth flow of Qi through the body. In addition, other symptoms are addressed through treatment aimed at stopping any bleeding the gut, reducing inflammation, eliminating gas and bloating and restoring regular bowel movements.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture can give you an extra tool to use to relieve the symptoms of IBS or IBD but there are some simple things that you can do to improve your quality of life and management of your condition.

1) Decrease your stress levels. Since stress seems to have a large impact of the gastrointestinal health, the best thing you can do is remove yourself from stressful situations if at all possible. By using breathing or meditation techniques, you can decrease the harmful effects of stress and affect the symptoms of digestive diseases. There have even been references to hypnosis and mantra usage to relieve stress levels in people that suffer from IBS or IBD.

2) Exercise. This one could be piggybacked on the previous tip because exercising helps decrease stress levels in the body. Yoga is particularly helpful because many of the poses and motions involve twisting movements that actually massage the intestines and promote increased blood flow to the gut.

3) Dietary changes. This is often one of the hardest to make and stick to but there is very little doubt that diet does have an effect on gastrointestinal diseases. The main problem is that there is no diet that works for everyone. Track what you eat and your symptoms in a food log and you should be able to gradually form a picture of what your food triggers might be. Some basic recommendations include removing refined sugars, alcohol, and difficult to digest foods like nuts or seeds from your diet. The sugar and alcohol can cause inflammation in the system while the difficult to digest foods can tax an already fragile system.

4) Herbal remedies. A good acupuncture friend of mine says, "chamomile, chamomile, chamomile" whenever we talk about digestive disorders. Chamomile is thought to ease the nerves, reduce inflammation and relieve abdominal cramping. Another herb, turmeric, is also often used to decrease the damage caused by inflammation. A high quality probiotic can be helpful in decreasing the abdominal discomfort from bloating and gas.

5) Talk about it. Find a support group to join and discuss your condition with others who are going through the same thing. This can be invaluable in a world where bowel movements and the effects they have on one's life and perception of themselves are rarely discussed. In addition, having a supportive group of people sharing what therapies work for them, trusted doctors they like and hints or tips about living with these conditions can create an excellent environment for real physical and emotional healing to take place. You can find support groups in your area by looking at the website of the aforementioned foundations for IBS and IBD.

Digestive diseases like IBS and IBD can take a toll on your emotional state as well as your physical condition. While there hasn't been a specific cause or cure identified yet for them, there are numerous options out there for care. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are merely two of them but their emphasis on natural wellness and whole body balance might be just what you need to help you deal with your gastrointestinal illness.

If you would like further information about acupuncture or Chinese medicine and its treatment of Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, I have some research articles available to share. Please contact me for them.

Ulcerative Colitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome are all the similar diseases with very minor variations. They all affect the bowel system. The symptoms are very similar to each other.
What are the underlying causes of irritable bowel syndrome?

Strictly speaking, the cause is unknown. Not that this disease has been neglected by the research fraternity, but the results are inconclusive, leading to several presumptions. One obvious presumption is that this is a type of allergic reaction to food; another is that that this is hereditary; while still another is that when the immune system of the bowels is weakened, it causes irritation of the bowels. But all said and done, none of these causes are actually identified to be the culprit.

What are the symptoms?
Some symptoms of Ulcerative colitis are diarrhea, loss of appetite, blood in stool, pain and cramps in the abdomen, fever, mucus in the stool, ulcers in the large intestine. An experienced physician can diagnose the disease using the results of colonoscopy which involves a biopsy of a swab of tissue from the colon. Monitoring depletion levels of important electrolytes like sodium and potassium by blood tests can also lead towards a diagnosis.

What is the best treatment for Ulcerative Colitis?
Conventional systems use two types of drugs. An occasional flare-up is usually taken care of by certain medicines. The symptoms subside until the next spurt which could be several weeks later. The other type of treatment is for more chronic cases where the drugs need to be taken regularly and at all times.

Of all the drugs used in this treatment, corticosteroids are prescribed for short term and the doses are tapered off. They are stopped for some time before being restarted. The reason being that, corticosteroids are known to weaken the bones if taken regularly for a long time; upset the body's delicate hormonal balance; and cause diabetes, glaucoma and even mood swings.

Some doctors resort to surgery as a last measure. But, this is an inconclusive step, since irritable bowel syndrome can still prop up in other healthy areas.

Treating irritable bowel syndrome with natural Aloe Vera shows encouraging results. Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines. Being a natural product, Aloe Vera is quite safe. There are no negative side effects other than regenerating dead cells in other parts of the body, including the intestines. Aloe Vera heals and if taken regularly, restores your digestion and absorption. With Aloe Vera you can continue your doctor's prescriptions for Ulcerative Colitis. Using Aloe Vera finally eliminates the unhealthy side effects of using drugs.

Clinical research is still going on in finding the cause and effective treatment for ulcerative colitis using allopathic drugs.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Is Senna a Good Colon Cleanser?

Senna also called as cassia acutifolia in botanical name is also called as Cassia senna in other terms. It is used as a common remedy for constipation. It is also renowned for increasing the digestion power. The laxative agent called as anthroquinones is the active ingredient in senna being used to clear constipation problems. This herb is rich in fibres. Fibres are very essential to prevent constipation problems and other problems related to digestion and toxins. Our day to day consumption of food get excreted as a faeces through the bowel movement. During this process some slimy amount could not be excreted as they are strongly attached to the intestinal walls. The normal bowel movements could not remove them.

Senna can act as an powerful natural fibre rich ingredient to effectively remove even the adhered slime wastes out of the body. Many kinds of Senna products are available in the market. As the Senna can not be consumed raw various reputed pharmaceutical companies have extended helping hand to process the natural Senna and be made available in the market in the form of pills like tablets or capsules. The Senna leaf is used as a major ingredient in these capsules. Immediately after consuming the senna capsules, the onset of bowel movement occurs with in 3 to 10 hours depending upon the individual. Along with the bowel movement come the attached slimy portions and toxins that are the culprits for various kinds of body disorders like constipation, toxin, joint aches and all sorts of related body aches. In addition these may also be responsible for many kinds of skin problems like acme, skin rashes and skin allergies.

Although senna has proved to be effective in treating the clogged colons, it should not be consumed for more than 7 days consecutively. More over doctor's advice is a must for consuming any kinds of drugs to prevent any further complications of the disease. Consuming Senna or any other drug that unclogs the colon for more than 7 days could permanently damage the intestines and colon. Moreover when Senna is consumed during pregnancy, immediate consultation with the doctor is a must as it might pose some kinds of hazards to the foetus. After the approval to use any kinds of these drugs by the doctor, it is safe to consume these capsules. Not only pregnant mothers but the children also should consult the doctor before taking such capsules. They can cause certain type of allergies to unsuitable individuals.

Moreover Senna also should not be consumed by patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, Crohns syndrome, ulcerative colitis, anaemia, severe haemorrhoids, blood vessel damage, kidney or liver damage, recent or past colon surgery and also by patients who suffer from colon cancer. In these cases it is advisable to restrict the use of senna and it is always wise to consult a known doctor regarding the treatment.

Extreme usage of Senna might cause severe cramps, bloating, abdominal pain, imbalance of electrolytes, rash, liver toxicity, urination problems, swelling of finger tips, bloody diarrhoea. These happen only in extreme usage of the senna products however when senna is used in moderation upon advice of the doctor can fix the problem effectively.

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Unlocking The Physical Degeneration And Aging Cycle With IV Nutrition

More often than not, the degeneration of health begins with poor nutrition. A nutrient is defined as a substance that the body can use for energy or building it's structure. When needed nutrition is insufficient in the diet, the working machinery of the body structure breaks down.

The tissues in the digestive tract undergo a lot of wear and tear and are easily damaged. For this reason, the body tries to replace them every 3-4 days. But if nutrition is lacking, this cell turnover may slow down from lack of nutrients, and so these cells may only be replaced every week or two. This can lead to several problems. These damaged lining cells of the intestines may not absorb nutrients as well as they should. This will compound the problem of lack of nutrition. They might only absorb half of what is present (they're old! They move slow!). In addition, since they have wear and tear damage, they will allow molecules into the body that should not enter. Bacteria, yeast, partially digested food can come in between cells because the junctions break down. This is what is known as "leaky gut." With lower nutrient levels now being absorbed the enzyme levels in the stomach, small intestine and pancreas will fall. This leads to incomplete digestion and more nutrient deficiency. It becomes a viscous cycle.

And so based on this scenario we age prematurely and get sick.

Moreover, since the immune system is largely based in the small intestine, it begins to react strongly to the foreign substances that are entering the body through this now "leaky gut" and attacks them. This leads to an overall up regulation of the whole immune system and often times it begins no only to attack the invaders from the leaky gut, but also its own tissues. This is the origin of many autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.

In today's modern society of nutrient depleted food (fast food, processed food, vegetables picked green and shipped thousands of miles and stored in coolers for weeks or months before we eat them), and daily exposure to hundreds of toxic chemicals, our bodies are "left out in the cold" so to speak, and heath suffers.

Such ill people often seek help from well meaning practitioners who may prescribe "treatments" for the symptoms that are really due to nutrient deficiencies and environmental toxicities. Rounds of antibiotics for "colds and flu," drugs for arthritis, for high cholesterol, for poor sleep, for mood alteration, for fatigue always just make matters worse. All drugs are toxins and may also block nutrient absorption or lead to nutrient depletion. There are many reports of magnesium depletion and other minerals from anti-acid and diuretic therapies, low CoQ 10 from cholesterol drugs and diabetes medication, B and C vitamin deficiencies from oral contraceptives just to name a few. Replenishing these missing nutrients can cause profound benefits in quality of life, better energy, improved sleep quality, and mental functioning.

Many times, trying to replenish the sick body by taking more oral nutrients does not work because the digestive system is so broken, it cannot absorb them. Luckily, we have a way around this.

By using intravenous (IV) solutions of nutrients (vitamins and minerals), we can quickly and efficiently deliver them directly to where they are needed: the cells. This means we can bypass the broken digestive system entirely.

What we are doing is giving the body natural nutrients (as opposed to drugs) that help to heal the body structure, including the intestine and digestive system, improve metabolism, and replenish supplies of deficient nutrients. Since these are the actual building blocks of the body, they are safe to administer, and body accepts them easily.

Did you know that sixty-seven percent of the population is estimated to be magnesium deficient? And did you know that when a person is magnesium deficient they have difficulty absorbing magnesium? Since this is the case, giving more oral forms of magnesium will not work.

We can fix the situation by giving a series of magnesium IVs and when the body is replenished, it will again be able to absorb the oral nutrient. Magnesium is essential in over 200 body processes and when one is deficient he may experience asthma (spasm of bronchioles), high blood pressure (spasm or constriction of blood vessels), menstrual cramps (spasm of the uterus), and migraines (vascular spasm). Heart failure and heart arrhythmia are conditions associated with decreased intracellular magnesium levels and, as such, are also benefited by this essential mineral.

Many times we use Vitamin C by IV administration because it can help the body fight off viral and flu type infection and it is useful in treating colds, influenza, and hepatitis. It is also indicated for immune support, for treating allergic conditions, for its anti-cancer properties, and to aid the detoxification of heavy metals.

The Myers Cocktail, named after the late Maryland physician John Myers, M.D. combines magnesium, calcium and B vitamins to safely, inexpensively, and effectively treat a variety of chronic conditions including depression and fibromyalgia and chronic conditions of the digestive tract that can result in magnesium being "leaked" or wasted.

A common eye disorder in seniors is macular degeneration. It is often responsive to IV administration of nutrients required for healthy eye function, including zinc, selenium, glutathione, and vitamin B complex.

A blend of vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients may be used to replenish nutrients during a course of chelation therapy and also anytime someone feels rundown, is exhausted by chronic illness, or is under more stress than usual. Stress "eats up" nutrients (especially B vitamins), thereby creating a temporary exaggerated need.

When someone has a chronic infection or is under a lot of mental or physical stress, an intensive anti-oxidant IV can be delivered using glutathione (the most potent antioxidant in the body) or alpha-lipoic acid. These nutrients have special use in modulating peripheral neuropathy of diabetes, liver disease (including hepatitis), asthma, and virtually any chronic disease in which oxidation plays a role.

In Summary IV Nutrition

* Gets high dose vitamins, minerals and antioxidants directly to the cells

* Quickly fixes nutritional deficiencies

* Enhances immune response

* Increases total body energy

* Bypasses intestinal malabsorption

* Fights chronic infections like hepatitis, candida, lyme, etc.

* Fights acute infections like Flu, mono, etc.

IV Vitamin C

This is an effective way to treat infectious diseases from cold and flu to Hepatitis C and HIV. IVC Therapy has been shown to kill viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner.

IV Glutathione

This is an effective aid to detoxification through the liver. It is indicated in Parkinson's Disease and Macular Degeneration and sports recovery after hard exercise

Myers' Cocktail

Meyer's Cocktail helps boost or maintain a health immune system. It is a mixture of B vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium and Magnesium. It has been shown to be helpful in the following conditions:



Chronic depression (due to B-vit deficiency)

Chronic fatigue,

Congestive heart failure


Muscle spasms

Seasonal allergies

Senile dementia



Hydrogen Peroxide IV

Oxygenating therapies have been used in medicine since the late 1800s when peroxide was reported to help in treatment of sinus and throat infections.

When Hydrogen peroxide is given intravenously, it quickly, within 1 second, becomes free oxygen, and boosts the levels of oxygen in the body.

In fact, studies show that tissue oxygen levels with IV peroxide were the same as when someone was put in a hyperbaric chamber.

Hydrogen peroxide can kill many infectious diseases like bacteria, viruses and fungi. It can also break up the lipid cholesterol plaque in arteries to reverse atherosclerosis.

There are over 6100 articles in the scientific literature dating from 1920 on the scientific applications of hydrogen peroxide.

In studies conducted by Charles H. Farr M.D., PhD, the father of peroxide treatments, he proved that when given IV peroxide:

• The metabolism increased and body temperature rose

• There is stimulation of thyroid hormone

• There is dilation of small arteries all over the body with improved blood flow

• Oxygen levels in the blood dramatically increase

• Strong stimulation of the immune system

• Improved blood sugar

The test subjects reported increased mental alertness, increased visual acuity, increased brightness of surroundings, and a feeling of relaxation. There were significant improvements in many conditions including infection, allergy, and influenza.

Can Supplements and Diet Help Fight IBD?

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are caused, among other reasons, due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Can supplements help counter the effects?

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome fall in the category of diseases that have been dubbed 'man-made diseases.' Caused by the excesses of modern unhealthy lifestyle, diet does play a big role in stomach ailments like these. It is very sad that most people downplay the importance of something as vitally important and basic as diet. People do not realize the sheer amount of unhealthy foods they are ingesting everyday - greasy fast food, candy bars, gooey cakes and ice-creams, deep-fried snacks, not to mention cigarettes and recreational drugs.

Half a million people in America are suffering from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome and other related ailments. The government has put bans on drugs like cocaine and heroin because they are bad for us. But, unhealthy food habits kill more people than drugs could ever hope to achieve. Now, the question is - do supplements help fight these diseases? What is the purpose of taking supplements in the first place?

Supplements are used to supply our bodies with essential nutrients that we are apparently not getting enough of. If that is the purpose, why not take them through natural healthy food instead of getting them through a chemical powder in a box? You must follow a healthy diet because that is the best insurance you can have against stomach diseases or for that matter, any disease. Otherwise, even a minor stomach ailment like irritable bowel syndrome can aggravate into something major like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

Prevention is better than cure. Nip ulcerative colitis in the bud. Start eating healthy now and don't wait to ask, "Will diet cure this?" Why wait till you actually need a cure? Start eating healthy now! Don't rely just on health magazines. Health magazines do more harm than good because every time you pick up a health magazine, you will see an article raving exaggeratedly about the benefits of some obscure vegetable and people fall for the fad and overdo it and end up harming themselves. Fruit juices are only beneficial if they are drunk sugarless, otherwise sugar defeats the purpose. Reduce the intake of any unhealthy and potentially lethal substances. Notice the word "reduce," that means you need not avoid totally because sugars and oils and fats are needed in limited quantity for our bodies to function normally. So it's okay to indulge yourself sometime. But don't use that as an excuse to binge.

Five Foods You Should Not Put In Your Mouth

Did you know that every day you may be consuming foods that are doing incredible harm to your body? These aren't poisonous foods, or even illegal foods, they are worse than that! They are foods that have become such major ingredients that most processed, supermarket or pre-packed food contains many of these deadly ingredients.

In this article, we look at the top five foods that should never enter your mouth. Five foods that are responsible for much of today's chronic illness and disease. If you regularly consume any of these foods, stop now and see what a powerful difference you can make to your health.


Wheat is the number one food on our list, one that single handedly is responsible for most forms of digestive distress and discomfort. If you have not yet removed wheat from your diet this is an absolute must.

The protein gluten, found in wheat is particularly damaging to the lining of the digestive tract. The regular, frequent consumption of wheat based products is one of the key factors behind digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn's Disease and Celiac's. If you find yourself regularly affected by any of the below symptoms, removing wheat from your diet is particularly important:

  • bloating or abdominal discomfort after eating,

  • frequent bouts of diarrhoea or constipation,

  • regular problems with gas and wind.

Recurrent eczema or hard to beat psoriasis is a key indication you are eating too much wheat.

Wheat, and it's damaging protein gluten, is a common filler ingredient in many prepacked and prepared foods. Be sure to read labels carefully and choose products that are free from both wheat and gluten.

Cow's Milk

Wheat's partner in crime is cow's milk. The protein casein found in cow's milk has a similar effect to gluten. A dietary change as simple as removing gluten and casein is one of the key natural interventions for many chronic conditions including:

  • arthritis and auto immune conditions,

  • digestive conditions such as Crohn's, Celiac's, IBS, and ulcerative colitis,

  • childhood disorders such as Autism,

  • common allergies and asthma.

Try replacing cow's milk with rice milk or almond milk which are commonly available in supermarkets. Many people have reported that purchasing A2 Cow's milk has seen a reduction in symptoms. Don't be fooled by lactose reduced, or low lactose milks. While some people are lactose intolerant, it is the protein structure more than the sugar that causes problems.

The culturing of cow's milk in products such as kefir, yoghurt, and many soft cheeses, also helps to remove the damaging aspects of casein.


Called "white, sweet, and deadly", sugar is one of the most damaging ingredients in the modern diet. Often overlooked however, is that white, refined, breads and pastas are also simple sugars and have the same effects and cause the same problems.

Commonly known as a key factor in obesity and diabetes, simple sugars are also the preferred food for cancers and a major contributor to auto immune and degenerative joint conditions. Removing sugar from the diet is one of the quickest and easiest ways to:

  • lose weight,

  • control blood sugar levels,

  • improve cholesterol and metabolic risk parameters,

  • improve immune function and prevent colds and flues.

Like wheat, look carefully at food labels. Sugar is a cheap flavouring and makes its way into many foods that you would not expect.

Refined Salt

Not quite sweet like sugar, but definitely white and deadly, the use of salt has exploded in our modern diets. Some salts are good, others are bad. Refined table salt definitely falls into the bad category and has been directly linked to:

  • heart disease,

  • hypertension,

  • and diabetes.

The salt refining process also sees the addition of many chemical nasties such as aluminium. Although aluminium may make your salt easier to pour and more resistant to clumping, excess aluminium has been associated with many adverse health outcomes.

Try replacing refined table salts with good quality, unprocessed, Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt. These salts have not been stripped of important trace minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iodine, during processing. These full spectrum salts are powerful foods in maintaining health and wellbeing.

Trans Fats

If your plans for ageing don't include heart disease, cholesterol, or diabetes, reducing your intake of trans fats is a step in the right direction.

Trans fats, or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, are plant based unsaturated fats that are artificially stabilised. Trans fats are often found in margarine, cookies, baked goods, pastries, take away foods, and other processed foods, where the hydrogenation prevents rancidity. It is the high consumption of trans fats, rather than saturated fats that is one of the leading drivers of high cholesterol levels.

Make sure the fats and oils in your diet are of the healthy variety by increasing intake of olives, avocado, nuts and seeds, and purified fish oils. Don't be scared of saturated fats from meat, eggs, and cheeses, as modern research places the blame for adverse outcomes on trans fats.

Health Benefits of Fresh Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass has been deemed as one of nature's best gifts to mankind since the late 1960's. This superfood has long been celebrated for its nutritional content, cleansing and cell regeneration properties. Its chlorophyll content is very high and contains all the necessary nutrients our body needs to nourish and repair itself. The discussion on its benefits to the body could be endless, but just to show you some of them, let me share to you some of the health benefits of fresh wheatgrass juice. Here are some of them.

1. It restores alkalinity to the blood. Wheatgrass juice is very rich in alkaline minerals which helps balance the body's pH level. It can help relieve and treat many internal pains such as ulcers, ulcerative colitis, hyperacidity, GERD and other problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. It detoxifies the liver and bloodstream. Wheatgrass is a powerful detoxifier. The amino acids and enzymes found in this superfood can protect the body from carcinogens and toxins.

3. It fights and prevents tumors. Recent studies have shown that wheatgrass can fight tumors as it cleanses the system and neutralizes toxins in the cells.

4. It purifies the skin. Wheatgrass can help improve complexion, remove acne and treat other skin conditions. It is also easily absorbed by the skin, providing the skin essential nutrients to keep it healthy.

5. It gives instant energy. It can help remove weakness and fatigue. It's actually like caffeine sans the side effects. It is immediately absorbed in the blood stream and gives that instant energy boost.

6. It regulates blood sugar levels. The chlorophyll found in wheatgrass can help stabilize blood sugar levels. Its fiber content on the other hand can help regulate the absorption of sugar and cholesterol which can prevent the sudden rise of blood sugar level. This can be very beneficial especially to those suffering from diabetes.

7. It can treat and prevent constipation. It helps promote healthy and regular bowel movements.

8. When used externally, it can help soothe and heal wounds, burns, rashes and other skin problems.

9. It promotes youthfulness as it slows down the appearance of the signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and leathery skin. Wheatgrass can help rejuvenate aging cells which can slow down the skin aging process.

10. It improves blood problems. Wheatgrass can help cleanse and nourish the blood and improve different blood problems from anemia to leukemia.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blueberries Help Prevent Intestinal Disease


Blueberries are well-recognized to be super healthy food. Organic blueberries are high in fiber, packed with nutrients, and low-calories and sugar. They are among the select few group of super healthy foods. They have been ranked blueberries at the top in terms of antioxidant ability, ahead of 40 other fruits and vegetables tested by USDA. Blueberries contain influential phytochemicals such as anthocyanin, the antioxidant bioflavonoids that gives the fruit its deep color. Naturally occurring plant pigments, flavonoids are one of the reasons fruits and vegetables are so good for you. Blueberries also have fiber to aid in digestion.

Digestive troubles affect millions of people every year. In fact, digestive suffering disorders were accountable for over 40 million doctor visits in the US in 2008.

Most health professionals agree that there is no set cause of digestive problems. Being immune compromised can lead to digestive problems along with other problems. Blueberries are well-known for aiding the immune system.

Factors such as diet, food allergies/sensitivities, stress, medications, hormone changes, infections, parasites, dehydration, probiotics, enzymes, stomach acid, lactose intolerance, laxatives, genetics and antibiotic abuse could all be a contributing factor to digestive problems.

New research results

New research suggests that the fiber in a blueberry is good for your intestines. They may help lessen and defend against inflammation of the intestine, such as ulcerative colitis.

Eating blueberries can ease and guard against intestinal inflammation.The reason for this tremendously helpful effect that blueberries have may be because the fiber in the blueberry is not degraded very much in the large intestine. The result is that inflammation causing substances become trapped in the blueberry fiber and preventing them from making contact with the intestines mucous lining. These substances are then carried out of the body along with the stool.

The rye bran is broken down in the large intestine in the same location that large intestinal cancer and ulcerative colitis frequently occur. The rye bran provides a good supply of butyric acid and proponic acid.

When fiber is broken down Butyric acid and propionic acid are two products produced. These acids are a well-known significant source of essential energy for the intestinal cells.

Grow your own

A natural way to help goodbye to digestive problems is to regularly eat blueberries. It is recommended that you eat a cup or two of blueberries every day. You can purchase them or better yet grow your own in your yard or patio. Get pesticide free plants from a reputable nursery and grow your own for year around use. You can freeze blueberries without loss of any of their health benefits.

An Owner's Guide to Colitis in Cats

Colitis in cats is characterized by the inflammation of the large intestine. The condition can occur suddenly or be chronic and progress over a few weeks. If not diagnosed and treated in time, it may be life-threatening to your cat. So, what are some of the causes?


There are many different causes of feline colitis. Some of the most common include certain viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Also, internal parasites such as protozoa and worms can bring about the condition. Your cat may also develop this condition as the result of dietary allergies or indiscretions. Other common causes are stress, cancer, and pancreatitis.


Colitis in cats can range from mild to severe. The most prominent sign of a mild case is diarrhea containing excessive mucus, water, or blood. Cats with a more severe case start having more frequent bowel movements and may also have to strain to pass stool. Cats with this condition also commonly experience vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, and loss of appetite.


After reviewing your cat's medical history and performing a physical exam, your veterinarian will have to perform a range of diagnostic tests. A stool sample will need to be examined to check for the presence of internal parasites, viruses, or bacteria. A biopsy and colonoscopy are also useful tests. To rule out secondary diseases, tests to check for other illnesses will also likely be conducted.


In order to deal with colitis in cats, the underlying cause needs to be determined and treated. Deworming medications and antibiotics will get rid of parasites and bacteria that may be the cause of the condition. Your cat will likely be placed on a special low fat, high fiber diet to make it easier for his body to digest the food. Since vomiting and diarrhea and common problems, it may be necessary to provide fluids to prevent dehydration.

The Advantages of Taking Supplementary Lactobacillus Acidophilus

It is known to everybody that bacteria are dangerous to human health. Bacteria is the root cause behind many diseases some of which are life threatening. However, there are also some good bacteria; meaning bacteria which do us good. But very little is known about them. The good bacteria are as good to the human body as the bad ones are dangerous. The good ones help the body to acquire better health and aid the body in its different functions. Acidophilus is one such good bacteria.

The bacterium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, lives in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body and produces lactic acid, which is supposed to help in digestion and the overall health of the human body. This bacterium is found in yogurt and other dairy products listed under the name, probiotics.

Acidophilus helps in the digestion by producing lactic acid. However, numerous reasons such as narcotics, alcohol, diet deficiencies, aging, antibiotics, drugs, medications, nicotine, and stressful living can result in the decrease lactic acid producing bacteria.

Digestion begins in the mouth, alimentary canal, and stomach and continues right up to the intestines where the continuous work of numerous microorganisms metabolizes the food. When the number of digestion friendly bacteria like L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, and L. bifidus is small then the process of digestion will be hampered and the body will not be able to derive full nutrition from the food. This will also affect the synthesis of vitamins in the body and lower the immunity of the body.

Acidophilus is known to help in a number of health problems such as constipation, diarrhea, mucous colitis, diverticulitis, skin disorders, and vaginal infection. It also helps in alleviating candidiasis and may prevent cancer. These claims, however, have not yet been scientifically proven. But Acidophilus is called "the second immune system of the body" because of its ability to conquer or put a stop to the growth of harmful bacteria such as shigella, which causes dysentery, diarrhea, and salmonella.

Acidophilus is used to treat the following ailments:

  • Easy irritable bowel syndrome; acidophilus cures bloating, diarrhea and cramping.

  • Reduces flatulence

  • Fights vaginal yeast; combats the overgrowth of Candida.

  • Fights bad breath.

  • Treats urinary tract infections.

  • Fights viral infections by helping to produce cells for the immunity system.

  • Reduces hypersensitivity among infants with food allergies.

  • Also helps to fight cancer cells, cardiovascular disease, constipation, colon cancer, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, heartburn, indigestion, stomach ulcers, thrush, and ulcerative colitis.

Acidophilus might have some side effects the signs of which are difficulty in breathing, swelling of lips, face, tongue, throat, or hives. If you have any of these symptoms consult your doctor immediately.

You might also feel an increase in gassiness for a few days after taking acidophilus supplements but there is nothing to worry about since it is only your intestines, which are adjusting to the bacteria shift.

Detox Diets - Why You Should Avoid Wheat & Dairy

Most detox diets exclude wheat and dairy products. Yet we are always being told that wheat fiber is good for the bowels and that we need dairy products to supply the calcium for strong bones. So why do we need to exclude them when on a detox diet?

Wheat is probably one of the most consumed foods. Many people eat wheat three times a day. Wheat cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, pasta or pizza for dinner with snacks of muffins, cakes and cookies in between. With so much wheat in our diets it can become a toxin and the detox diet aims to reduce toxins.

How wheat becomes a toxin.

Wheat is a relatively new food for the human race. Ancient man, the hunter-gatherers, lived on meat from the animals they hunted, fish and wild vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds that they gathered. It was not until the agricultural period that began about 12,000 years ago that wheat and other grains were introduced.

Wheat contains gluten, a family of proteins, that as many as one in three people may be sensitive to. Gluten is also found in rye, barley and oats. The gluten in oats, however, is very different and can be tolerated by many people who react to the other gluten grains.

Genetic testing has discovered that people have simply not adapted to the introduction of wheat into the diet. Researchers have detected gliadin, the principle type of wheat gluten, in the blood of 15% of people they tested.

Your digestive system provides a barrier between the foods you eat and your blood stream but if this barrier breaks down gliadin gets into the blood stream. The immune system reacts to it and it becomes a toxin. Your detox system has to deal with this so all gluten grains including spelt, an ancient wheat, kamut and triticale all contain gluten and are best avoided on a detox diet.

How does the barrier become leaky?

Many things can cause the intestinal barrier to" leak". Drugs, alcohol, food allergies or sensitivities, constipation, gastric infections, aging, nutritional deficiencies are some of the things that can cause damage to the sensitive and delicate lining.

Wheat because of its complex structure is also hard to digest and almost all normal people fail to absorb a large amount of starch from wheat. These starches get fermented by the bacteria in the digestive system which produces acids that damage the lining.

People with many intestinal conditions like Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, diverticulitis, Celiac improve when they avoid gluten. Many people are surprised to find that they do react to wheat when they start eating it again after being on a detox diet.

What's wrong with dairy?

Although we are always being told that a daily glass of milk is good for you half the world manages quite well without it. According to genetic researchers human adults were not designed to digest milk. Many southern Europeans, most Asians and many Africans cannot digest milk products. It is only as a result of genetic mutation that some humans tolerate lactose at all.

As many as 75% of people naturally lose the ability to digest the lactose, a milk sugar, once they are weaned. Lactose intolerance can cause gastric upset which causes irritation and a leaky intestinal barrier that places a heavy load on the liver detox system.

One of the most common allergies or intolerance is to cow's milk. Again dairy products appear in many food items as milk protein, whey or casein.

Non organic milk can contain traces of environmental chemicals and hormones which all place an extra burden on the detox system. It makes sense to exclude it when on a detox diet.

What to eat instead.

As so many people have wheat and dairy allergies it has become much easier to find products that do not contain them. Manufacturers have produced cereals, pasta and bread made with non-gluten grains.

Other grains or grain like seeds that can be eaten include brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, gram flour (garbanzo or chickpea flour) and maize.

Dairy alternatives include rice, soy, almond, oat and coconut milks, soy yogurt, pumpkin seed or nut butters and cashew cream. Calcium can be obtained from nuts seeds, leafy vegetables, grains, peas and beans.

So although excluding dairy and wheat when on a detox diet may take some planning you will still be able to eat tasty meals. It will be well worth it when you find that many niggling symptoms disappear and you feel and look so much better.

Sudden Hearing Loss - What You Need to Know?

One of the most devastating hearing losses is the sudden hearing loss (SHL). This occurs relatively quickly in a matter of hours or days and can affect one or both ears. Many specialists state that this type of loss is frequent in people between the age group of 30-60 years and has an equal occurrence rates in both men and women. It is important to note that SHL affect people differently but it is often accompanied with other conditions like vertigo or tinnitus or both. The condition may be mild or server and may affect various parts of the hearing frequency range. It may also be temporary or permanent.

There are two types of this condition: sudden conductive and sudden sensorineural hearing. These conditions will be treated differently because they are of different natures. The sudden conductive condition is relatively easy to diagnose and fix and are therefore not considered a medical emergency. On the other hand the sudden sensorineural condition is a medical emergency and patients need to see an otologist or a neurologist. This condition usually occurs within three days and the loss is more than 30DB as shown on the audiogram. In other situations, the condition may be instantaneous and the patients may hear a loud sound or a pop sound before their hearing disappears.

The condition is not idiopathic as there are quite a number of known causes. One of them is autoimmune conditions such as lupus, relapsing polychodritis and Ulcerative colitis among others. Vascular conditions like red blood cell deformity, sickle cell and blood dyscrasias; Neurological Neoplastic like acoustic Neuroma, leukemia and multiple sclerosis are also some of the causes of this condition. People who have undergone trauma or have infections due to viruses and toxins in the body may also suffer from sudden hearing loss. Sometimes it may be difficult for the ear specialists to determine the cause of the condition and may render it as idiopathic.

For those patients with history of SSHL associated with situations look straining, diving or recent surgery it is important to see a specialist as it will require a surgery. Patients diagnosed with idiopathic SSHL usually recover completely without treatment but others may require some treatment options in order to regain their ears while others do not recover whether they have been treated or not.

What You Need To Know About Intestinal Biopsies

Failure to obtain biopsies during endoscopy misses important treatable intestinal conditions

Thousands of people are undergoing endoscopic exams daily without having tissue samples obtained. Sadly, though their exams may visually appear normal, under the microscope there are often microscopic findings that explain the symptoms that will respond to directed therapy. The gut is lined with superficial cells that contain a few immune cells that release chemical mediators that attract other cells to the area and fight off foreign invaders.

Several cells only seen microscopically play a role in digestive symptoms

Lymphocytes, eosinophils and mast cells are the immune cells that are normally present in small numbers in the surface cells of the gastrointestinal tract. A few lymphocytes are present in the tips of the surface cells that are a type of epithelial cell. These lymphocytes act as the body's scouts. They survey the barrier of the gut to the inside of the body, looking for signs of potential invading infectious agents. Once an attack is perceived, they signal reinforcements to join them on the front lines.

Lymphocytes are immune cells detected early in celiac disease and cause bowel symptoms

When persistent increased numbers of lymphocytes are present in the surface cells, a chronic inflammatory condition of the gut exists. In the duodenum, autoimmune reaction to gluten in genetically susceptible individuals is a common but frequently missed cause of chronic inflammation known more commonly as celiac disease or Sprue.

Eosinophils and mast cells are allergy cells that cause bowel inflammation often due to food

Eosinophils and mast cells are types of immune cells involved in allergy reactions in the body. They are less commonly present in the gastrointestinal lining except when there are parasites, food allergies, or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders are less common and a newly recognized condition, mastocytic enterocolitis, is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel and colon. However, mast cells may be difficult to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells that are immunologically activated.

Allergic esophagus condition may mimic reflux but is due to food and eosinophils

The esophagus normally contains no eosinophils. The two exceptions gastroesophageal acid reflux in which small numbers, up to 6-7 usually and no more than 10-12 per high power field (40X magnification) are found in the lower esophagus only not in the mid or upper esophagus. Allergic eosinophilic esophagitis is diagnosed when 15 or more eosinophils per high power field are found in more than two fields or more than 20 to 24 per high power field in one field are seen or lesser numbers are present in the upper esophagus. Mast cells that are activated have also been found associated with allergic eosinophilic esophagitis and their presence supports allergic esophagitis over reflux as the cause of the increase eosinophils though it is believed some people have both conditions coexisting.

Allergy and immune cells in the stomach and intestines found microscopically cause symptoms

In the stomach and small intestine more than 10 eosinophils per high power field defines eosinophilic gastroenteritis. In the small intestine and colon more than 20 mast cells per high power field found in association with otherwise unexplained diarrhea is now termed mastocytic enterocolitis. This newly recognized and described entity is previously unrecognized cause of diarrhea in some patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome who may have been told they have a normal colon exam though no biopsies were done. Similarly, more than 20 lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells in the colon are found in lymphocytic colitis, another form of microscopic inflammation of the intestine resulting in diarrhea that may be inappropriately diagnosed as IBS.

Gluten grains wheat, barley and rye cause increased lymphocytes with normal blood tests

In many of these patients, gluten sensitivity is to blame and the lymphocytic colitis is felt to represent a colonic form of celiac disease. In celiac disease, 30 or more lymphocytes in the tips of the villi per 100 epithelial cells is the earliest sign of gluten injury occurring before the villi become flattened or blunted. This finding may noted before the specific blood tests, anti-endomysial (EMA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies appear in the blood even though the intestine is damaged enough to result in nutrient malabsorption and diarrhea. Anti-gliadin antibodies are often present however when significant intra-epithelial lymphocytosis is present along with symptoms that respond to gluten free diet. Lesser degrees of intra-epithelial lymphocytosis have been proposed as highly suggestive of early celiac disease and or gluten sensitivity, in the range of 20-25 per 100 epithelial cells.

Colon can be affected early with microscopic signs only

In the colon, the presence of eosinophils is considered one of the earliest findings of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. In the right colon more than 20 eosinophils per high power field and in the left colon greater than 20 per high power field is considered abnormal and suggests eosinophilic colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease or a parasitic infection.

Allergy cells release chemicals causing pain, diarrhea, and sometimes constipation

Eosinophils and mast cells release chemicals that irritate the bowel, increase permeability (cause leaky gut), increase contractions of the gut, increase intestinal secretions and heighten pain. Both cells are related to allergies including food allergies. It is therefore not difficult to conceive of a link to adverse food reactions in the development of intestinal irritation.

Most digestive symptoms should be evaluated by scope examination and blood tests

The important point to be aware of if you have gastrointestinal symptoms and are undergoing or have undergone an endoscopic examination is that a normal appearing intestinal lining does not exclude the presence of damage or irritation sufficient to cause symptoms of pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea nor exclude impaired digestion and absorption. Blood tests exist that can help screen for celiac disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but biopsies of intestinal lining is usually required for definitive diagnosis.

Normal appearing gut lining may not be normal, make sure you get biopsies

Only through obtaining tissue samples that are examined under the microscope can abnormal types and number of inflammatory cells be identified. It is through biopsies of normal appearing intestinal lining that the correct diagnosis of various microscopic forms of gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases is confirmed. So, if you are preparing to undergo an endoscopic exam, I encourage you to insist that your doctor perform biopsies even they believe your exam looks normal. Based on the information I have reviewed above, a normal exam should be tip off that one of these microscopic conditions might be to blame for your symptoms.


Al-Haddad S, and Ridell RH. "The role of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel disease." Gut 2005; 54:1674-1675.

Guilarte M et al. "Diarrhoea-predominant IBS patients show mast cell activation and hyperplasia in the jejunum." Gut 2007; 56:203-209.

Jakarte S et al. "Mastocytic enterocolitis. "Increased mucosal mast cells in chronic intractable diarrhea." Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2006; 130:362-367.

Kirsch R et al. "Activated mucosal mast cells differentiate eosinophilic (allergic) esophagitis from gastroesophageal reflux disease." Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2007; 44: 20-26.

Liacouras CA. "Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders." Practical Gastroenterology March 2007. 53-67.

Rubio CA et al. "Lymphocytic esophagitis: a histologic subset of chronic esophagitis." Am J Clin Pathol. 2006; 125(3): 432-437.

Yousef MM et al. "Duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytes in disorders of the esophagus and stomach." Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2006; 4:631-634.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are both inflammatory bowel diseases which can be painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. Common symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, blood in the stool, ulcers, reduced appetite and weight loss, and fistula or abscess. Heredity and an abnormal immune system are believed to be the common causes of these conditions. Risk factors for these conditions are: an age from 20 to 30, white race, a family history, urban place of residence, and a history of smoking or of having used Isotretinoin. The difference between the two diseases is that ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of the large intestine and rectum in continuous stretches; whereas Crohn's disease occurs in patches anywhere in the digestive tract, and often spreads deep into the layers of the tissues.

Since the system of Ayurveda classifies most diseases predominantly based on the symptoms, it categorizes both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in the disease called 'Pravaahika', and hence these two conditions have been clubbed here together for a common overview of their Ayurvedic treatment. Treatment is aimed at correcting the basic pathology of the diseases, controlling symptoms, preventing or reducing complications and boosting the immune system of the body.

Treatment for the main symptoms includes medicines like Kutaj-Ghan-Vati, Kutaj-Parpati, Panchamrut-Parpati, Bilva-Avaleha, Sanjeevani-Vati, Bhallatak-Parpati, Jatiphaladi-Churna, Bol-Parpati and Bol-Baddha-Ras. Herbal medicines useful in these conditions are: Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Hing (Ferula narthex), Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Naagkeshar (Messua ferrea) and Bhallatak (Semicarpus anacardium).

In order to prevent bleeding, medicines like Praval-Bhasma, Naagkeshar, Sphatik-Bhasma and Laxa (Purified wax) are used. Castor oil has been given prime importance in the treatment of these conditions; and therefore, products containing this medicine such as Gandharva-Haritaki and Sinhnaad-Guggulu are used along with other medicines. Refractory patients who do not respond satisfactorily are given a course of a special medicated enema known as 'Pichha-Basti' which consists of milk, boiled with medicines like Moch-Ras (Salmalia malabarica).

In order to reduce the intestinal inflammation and prevent complications like abscess and fistula, medicines like Kamdudha-Ras, Chandrakala-Ras, Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica) and Haridra (Curcuma longa) are used in high doses for prolonged periods. Medicines like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) and Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) are used to reduce stress. Suvarna-Parpati, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant and Panchamrut-Parpati are used to boost the immune system of the body and also to reduce the inflammation in the intestines.

It is important to note that adequate life style changes need to be made to adjust to these chronic conditions. Appropriate modifications are required in the diet, and adequate relaxation techniques need to be adopted. Butter-milk and pomegranate juice are specially recommended in both these conditions. Because of the potential for serious complications, all such patients should maintain a long term follow-up with a Gastroenterologist.

You Can Overcome Ulcerative Colitis

My husband Don Johnson was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at the age of thirty, he was a hair line away from having his colon removed. As all other patients suffering from this horrible disease, he was told that he would have to live with it for the rest of his life. He suffered from intense stomach cramps, bleeding, fatigue, leg pains, joint pains, mental blur (haze), depression, and he could not hardly eat anything without it causing his symptoms to worsen. Does any of this sound familiar? His Doctor prescribed him steroids and other pharmaceutical drugs to help subside his symptoms, but they only gave him terrible side effects like rashes, severe dry mouth and water retention.

He started researching Ulcerative Colitis and found that there really was no cure, only web sites educating people on "How to" live with Ulcerative Colitis. He did not give up and tried pretty much everything and anything out there from the pharmaceutical to the natural holistic medicine. It took him five years of continued trial and error and a lot of money spent, but today he is 38 years old and completely Ulcerative Colitis free! His last colonoscopy was done three years ago and his Doctor and the medical staff there where amazed.

The Colitis was all gone... There wasn't even a little tell tale sign that it had ever been there! He wasn't just in remission, but he was literally cured from Ulcerative Colitis. Today he eats whatever he wants... pizza, salad, Italian food, spicy foods you name it and he can eat it. He has never been healthier in his life and he enjoys life to the fullest. Gone are the days of depression and feeling sick all the time. He is now able to take the Kids out on family outings without having to go to the bathroom every 1-2 hours. He enjoys a normal healthy lifestyle which nobody thought would ever be possible.

How Omega 3 Fish Oil Can Help Aid Digestion

The connection between omega 3 fish oil and digestion is undeniable when you see the results of studies that prove the correlation. Indeed, dozens of studies have been conducted in the United States and elsewhere that specifically address how pure fish oil can improve digestion.

Of course, you will only see the benefits if you purchase high quality supplements, so a few important tips for spotting a quality product will be disclosed here as well.

Proper digestion requires a vast array of good bacteria. Probiotics are among the good bacteria located in the intestines that help with the breakdown of food. When you choose to ingest omega 3 oil as part of your daily supplement intake, you are helping your body maintain the best possible balance of probiotics.

Proper digestion also relies on certain cell membranes. Without these, the nutrients could not be absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream. When a person fails to have enough essential fatty acids in their bodies, which are provided by omega 3 supplements, the absorption of nutrients from food is negatively affected.

This means you may be eating healthfully but may fail to experience the many benefits of the food you eat if it is not also rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Of course, you can solve his dilemma by taking pure fish oil supplements.

Inflammation anywhere within the digestive system can result in poor digestion along with many other kinds of ailments. Since omega 3 oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, you can reduce your risk of developing conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

If you want a healthy digestive system, there are many things you can do, and among the recommended actions is to take omega 3 fish oil daily.

Unfortunately, many people who are excited about enhancing their digestion are disappointed to find that these supplements are making them burp, feel bloated or nauseous, and suffer from an upset stomach. These side effects will only manifest themselves if you are ingesting rancid or impure fish oil.

To prevent this from happening to you, check for three things. These are the freshness of the oil, the toxicity of the oil, and the amount of DHA in the oil. With fresh, pure oil possessing a high amount of DHA, you will experience only benefits and no negative side effects from taking omega 3 fish oil.

Ulcerative Colitis - It's a Lonely Life

Ulcerative colitis is nothing to joke about, I know I was that soldier.

In 1996 around the August time I started a journey that was to continue until around 2002, well not so much a journey, rather a nightmare, you see I was diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis, a swelling of the walls in the large bowel brought on by a cause unknown to me and specialists alike, and believe me it was painful.

Whilst I will explain signs and symptoms, bye no means do I want to offend or seem gross in my description of this dreadful disorder so if you are easily offended, then "look away now".

It all started one day at work, I remember wanting a toilet visit and the heavy pain in my tummy suggested I would be there a while, well the pain got worse and my tummy sounded like a washing machine, the pain would build up and build up then gurgle gurgle and a flutter would shoot up the left hand side of my tummy only for the process to start all over again, the next time being even more painfull than the last.

The toilet visit ended with relief and me feeling sore and what felt like a high temperature, that must have been the pain, pain can be tolerated up to a point before you start to feel dizzy and sick, hence why I felt the way I did.

A few days had passed before my next chapter, as they always did, I was never regular, sometimes a week would go by and nothing, but at the time it seemed the norm. This time it was a bowling ball, no something bigger, as so it seemed, but on pushing and straining out came what could only be described as marbles, no maybe a little smaller, this is the effect of the inner walls of the intestine inflaming reducing the channel and making what is small seem rather large, not that I knew this at the time but would eventually find out.

Yes, the ailment, disease, condition was evolving, one time loose and the next little balls and hard, it was never a consistent result on the loo.

OK, it had started, but that was the "tip of the iceberg" the worst was yet to come. Blood in the stool was frightening, all sorts of things enter your mind but the logical thing was to be checked out and this was to happen a few days after my honeymoon, yes that's right, I was getting married and had my appointment just after getting home.

My consultation was to be something I would never forget in a lifetime, OK, the consultant confirmed colitis, and explained a few thing, also the next process, the endoscopy, camera up the "you know what" to me and you, but the mystery still surrounded this condition and left me thinking, "what's really wrong here?" and "whats colitis" so taking into consideration I was confused, the specialist, as I was walking out the door and a few steps into the waiting area where there are lots of "people", people who knew as much as I, decided to shout down the corridor, "nurse could you give Robert a leaflet about coping with Colitis", talk about patient confidentiality!

Letting all and sundry know what was wrong with me was not a great problem, the problem was, it was in my home town and soon everyone who knew me could know, but did they know what it was? and did they think it was contagious? oh my god what will everyone be saying?, and so at this point, while I'm feeling sorry for myself, I have to deal with paranoia, and to boot, my legs turned to jelly, I was always a little nervous and with me feeling like a million people are looking at me, well the walls were closing in fast and I needed to be out of here pronto!

My name is Robert and I suffered chronic ulcerative colitis for around five years, for around ten years I have been in remission, I would like to say cured but cannot, it become part of my life and will always be there, but don't forget, never take good health for granted and if you are suffering from Ulcerative colitis, my story, with the grace of god, will be yours.

Next time we meet, "plan your journey."

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The Causes of Unintentional Weight Loss

Some people may welcome shedding off a few pounds however, drawing a line between the acceptable and unacceptable weight loss is still important. This is because gradual weight loss may be a tell-tale sign of something serious or even an illness. Below are just some of the causes of weight loss.

Cancer, the tumor as well as the treatment associated with this illness actually lead to weight loss. With tumor, what happens is this grows within the body hence requiring blood and nutrients, at the same time, it also releases toxins within the blood stream. These toxins have adverse effects that cause patients to lose their appetite then to lose weight. On the other hand, cancer treatment such as chemotherapy may render a patient defenseless and very weak. This physical weakness is the primary cause of appetite loss which frequently results in dropping off weight.

Hyperthyroidism is another cause of unintentional weight loss. This disease induces the thyroid glands to overproduce the thyroid hormones making the heart work overtime. Over-production of the thyroid hormones also affects the body's metabolism which in turn increases drastically. Even with such a big appetite this is eclipsed by the fast burning or consumption of calories within the body hence directly causing weight loss.

Meanwhile, mood changes such as depression, anxiety as well as stress can also result to a loss of appetite which affects your weight. Incidentally, there are drugs that have the same effects. Usually, these drugs are categorized as stimulants meaning they accelerate the body processes, one such drug is the nicotine present in tobacco and cigarettes.

Another condition that causes weight loss is when there is inflammation in the bowels. Disorders such as Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease affect the bowels as well as the digestive tract and this may prevent the full absorption of nutrients in the body. Without adequate amount of nutrients, the body starts to consume its reservoir of nutrients which gradually causes weight to drop.

Diabetes is another disorder that can affect weight. Since this illness is linked with the way sugar or glucose is used in the body so even if you try to make up for it by eating more, without the proper absorption of glucose in adequate quantities, you still end up losing weight.

Lifestyle also has a way of affecting the body's weight. If you find yourself too busy or have a lot on your hands, the tendency to skip meals is there. Unfortunately, Some people disregard the effects of skipping meals until it's late and they notice that they have lost a lot of weight.

To wrap things up, losing weight is not really a bad idea but what's not good about this is when you are dropping off weight consistently or you've lost 5% of your total weight for no apparent reason. In this case, you better take the time off to consult your doctor as there might be some reason why weight loss is taking place.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Aloe Vera

An African plant which is very plump and juicy is known as Aloe Vera. This plant is green and has long leaves with very edgy corners. The gel of Aloe Vera is extracted from its juicy leaves. This gel is very rich in nutrients and is very good for the health. This gel is supposed to be a blend of acids of amino, various types of vitamins, numerous enzymes and other vitamins and minerals.

Aloe vera also has very rich properties such as it controls the inflammation of various fluids of the body. It also helps the body be away from the problem of itching. It also contains very powerful anti-oxidants which help the body to have sufficient amount of oxygen. It also helps to heal the wounds very quickly. It protects the body from any type of bacteria or foreign attack. It also protects the body from all types of viruses. It also protects the body from all types of fungi. It also behaves like a pain killer for the body. It also keeps the skin new, fresh and prevents it from deadening. It keeps the skin very cool and comforting.

Aloe vera also helps a lot in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. The disease ulcerative colitis has various symptoms. Some of the symptoms are that the patient suffers from severe loose motions. This can also lead to the very sevior Crohn's disease. It can also lead to regular problem of acidity. Its initial symptoms are small burns on the skin. It can also lead to a disease known as psoriasis. It also results in a serious skin problem known as seborrheic dermatitis. Some times it also leads to serious eruptions on the skin. It also leads to a particular form of diabetes. If a person suffers from such a disease than the healing of the injuries of the person also takes a lot of time. The most important thing is that aloe vera helps to avoid all these symptoms.

Aloe vera is a very excellent treatment for all kinds of ulcerative diseases. It is because it has various medical properties such as it helps to keep the skin new and healthy. It also repairs the skin internally. It is also advised that aloe vera should not be taken in large quantities as it can react in a negative way. An advice must be taken from the doctor before consuming it.

How to Cure Crohn's Disease

If you're suffering from Crohn's disease, then you're living a nightmare! I know. I too suffered from this debilitating disease for 4 years - perhaps longer without my knowledge. Despite the seemingly endless claims of 'No cure', I proved them wrong. Today, I am totally Crohn's free and the doctors are amazed.

This is what I suggest:

1. Have a complete heavy metal test.

Normal blood tests can't detect heavy metals. Saliva and hair analysis can. It is now widely acknowledged that Crohn's disease can be caused by mercury toxicity.

2. Get rid of your mercury fillings.

The most common source of mercury poisoning is teeth fillings. See a holistic dentist and have them removed safely.

3. Detox.

An experienced natural practitioner will put you on a detox program that will remove the mercury and any other problem toxins from your body, particularly your bowel.

4. Have a test for candida growth.

Many of us have too many sugary foods and drinks. These and a host of other yeast producing products can create a fungal environment in our bowels.

5. Have bifidus products.

Good quality bifidus taken daily in cold water, will make a huge difference to the functioning of your bowel. If your bowel slows down significantly, consider increasing the dosage of bifidus significantly. See your experienced naturopath for advice.

6. Have only soft foods until your bowel movements return to normal.

When your bowel is inflamed, avoid eating any foods that might irritate it. Soft foods will slide over it and provide healing nutrition.

7. Drink 8 glasses of Evian or Fiji water daily.

Water flushes the entire body of unwanted toxins. High quality bottled water such as Evian and Fiji, contain an extraordinarily high amount of beneficial minerals.

8. Exercise on a rebounder daily.

A fantastic all over toxin flusher, this will quickly and effectively get things moving in the right direction.

9. Go to sleep by 10pm every night.

Not only is sleep healing, but it is a time of relaxation. Both are essential for restoring the bowel to optimum health.

10. Get plenty of sunshine

Vitamin D benefits every part of our bodies. The safest and most beneficial times to go out, are early morning or afternoon.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Importance of Paying Attention to Ulcer Symptoms

Stressful lifestyles, poor diets and the abuse of cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine are characteristic to many people these days. All these factors contribute to the development of digestive disorders and an increasing number of people have been diagnosed with different forms of ulcer lately.

Ulcer is an inflammation, sourness or lesion of the gastrointestinal tract and the disorder can either be developed at the lining of the duodenum, stomach or esophagus. Some forms of ulcer (duodenal ulcer) are considered to be of benign nature, while others (stomach ulcer) may even lead to cancer if ignored or mistreated.

Ulcer occurs on the background of deteriorations of the protective mucus barrier that covers the stomach and internal organs. The main cause of the disorder is considered to be bacterial infestation. Ulcer is developed in the presence of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, which cause infections of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to intervene quickly in overcoming ulcer, as it may lead to complications like perforate ulcer or bleeding ulcer. In most cases, these severe forms of ulcer need immediate surgical intervention, as they seriously affect the health of patients, sometimes even causing their death.

In the United States alone, millions of people suffer from ulcer and other gastrointestinal disorders at certain stages in their lives. There are thousands of new cases of ulcer every year and many people that are diagnosed with some forms of the disorder need hospitalization. It is vital to spot ulcer symptoms as soon as possible, in order to prevent complications from occurring.

The most common ulcer symptoms are sourness, pain and burns at the abdominal level. Many people tend to disregard these first ulcer symptoms, considering that their internal discomfort may be due to stress and fatigue. Only when they observe that their abdominal discomfort and pain reappears periodically, people realize that something is wrong. When ulcer occurs, affected people experience pain and sourness on the empty stomach, but also between meals and sometimes late at night. Some people may feel no internal distress during daytime, while having problems sleeping at night because of abdominal pain. These pains can be temporarily ameliorated by eating or taking antacids, but this won't stop them from reoccurring.

Other ulcer symptoms include poor appetite, severe indigestion, nausea and vomiting. In the case of more severe forms of the disorder, ulcer symptoms may include the presence of blood in the vomit and feces, dark-colored vomit of thick consistency, black stools, bloating, belching, fatigue, body weakness and dehydration. Constant bleeding may cause anemia and weight loss.

It is vital to spot ulcer symptoms as soon as possible. When you experience abnormalities that indicate the presence of ulcer, you should ask for medical guidance and follow an appropriate treatment for your condition. Prompt intervention when dealing with ulcer can stop complications from occurring, minimizing the threat of the disorder.

Uncover the Hidden Benefits of Anti Inflammatory Fish Oil

Most people don't know this but inflammation in our bodies can be a silent killer. It can cause heart disease and other serious illness over the long run. We all have it to some extent but it's hard to tell so we may not even know it.

Oftentimes, however, even if it's not causing serious disease, it shows up in the form of other troubling problems that can make life miserable. But, anti inflammatory fish oil can help reduce inflammation-related health problems.

While the dangerous health effects of inflammation are only beginning to be widely understood, the value of taking high-quality pure fish oil is well-researched and proven. In fact, for heart disease, you could experience more advantages from taking an anti inflammatory fish oil than you do aspirin if you take the right product.

So, what kinds inflammation can pure fish oil combat? Well, we've already mentioned inflammation that causes heart disease that many people take aspirin to combat. But, while aspirin can hurt your stomach, for those in good digestive health, the right fish oil shouldn't bother your stomach at all.

But, even if you have an inflammatory bowel disorder like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, studies show high-quality fish oil supplements can help you. Fish oil has been shown to reduce painful inflammation associated with Crohn's disease. In fact, 69% of those who took it in studies stay symptom free compared to 28% of those who took a placebo.

Similarly, instead of taking drugs like aspirin for arthritis, you might be able to take omega-3 supplements. Research proves that these supplements, particularly when they're the highest quality, are very helpful in reducing arthritic symptoms. That could increase your ability to move around substantially if you have RA (rheumatoid arthritis) by making it less painful.

These products also help gout by reducing the compounds in your bloodstream that lead to gout.

And, if you have skin problems like psoriasis and acne, omega-3 fatty acids also help improve the quality and health of skin. Using pure fish oil reduces the inflammation associated with these conditions and fights the effects of skin inflammation caused by aging, too.

But, most people's biggest concern around aging still remains heart disease because it's the number one killer in the United States. Every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event and many won't survive. Moreover, a lot of times, people have no idea that this disease, aggravated by inflammation, is plaguing them. High-quality, anti inflammatory fish oil has been shown to help significantly reduce heart disease.

Now, these pills aren't a cure for heart disease and, alone, won't prevent it. But coupled with a healthy diet and weight as well as moderate exercise, omega-3 fatty acids can go a long way in decreasing your chances of a deadly heart attacks and increasing overall heart health.

So, now you're convinced. Inflammation is a big health problem that can be dangerous and omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce the health dangers connected with it. Well, what do you need to do next?

You must do own your research. But, keep some things in mind when you do.

For the most benefit, make sure the product you purchase can actually give you the most anti inflammatory fish oil per pill available for your money.

Also, make sure they're not only made from the purest fish oils from the best sources but are mostly free of contaminants and fillers. Your supplements should be consistently fresh, and should be tested and guaranteed to be exactly that.

By making certain of these things, you're sure to find your fish oil supplements won't do more harm than good. And, buying the best quality anti inflammatory fish oil is sure to give you your desired results and enhance your health.

Untreated Peptic Ulcer can Lead to Serious Complications

Peptic ulcer is a common disorder of the digestive system that causes inflammation, irritation and lesions to internal tissues and organs. Peptic ulcers generally occur on the premises of infection with Helicobacter pylori (bacteria that often populate the interior of the stomach), triggered by an overproduction of gastric acids and pepsin. Helicobacter pylori weaken the internal organs' mucus-covered protective walls, enabling digestive fluids to cause ulcerations and lesions.

The natural physiologic factors that can prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer are: appropriate production of mucus, good mucosal blood circulation, appropriate production of bicarbonate, alkaline tide and a thick hydrophobic layer. If the balance of these natural defenses is perturbed, the risks of developing peptic ulcer are considerably increased.

Peptic ulcers can be developed either at the level of the duodenum or at the level of the stomach. Duodenal peptic ulcers are generally less serious, while stomach peptic ulcers can lead to serious complications. In the absence of an appropriate medical treatment, stomach peptic ulcer can lead to perforated ulcer or bleeding ulcer, disorders that require immediate medical intervention.

Peptic ulcer occurs in people of all ages and it affects both sexes equally. Although at first the disorder may be mild, peptic ulcer can progress over the years, sometimes even becoming life-threatening. However, nowadays peptic ulcer can be effectively overcome with medication treatments, rarely requiring surgical intervention. When it is timely diagnosed, peptic ulcer is highly curable.

Peptic ulcer usually generates symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and soreness, which usually intensify after meals or during the night. It is important to note that antacids can only provide temporary symptomatic relief, being unable to prevent the progression of peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer can only be overcome with the means of an appropriate diet and specific medical treatment. When suffering from peptic ulcer, it is very important to pay regular visits to your doctor in order to receive medical examinations and a correct treatment.

The best means of preventing the progression of peptic ulcer are a healthy lifestyle and an appropriate diet. A good ulcer diet can ease the symptoms of peptic ulcer and can also keep the disorder under control. Ulcer diets should only contain non-acidic foods and beverages. When suffering from peptic ulcer, you should limit the intake of citrus fruits, processed foods and some dairy products. Although milk is known to provide relief for peptic ulcer, it can actually aggravate the disorder.

Avoid smoking, alcohol and coffee when suffering from peptic ulcer. Smoking affects the blood circulation at the level of the stomach and it also slows down the process of healing, while coffee and alcoholic beverages stimulate an overproduction of pepsin and gastric acids. In order to minimize the risk of complications, it is best to abstain from smoking, alcoholic and caffeine beverages when suffering from peptic ulcer.

Ulcerative Colitis Nutrition

Often in cases of Ulcerative Colitis patients can become malnourished and need better nutrition. This is because often eating can be a painful experience when in a Flare up and at the other end everything is being evacuated as fast as it goes in!

Good nutrition can help in many ways. Patients need good nourishment to build themselves back up after a Colitis episode, the right kind of diet which is nutritious and helps reduce inflammation is very useful. Many people find eating a Paleo type diet helpful. Vitamins are often very helpful in recovery; a good multivitamin as well as Vitamins C E & D can be very helpful in treating Colitis.

Calcium - often after a Flare up which has been treated with steroids it is a very good idea to take calcium supplements if you doctor is not already providing them. Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis as a side effect of steroids. It can also help reduce Diarrhea.

Iron - If there has been bleeding during a flare up you may become anaemic and need topping up with an Iron transfusion as Iron supplements can sometimes upset colitis.

Omega 3 Fish Oils are very good for staying in remission as they are anti inflammatory and our diet in these modern times is deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Herbs - such as Boswellia, Turmeric and Ashwaganda can be very useful in reducing inflammation in the body as a whole which helps colitis as well.

Probiotics - Either as supplements or in the form of Kefir or homemade Probiotic Yogurt made with Goats Milk. Probiotics are excellent at improving the good bacteria in the Gut and reducing inflammation.

Six Practical Uses of Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics - An Introduction

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial to health. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are edible non-digestible substances that promote the growth of intestinal bacteria. They are both known for their therapeutic properties and health benefits and are consumed by a large number of people.

Practical Uses of Prebiotics and Probiotics

1. Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea (AAD) - AAD is caused when antibiotics disrupt the microbial balance in the intestine. It typically occurs after a long course of antibiotics. Studies show that both pro and prebiotics can be effective in treating and preventing AAD. They should be started at the time antibiotic drugs are prescribed and should be continued for at least a month.

2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Pro and prebiotics can be used for maintenance of remission of inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Multispecies probiotic formulations and inulin prebiotics are generally considered effective at maintaining remission.

3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, chronic abdominal pain, and bloating. Prebiotics and probiotics can be used to reduce the severity of the symptoms. If a person responds positively to the treatment, pre and probiotic intake should be continued for a long time.

4. Allergic Diseases - Development of autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, and allergies are often linked to disruptions in the intestinal microbial balance. So, prebiotics and probiotics can be quite effective in treating these diseases. They modulate hypersensitivity and inflammatory responses and reduce the symptoms of the diseases significantly. They can be used to treat allergic rhinitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, and allergic urticaria.

5. Genitourinary Disorders - Pre and probiotic foods and supplements can be used to treat bacterial vaginosis, yeast vaginitis, and urinary tract infections in women. Lactate and peroxide producing probiotics, along with prebiotics, are particularly used to treat these disorders. Regular consumption of pre and probiotic foods and supplements is necessary to prevent recurring infections.

6. Infections - Prebiotics and probiotics improve immune function and help the body react quickly to infections. They increase the number of immunoglobulin producing plasma cells and T cells and improve your body's ability to prevent and fight infections. A regular dose of pro and prebiotics can lower the risk of bacterial and viral infections in children as well as adults to a certain extent.

The Effectiveness of Pro and Prebiotics - A Comparison

There is a noticeable difference between prebiotics and probiotics in terms of efficacy. While the health benefits of prebiotics are well documented with the help of clinical studies, the benefits of probiotics remain unsubstantiated.