Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Brief Overview of Mouth Ulcers Causes

A mouth ulcer is either an open sore, developed on the inner side of the mouth or a laceration in the mucous membrane of the mouth. Mostly they have a small and round appearance. They can cause serious pain and can really impede you oral activities. Their two main types are aphthous ulcers (canker sores) and cold sores. Whenever you are experiencing any of the above mentioned types, certain foods like pepper can really generate severe pain. Usually they come in crops of three or four and can generally last for a few days or even a week. A number of individuals experience them regularly, while others may just dig up the occasional ulcer once in a year.

Amongst the various reasons of this problem, one of the biggest is emotional stress. When you are feeling any type of stress, you are more prone to have an oral ulcer. So if you want yourself to remain away from this trouble, you do have to make yourself stress-free.

With regards to diet and nutrition, there are more than a few reasons, mainly if recurring mouth ulcers are a difficulty. A number of people can be anemic i.e. lacking sufficient iron or folic acid. Perhaps, Zinc insufficiency is one of the major nutritional grounds. So, Zinc lozenges can be considered as very suitable, particularly if there aren't any dental issues. There are a good number of patients, suffering with recurring ulcers, having food allergies or hypersensitivities. So if you notice to have an allergic relationship with any food stuff, then you have to minimize its usage for your long term benefit.

The second leading reason of this problem is the unintentional damage to your gums, tongue or inner cheek lining. For instance eating hot foods, mistakenly biting cheek lining or tongue, a pointed broken tooth and badly-fitting dentures may all be contributory factors.

For some women, they are more expected to occur before their menstrual period. This perhaps suggests that hormones like estrogen and progesterone have a strong effect in this domain. In addition, a decline in the stress hormone "Cortisol" can well be involved. This is for the reason that Cortisol is one of the most vital anti-inflammatory bodily hormones formed by the adrenal gland in stressful conditions. After constant stress, Cortisol becomes exhausted which can leave the individual more susceptible to inflammatory conditions like mouth ulcers.

Another reason you may develop this discomfort is that you have a basic medical condition such as Celiac disease, Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Now, if you do have such an underlying medical state for which you are consuming a pharmaceutical drug, then this might be the reason for it. A good number of pharmaceutical drugs induce a burning sensation in the mouth and digestive path, particularly if taken incorrectly. So consult your doctor if you are taking a pharmaceutical drug and believe this to be the only reason of your problem. Although, these types of reasons of mouth ulceration are very rare, but if your problem is not departing, you should necessarily consult your medical doctor.

Chemicals like alcohol or aspirin that come in direct contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth may cause necrosis (pre-mature loss of living tissues), forming an ulcerated surface. Similarly, Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), one of the key components of most toothpaste, has been found to have an involvement in increased occurrence of this oral disorder.

It is quite frequent for smokers to have multiple oral ulcers within a week of smoking cessation. The time duration varies from individual to individual and may range from a month to even a year.

How to Create a Diet For Ulcerative Colitis

Creating a Diet for Ulcerative Colitis

If you are reading this chances are you have Ulcerative Colitis or you know somebody who does. The first thing I want to tell you is not to worry. Ulcerative Colitis can usually be treated so effectively through changes in diet and medications that the symptoms become extremely manageable. In fact certain medications could cause a remission that lasts for years. Medication is just one piece of the puzzle however. Diet also plays a very large role. Some say diet is the most important factor of all. That has yet to be proven but it is clear if you properly alter your diet for Ulcerative Colitis the symptoms can become much more bearable.

Whether you are taking medicine or not it is important to change your diet for Ulcerative Colitis. It will help you eliminate the foods that cause flare-ups as well as help you maintain proper nutrition. It may be a difficult undertaking at first but creating your diet for Ulcerative Colitis will be well worth it. It is a way for you to take control of your disease and regain power.

The general guidelines for Ulcerative Colitis diet:

Avoid dairy: Dairy is a food group notorious for causing gas which can be very painful when dealing with UC. Try reducing your dairy intake for a few days and see how you feel. This simple change can make a big difference. Additionally it is possible that you may be lactose intolerant which can cause many symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal pain and gas. People with Ulcerative Colitis are more likely to have food allergies so it is important that you seek the services of a dietician to determine your food allergies. Otherwise you will continue to unwittingly consume the foods that cause you harm.

Avoid greasy food: Greasy foods, such as fried food, or anything with a high fat content, can trigger Ulcerative Colitis symptoms. This includes abdominal cramping, diarrhea and gas. If you suffer from these symptoms after eating fried foods it's possible you are suffering from malabsorption, a condition in which fat is not easily absorbed and passes quickly through the intestine. If you believe this to be the case consult a dietitian.

Experiment with fiber: There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. People tend to find that soluble fibers help with their symptoms while insoluble fiber exasperates them. Insoluble fiber can be found in many fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables. Since fiber affects different people with Ulcerative Colitis differently it's possible your body will only be able to handle a very small amount. It is important for you to experiment and find your personal quota.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet for Ulcerative Colitis

A large part of dealing with Ulcerative Colitis learning about your body. You must listen to it to figure out what you can and cannot eat. Everybody is different. What might be right for you may not be right for some. That's why the single most important part of developing a diet for Ulcerative colitis is maintaining a dietary journal. In your journal you should catalog everything you eat throughout the day as well as any flare-ups you have. This will help you form a correlation between certain foods and flare-ups so you can eliminate them from your diet. If you are not sure what foods are causing the flare-ups doctors recommend you try the elimination method. The elimination method is very simple. All you do is eliminate the suspected food from your diet while keeping the rest of your diet the same. If there is a noticeable decrease in flare-ups then that food is probably to blame. It is important to not make any other changes to your diet while implementing the elimination method or else you will not get accurate results.

The role of Supplements

It is difficult to maintain a completely balanced and nutritious diet for Ulcerative Colitis. That is simply the nature of the disease. Supplements are an important tool that will help you maintain a balanced diet. Without supplements it would be very difficult to maintain a completely balanced diet. It is important to note however that supplements are just that, supplements. They are not a substitute for eating healthy.

Anal Fissure and Fistula

What are anal fissures and fistulas?
An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus or the skin around it. An anal fistula is an abnormal track or channel from the anus that opens onto the skin surrounding the anus.

What causes anal fissures and fistulas and who is at risk?
Frequently, no cause is found for the development of an anal fissure. The most commonly associated condition is constipation.

Anal fistulas are associated with a number of conditions that result in inflammation of the digestive tract. These include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (see separate Factsheet). More commonly, however, fistulas are caused by infection and abscess (collection of pus) in one of the glands near to the anus. Multiple anal fissures may also be associated with these conditions.

What are the common symptoms and complications of anal fissures and fistulas? Sudden and severe pain in or around the anus is the characteristic symptom of an anal fissure. The pain often occurs during or shortly after the passage of a hard stool, but may also occur spontaneously.

After that, the pain occurs now and then and is severe, sharp and often shooting in nature; it is often made worse by a bowel movement. As a result, sufferers often avoid opening their bowels, which makes the constipation worse and prevents the fissure from healing. The condition is frequently associated with something called a 'sentinel pile'. This pile, or haemorrhoid, is a small vein that has dropped down from inside the anus to lie outside. It may bleed from time to time and a streak of bright red blood on the toilet paper may be seen.

Anal fistula is most commonly associated with an abscess near the anus, which gives rise to pain in or around the anus that may be dull and throbbing. The abscess releases pus, which may be blood-stained and soil the underclothes. The formation of a fistula results in the often continuous seepage of pus or sometimes a more thin and watery fluid, again often streaked with blood, from the anus. If the underlying abscess is large enough it may cause a fever and a feeling of being generally unwell.

If a fistula has been caused by an inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, other symptoms of the disease may be present. These may include diarrhea, abdominal pains, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea and vomiting.

What is the treatment for anal fissures and fistulas?

Self-care action plan
Avoiding constipation by eating a diet rich in fibre (including plenty of fruit and vegetables) helps to prevent anal fissures from occurring. Such a diet also helps the healing process.

If diet alone is insufficient to control constipation, a number of medicines can be used, many of which are available as over-the-counter preparations from a pharmacist with no need for a prescription. These include lactulose, taken as a liquid, and tablets such as senna. Creams or ointments that contain pain-killing local anaesthetic agents are very useful at relieving the pain of anal fissures. Relief of the pain reduces the spasm in the muscles of the anus, which often prevents the fissure from healing.

If all the above measures fail, a variety of operations is available for the treatment of anal fissures. These include stretching of the anus, which is carried out under general anaesthetic (during which you will be asleep) and although normally performed as a day case, may require you to stay in hospital overnight. This procedure results in temporary weakening of the muscles around the anus, relieving the spasm and allowing healing to occur. Alternatively, a 'sphincterotomy' may be performed. This, again, is carried out under a general anaesthetic and involves cutting some of the muscle fibres around the anus. A chronic (long-term) fissure that does not respond to the above treatments often has to be cut out and then sewn up with stitches.

If an abscess is the cause of an anal fistula, it can only be treated surgically. The operation involves cutting into the abscess and draining the pus. If a fistula is present it will also need to be tackled surgically. This operation involves cutting into the fistula and 'laying it open' to allow healing to occur. This will involve a stay in hospital.

More rarely, when the fistula is caused by an associated inflammatory disease of the bowel, the particular disease often also requires specific treatment. This may involve taking steroid tablets to reduce the inflammation but if severe, surgery may also be required.

If you do have an operation for an anal fissure or fistula, you will be given instructions as to what to do when you get home. This is likely to include information about the importance of having a daily bath, how to avoid constipation, and when you should return to the doctor for a follow-up.

Complementary therapy
Relaxation therapy, the Alexander technique, yoga and tai-chi may help to relieve the stress and the underlying increase in muscle tension associated with the pain of an anal fissure, and may help to promote healing. These techniques may also promote a sense of well-being, which may be useful in such chronic painful conditions.

What is the outcome of anal fissures and fistulas?
Anal fissure is usually harmless and heals on its own, although it can be a very painful condition. Complete recovery is usual, and often occurs spontaneously; only rarely is surgery required.

Anal fistula, although rarely a serious condition, often requires surgical treatment, but again complete recovery is usual.

Ulcerative Colitis - An Autoimmune Disease

Colitis is thought to be an autoimmune disease. So what is an autoimmune disease?

Autoimmunity is where the body's immunity reacts against the body, causing excess inflammation in certain parts of the body. In the case of Colitis it is in the gut. But why does it do this?

Our immune systems are designed to react to both unwelcome outside invaders like bacteria and other pathogens, but also to malfunctioning cells, like cancer cells. Unfortunately sometimes the immune system can attack healthy cells, which results in autoimmune diseases like Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's.

One way of looking at the situation is to assume that the immune system is over reacting to things and that it needs to be calmed down, and not boosted in any way. However a better way to describe the condition of Autoimmunity would be to look at it as a situation where the control mechanisms as to where the immune system is directed have malfunctioned, the immune-system is still working fine however it is being mis-directed in its efforts and sent to some incorrect places where it is not required. This then leads to problems as the body starts attacking itself. If this is the case then squashing the immune system with drugs is most likely not the best course of action. Perhaps if we can understand the cause of the malfunction we would be better able to solve the problem.

One of the most popular theories as to the current increase in Autoimmune conditions is that we live in too clean and hygienic environments and that we don't get enough exposure to bugs and bacteria. Most bugs and bacteria contain beta-glucans in their cell walls and these beta glucans stimulate the immune system in such a way as to build up normal healthy immunity. Beta Glucans appear to act as immune system modulators, and may be of use in correcting a misbehaving immune system. Beta Glucans are naturally found in foods like Shitake Mushrooms and Oats.

The balance between Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids is another factor that in implicated in gut inflammation. By increasing the intake of Omega 3 in proportion to Omega six the guts over reactivity is turned down. In our modern diet we generally ingest far more Omega 6 than Omega 3; they should ideally be in an equal balance. So eating oily fish and taking omega 3 supplements is a good course of action.

Ulcerative Colitis Cure?

If you have Ulcerative Colitis and are looking for a cure then there is hope. However there isn't yet a magic pill you can take which will cure you in 10 minutes. Ulcerative Colitis is an autoimmune condition which causes inflammation of the colon. To cure it you have to reduce this inflammation and then there is no colitis. This is exactly what Doctors try to do with Pharmaceuticals such as Prednisolone, which is a steroid and steroids reduce inflammation in the body, unfortunately once you stop the drugs the inflammation tends to come back, all the drug is doing is masking the symptoms not addressing the root cause. But if you can find a way to stop your body from becoming inflamed in the first place then it will mean that you will probably never have a flare up again. In fact there are many promising non pharmaceutical treatments available today which have no side effects and can keep colitis at bay by reducing inflammation naturally.

· Probiotics are anti inflammatory and have been shown in several studies to be as effective as Mesalazine in maintaining remission. They have also been used to induce remission in one study and were very successful.

· Elemental Drinks- these are a type supplemental food in the form of a liquid diet which in studies have been shown to induce remission as effectively as steroids.

· Boswellia is an anti inflammatory herb from India which in one medical study was shown to be as effective as Mesalazine in maintaining remission and has no known side effects.

· Ashwaganda is another herb which in studies has proved to be more effective than steroids in reducing inflammation.

· Diet can play a huge role in Colitis, and there may be trigger foods that you are not aware of which may trigger a flare up; if you avoid them then you may never have a problem again.

· Regular exercise has been shown to have an anti inflammatory effect on the body, especially short burst of high intensity exercise.

So whilst there is no magic cure for colitis the solution is quite straightforward, once we reduce the inflammation in our bodies through diet, exercise, probiotics and possibly some herbs if required then we will no longer suffer from Colitis.

10 Tips for Self Healing of Colitis and Crohns

There are different ways you can promote self healing colitis and crohns if you suffer from either of these inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Self healing remedies, which are essentially non-drug alternative treatments, are the preferred choice of treatment for many IBD sufferers because most of these remedies are free of negative side effects and encourage the body to heal itself.

The following are 10 self healing colitis and crohns methods you can look into -

1. Diet - Many IBD symptoms are triggered by food products. Therefore, it's a good idea to create a food diary and eliminate the foods that aggravate your condition (I.E. fat, sugar, acid foods) and increase those that lower the risk (I.E. most fruits, vegetables, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids). Talk to a dietician or your doctor about good food choices and to start a diet plan that works for you.

2. Herbal remedies - There are many herbal remedies for self healing colitis and crohns treatments. Herbs from plant have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes including treating gastrointestinal disorders such as crohns and colitis. Popular herbal remedies that may be used as treatment for inflammation include: cat's claw, green tea, ginkgo, slippery elm, wild indigo, etc. Herbs may be taken as supplements, added to recipes, in tea, or eaten whole, depending on the herb. It's in your best interest to talk with a professional herbalist.

3. Acupuncture - Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific acupoints in the body to help bring balance back to the body. Acupuncture can help treat painful symptoms as well as, diarrhea and constipation. This treatment should be sought from a professional acupuncturist.

4. Hypnosis - Known as body/mind medicine, this form of self healing colitis and crohns is a treatment that helps to increase relaxation, improve immune function, decrease stress and ease feelings of anxiety. Hypnosis improves conditions by allowing a patient to use their subconscious to gain control over their symptoms. Hypnosis should be sought from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

5. Homeopathy - This is a type of treatment that focuses on treating individuals as a whole. The course of treatment is determined after a person's physical, psychological and emotional makeup is studied. This form of treatment is given by a homeopath.

6. Naturopathy - Naturopathy treats a person as a whole - mind, body and spirit. Naturopathy does not treat the illness, and promotes self-healing by determining what lifestyle changes a person needs in order to achieve and maintain good health. Many alternative treatments may be recommended including acupuncture, homeopathy, massage therapy, herbs, etc.

7. Probiotics - Some research has found that probiotics, also known as good gut bacteria (I.E. lactobacillus) can improve the symptoms of crohns and colitis. By providing the stomach with beneficial bacteria it helps to keep other "bad" bacteria under control and bring more balance to the gut flora.

8. Reduce Stress - Anxiety and stress have been shown to trigger and worsen symptoms related to IBD. Therefore, part of a good self healing colitis and crohns treatment plan is to make sure you find ways to reduce stress. Stress can be reduced through meditation exercises such as Yoga and Tai Chi, and massage therapy.

9. Reduce bad habits - If you have bad habits such as smoking, overeating, and drinking alcohol, it is imperative you put a stop to these habits right away to avoid triggering and worsening symptoms.

10. Joining a support group -Suffering from crohn's and ulcerative colitis can be difficult and embarrassing to live with. It helps to talk with people who understand your physical and emotional conditions. Treating emotional and psychological symptoms of IBD helps to reduce stress and is an important part of the self healing process.

Despite which self healing colitis and crohns remedies interest you, make sure you consult with your doctor before starting any treatment. It is important to first obtain his/her advice, and it is a good idea to allow your doctor to monitor your condition to see how you respond to self healing treatments.

How to Overcome Ulcerative Colitis and Regain Your Life Again

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the large intestine. This illness is classified as an autoimmune disorder disrupting the digestive and immune systems of the body. The immune system becomes confused by attacking the microorganisms in the digestive tract that aid the digestion process causing severe inflammation that is mainly restricted to the colon itself. This inflammation begins in the mucous lining of the large intestines leaving ulcers that become infected over time. If left untreated, these ulcers can become abscessed and rupture requiring the need for emergency surgery of a colectomy.

One must understand the symptoms of ulcerative colitis to develop a better prognosis of the disease in question. The illness begins as inflammations lining the inside of the colon that develop into ulcers which can lead to explosive diarrhea and intestinal bleeding. Several stages of abdominal pain that may include mild to severe stomach cramps also accompany this disorder. Fatigue, fever and extreme weight loss are also complicated by a weakened immune system that has been compromised.

The length of the area involved will also dictate the treatment remedies available. Ulcerative colitis' severity depends mainly on the patients bowel movements which can range from four stools per day to ten and beyond. Some affected regions are limited to the rectum, while others extend to the ileum which may require surgery. Persons with ulcerative colitis usually have periods with no flare ups. Usually this depends heavily on the extent and location of the disease. This illness has been known to adversely affect the persons quality of life with the constant flare ups of diarrhea and abdominal pain leaving many to seek remedies for their disease.

Standard treatment options for ulcerative colitis vary depending on the severity and location of the illness at hand. The main objective is to induce remission without harm to the patient. Modern medicine uses many different drugs for this task that have altering side effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce swelling inside the mucous lining while antibiotics control and relieve infections and keep them from spreading to other parts of the colon. Other drugs used in this treatment are known as immunosuppressives. They function by limiting the operation of the immune system, which in turn poses great health risk to the patient by exposing them to possible infections putting other organs and systems in danger. Anti-inflammatory drugs have mild to severe side effects such as headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and a lower white blood cell count.

If drugs are not successful in treating extreme cases then removal of the large intestine is generally considered a last resort. In view of all the standard treatment options proposed by hospitals and cancer centers alike, one must also consider the use of natural therapies, sometimes referred as alternative therapies. There are other alternative therapies that have been shown to produce major improvements in symptoms with no dangerous side effects. Some of these remedies are diets based on natural foods and simply require proper food combining of certain high fiber raw fruits, vegetables and whole grains cereals.

These diets also prohibit the intake of processed junk food that is loaded with chemical toxins that can upset the colons chemical balance. Along with the diet treatment, herbal plants and probiotic cultures are taken as well to provide correct balance in the intestinal flora to help rebuild the immune system and aid proper digestion.

To eliminate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, one must understand the full treatment options and take a proactive approach to finding alternative remedies that are safe and effective.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Why Wheatgrass Juicers Are Essential for a Healthy Life

Ever since man has known the concept of health and longevity on one hand as well as illness and death on the other hand, various methods have been found and continue to be found to maintain health. One of the foremost methods is drinking fresh wheatgrass juice.

Benefits to Health

If you are new to the concept, wheatgrass juice is simply the extracted juice from wheatgrass - the cotyledon of the common wheat plant. The resulting juice is vibrant green in color with a smooth texture and a leafy flavor. The most important thing about wheatgrass juice is its rich content of nutrients specifically chlorophyll, vitamins like B12, B6, K and C as well as beta-carotene.

With regular consumption of wheatgrass juice, you are doing your body and mind many favors. You can become healthier in body with the assumption that you are on a healthy diet and lifestyle. Your body will benefit from the many health benefits of wheatgrass juice including the following:

• Liver detoxification
• Colon cleansing
• Energy boost
• Stronger immune system
• Blood purification since chlorophyll has a similar molecular structure to hemoglobin

In fact, research has shown that wheatgrass juice has positive effects on people with breast cancer, thalassemia and ulcerative colitis.

Benefits to Proper Juicing

But not all wheatgrass juices may be up to expectations mainly because of the type of juicer used during the extraction process. Yes, you can use the fruit and vegetable juicer in the kitchen but it will not do the job for two reasons.

First, the high speed mechanism of fruit and vegetable juicers can easily deplete the wheatgrass of its beneficial enzymes as well as easily kill, so to speak, its beneficial nutrients. By the time you will be drinking the wheatgrass juice, significant loss of nutrients has occurred, thus, rendering the exercise futile.

Second, the fruit and vegetable juicers do not have the features necessary to cope with the leafy nature of wheatgrass. These small kitchen appliances will then clog up with the fibrous compound left behind after juicing.
For these reasons, you must purchase a wheatgrass juicer if you want to take full advantage of the health benefits of wheatgrass juice. You must, of course, keep your fruit and vegetable juicers as your juices must be varied so as to ward off boredom. Plus, different fruits and vegetables provide for different health benefits, which you want to enjoy, too.

Benefits to the Pulp

Also, a wheatgrass juicer allows for a more efficient collection of the wheatgrass pulp. Don't throw away that pulp because it still has health benefits to it albeit in a different capacity.

You can store the wheatgrass pulp for later use on the skin. Place it on external wounds, rashes, bruises and blemishes so as to speed up the healing process. This is because the wheatgrass pulp still contains some of the beneficial substances that are also good for your body's internal systems.

Your choices in wheatgrass juicers include the manual and the electric types. Both function to provide for the best possible wheatgrass juice although the process may be slightly different in terms of the power being used for their operation.

Ulcerative Colitis in Dogs: Natural Help With Probiotics

Many families have pets that are loved and cared for like children. They provide unconditional love just by being there. There is sweetness in coming home to be met by our favorite furry friends. Most are cats and dogs; a few are horses, or farm animals; some are exotic like birds and reptiles. Nevertheless they fill an important part of our lives.

There are many similarities between humans and other animals. As humans, we have more advanced thought processes and we have levels of consciousness beyond other mammals. Animals on the other hand, have highly developed senses of instinct. However, we are all still mammals. This is especially true of our digestive systems.

A number of years ago, I spoke at a break out session for physicians and other health professionals in Kentucky, the land of beautiful horses grazing in blue grass. One of the physicians asked if I used only human strains of probiotics in my formulation. With a smile, I reminded him that our bodies are mammals just like our four footed furry friends. They can struggle with diseases just like we do, in fact they can get ulcerative colitis (UC) too.

Here's my first experience with UC and a puppy. I arrived at my hairdressers for my quarterly haircut and styling to find her sobbing about her puppy, a 10-week-old bulldog. He was bleeding out of the rectum; the vet had diagnosed ulcerative colitis and recommended putting the dog to sleep. Certainly I had empathy but I was scheduled for a haircut and could only imagine what I might look like when we were done, given her emotional state of mind.

As she talked about the puppy, I realized that my research in probiotics could give relief from symptoms in humans, why not animals. After all, I had helped my friend's Springer Spaniel. I offered to return home and fix my natural treatment for her puppy provided I got the best haircut she had ever done. So we began and true to her word, I got a great style.

When I returned, I spoke to her about Carlie, the springer spaniel with "hot spots" and how it cleared up overnight with these special probiotics. I showed her the little kit and gave her explicit directions. Several days later we spoke by phone. Her puppy was doing well; there was no more blood, the vet suggested waiting until symptoms returned. I suggested that she speak with her vet about a low allergy dog food of lamb and rice. It's been nine years since that day. My hairdresser still cuts my hair and her dog is alive, well and absolutely darling.

Sand Packs For Circulation and Relaxation

While some people may simply enjoy lying on the sand to sunbathe, a number of sun worshipers prefer to lie in the sand, a treatment referred to in the Edgar Cayce readings as "sand packs." Early on, shortly after moving to Virginia Beach, I learned that the sand was special: "The radiation from the gold and radium in the proportions that you find in Virginia the better for the conditions of the body [twenty-four-year-old woman suffering from chronic ulcerative colitis]." (5237-1) Of course, it wasn't the type of gold to attract a Forty-Niner's gold rush as in California, but beneficial enough to entice participants to join A.R.E.'s own Sandman, Herbert Avrum Levine, to receive a proper sand pack. Many conferees throughout the years participated in this treatment as part of their overall conference experience.

Value of Sand Packs

"See, the sands and the radiation upon same are such as to be most beneficial to the general nervous system of anyone..." (2153-4) "These will be helpful and beneficial for the iodine as may be obtained by absorption..." (421-4) "Those sands as carry most of the curative forces in all for the blood and nerve system, see?" (201-1) The sand packs produce a "quickening, or pulsation through the superficial circulation" (849-41), "stimulate the capillary circulation, and are more for the exterior forces..." (340-12)

Sand Pack Directions

The Cayce readings are clear and specific in explaining the procedure for a sand pack. First, the sand that is to cover you must be dry and warm. Though the surface sand may meet these criteria most of the time, if there has been a rainfall even of short duration, the underlying sand, where the body would be partially buried, may still be moist and cool and, therefore, not appropriate for use. One may have to wait several days, then, for the deeper layers to dry out.

Take a dip in the ocean first, enveloping yourself entirely with sea water (this will help with iodine absorption). "Dip under like you are being baptized properly!" (264-46) Then, immediately cover yourself or get someone to cover you with the dry, warm sand. Afterward, one person was told, "[follow] same by a fresh bath and a spirited rubdown along the spine." (421-4) Another was told to rest "for fifteen to twenty minutes at least, so that the body has the opportunity to respond to those vibrations set up; for the pulsation is equalized by such applications." (758-18)

Guided by his own careful observations and intuition, Sandman Avrum Levine filled in more details to make it a truly healing ceremony. Because the sun's rays are harmful during the noon hours, the sand pack is done before 11:30 a.m. or after 3:30 p.m. during Daylight Savings Time (10:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). These times are in keeping with the readings' caution of "not too much of direct rays . . . from 11 A.M. to 2:00 P.M." (5237-1)

Packers and recipients remain quiet and reverent throughout. Duties of the packers include preparing the area of the beach for the recipient: obtaining pails of extra sand from along the dunes, "that which has not been trampled over too much" (849-37), and digging out the sand where the person would lie. Level the sand in an east-west direction, making small sand pillows to support the back of the neck and under the knees. ". . . at first [cover] only the lower limbs and the upper limbs, the arms and legs. Then gradually more and more cover the whole body, keeping the face in shadow or in the shade . . . " (264-46) The covering is to be done with love and caring.

Excluding the face and head "the rest of the body should be in the sun as much as possible-that is, the mound of sand over the body should be in the sun, see? Do not let there be such a weight on the body as to cause a great deal of distress by the weight of the sand . . . " (849-33) Packers continue to monitor the person, removing any sand from an area that feels too heavy or uncomfortable and helping the person up when the session feels complete. Rinse off afterward in the ocean.

How long should you lie buried? From ten to twenty minutes' time was mentioned most frequently, although one person was advised to begin with five to eight minutes, increasing it from ten to twenty after a week. Frequency ranged from once a day, every other day, once or twice a week to three to four times a week, or three to five days in a row.

More About Sand Packs

Mentioned in fifty-nine readings for thirty-seven individuals, sand packs were recommended as a partial treatment modality for people with arthritis, poor circulation or elimination, general debilitation, colitis, and lesions. Two people were advised not to take them, one because it would stimulate the external capillary circulation when stimulation of the internal circulation would be more useful (340-12), and the second, a sixty-four-year-old man, was told that it would be "Too much of a [stimulus] to the capillary circulation . . . Too heavy for the heart stimulant." (2504-8)

Virginia Beach was not the only location for sand packs. Besides the Virginia coast, the west coast of Florida and more specifically the Clearwater and St. Petersburg areas are also good locations. Seabreeze Beach is noted, but its exact location is not given. One mention is made of each of the following: the east coast of Florida, the lower coasts of California, and the beaches of North Carolina. When asked if salt water was beneficial, Cayce answered that the "Sand that carries gold and radium and salt" was the most beneficial. (3868-1)

Four Explosive Diarrhea Causes People Should Know About

Suffering through diarrhea after eating something the stomach doesn't agree with is an all too common experience for some folks. But everyone, from all walks of life, is susceptible to developing the condition. Diarrhea is essentially described as having more than three loose, watery stools per day. It is the number one cause of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Plus, it has been listed as the precursor to over 1.5 million deaths for kids under five, and 1.1 million deaths for those 5 and above. Explosive diarrhea is an exacerbation of this condition wherein loose stools are forcefully expelled from the body acutely and may be accompanied by rectal bleeding. So far, there are four known explosive diarrhea causes, and they will be further discussed in the following sections.

a. Malabsorption. This refers to the body's lack of capacity to absorb and metabolize certain nutrients from the food that had been consumed. Lactose-intolerance is a popular example of this, and a person's inability to use up certain sugars can lead to foul-smelling explosive diarrhea. Malabsorption problems can be brought by a number of genetic abnormalities or physical deformities, and it can be quite serious, since it can lead to malnutrition. If such is the case, those affected must consult a physician, so that they can get regular medical treatment and follow a prescribed diet.

b. Medication. Sometimes, the drugs you take in can change your metabolism and bowel habits, giving way to diarrhea after eating or even at random occasions. After taking antibiotics, for example, you might experience successive bouts of diarrhea, since it is one of the reliable ways the body can get rid of the bacteria. Cancer medication has also been known to have a similar adverse effect. When this happens, it is essential that you inform your physician, so that adequate after care is applied. After all, as mentioned earlier, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance may ensue.

c. Infection. In line with the previous premise, explosive diarrhea can also occur before the intervention of medication. Certain viruses, parasites, and bacteria - like Salmonella, E. Coli, Clostridium difficile, Shigella, Giardia lamblia and Campulobacter - can irritate the bowel, which in turn, causes irregularities in defecation. This is likely one of the most common triggers, since they are typically contracted by drinking and eating contaminated rations, but, they are also the simplest to resolve. Physicians usually just recommend a medication regimen composed of antibiotic, antiparasitic and antiviral drugs to combat the source.

d. Bowel Disease. As the last of the known explosive diarrhea causes, one can directly assume that this is the most difficult to reverse. Ailments like colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome typically stay with you for a long time. But with patient symptom management, you don't have to fear the condition getting the best of you.

Diarrhea is not only an uncomfortable and embarrassing disorder. It is also quite deadly. So, if you are unfortunate enough to be experiencing it, it will be best that you get medical treatment right away, before the symptom develops to more aggressive forms.

Ulcerative Colitis - Will Diet Have An Effect?

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that is very similar to Crohn's disease. Both these diseases fall under a category of diseases that are classified under the blanket term "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" or IBD for short. Ulcerative colitis refers to inflammation of the colon. Endoscopic images show ulcerative colitis as patches of red inflammation. The symptoms of this disease, that's right, I used the word disease, not ailment because it is not a minor ailment like irritable bowel syndrome. It is quite serious and requires medical attention. Like I was saying, the symptoms of this disease are constant diarrhea and sometimes bloody stools. The severity of the disease varies from person to person. Sometimes, the symptoms just disappear on their own. But sometimes they keep getting more serious and require medical intervention.

Crohn's disease is also a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It is an auto-immune disease, that is, a disease where the body's immune system starts fighting against the body. Crohn's disease is said to be a man-made disease - a disease caused by the excesses of modern life and the demands it places on our health. This conclusion was made based on the fact that the more industrialized western countries report more cases of Crohn's disease. About half a million people in North America are affected by Crohn's disease and in Europe and about 30 people for every 100,000 people in Europe are affected.

The point is, there is definitely a link between Crohn's disease and modern, unhealthy lifestyles. So the question is, will diet help cure Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis? Actually, rather than cure, you should prevent ailments and diseases like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and crohn's disease by following a healthy diet. There is no arguing the fact that a healthy diet indeed helps overall health and prevents many ailments, not the least of which are stomach and digestive system ailments. So yes, a healthy diet can help you fight these diseases. Cut down on fat, oil, grease, sugar, refined starch, white bread, artificial and processed foods full of sugars and artificial colors and sweeteners and preservatives and chemical. Eat more of whole grain bread, lean cuts of meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts and legumes. Just follow a few basic universally accepted rules of healthy lifestyle and you'll do just fine.

Colitis - Up To 2,000,000 Americans Have It


Colitis (also called ulcerative colitis) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the colon (your large intestine or bowels) producing sores, called ulcers, in the top layers of the lining of the large intestine. It can be identified using flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. In both of these tests, a flexible tube is inserted in the rectum, and specific areas of the colon are evaluated. Colitis may be acute (lasting only a few days) or chronic (lasting weeks or even many months) and may result in bleeding, ulceration, perforation (a hole in the colon). It is best managed when its cause has been determine and specific treatment can be applied.


Symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal bloating, increased intestinal gas, and bloody stools and can return in up to 20% of people with this disorder, thus requiring treatment with antibiotics to be repeated. Colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn disease (also called Crohn's disease). The two most common symptoms are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. About half of the people diagnosed with the disease have mild symptoms. It is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people. The stress of living with colitis may also contribute to a worsening of symptoms. Some people have remissions, periods when the symptoms go away, that last for months or even years. Occasionally, symptoms are severe enough that a person must be hospitalized.


Treatment for colitis depends on the severity of the disease and usually starts with prescription anti-inflammatory medications, such as mesalamine (Rowasa or Canasa) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), in order to reduce swelling. Treatment may also include taking nutritional supplements to restore normal growth and sexual development in children and teens. Therapy is directed at the underlying cause of the disease, whether it be infection, inflammation, lack of blood flow, or other causes. The aim is to control the inflammation, reduce symptoms, and replace any lost fluids and nutrients.

Treatment varies depending upon which parts of the colon are involved. Each person experiences colitis differently, so treatment is adjusted for each individual. Sometimes the doctor will recommend removing the colon if medical treatment fails or if the side effects of corticosteroids or other drugs threaten the patients health. If you are already under treatment for inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, contact your doctor if you experience any prolonged changes or pass blood in your stools.

Also see your doctor if you have any of these conditions: Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days, Severe abdominal or rectal pain, Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, anxiety or restlessness, excessive thirst, little or no urination, Frequent loose bowel movements during pregnancy, More than 1 other person who shared food with you who has symptoms like yours, for example abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea, Blood or mucus in your stool, Progressively looser bowel movements, Fever with diarrhea, Pain moving from the area around your belly to your right lower abdomen.

You should go to the hospital's Emergency Department for any of these reasons: Abdominal pain with fever, Severe acute attacks in people diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, Signs of dehydration in an old or very young person, Progression or appearance of new symptoms over a few hours, Blood in your stool along with fever and loose bowel movements. Your doctor will consider the possible causes of your colitis and any complications that need urgent treatment.


Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that can be caused by many different disease processes and is generally found in younger people, before they reach age 30. Up to 2 million people in the US are estimated to have either ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. Jewish people tend to have more incidence of of the disease than non-Jewish people. It affects men and women equally and appears to run in families, with reports of up to 20 percent of people with the disease having a family member or relative with ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease. Along with people of Jewish descent a higher incidence is also seen in Whites. People with this disease usually have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of having the disease.

Many tests are used to diagnose the disease. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are the most accurate methods for making a diagnosis and ruling out other possible conditions, such as Crohns disease, diverticular disease, or cancer. Sometimes x rays using a barium enema or CT scans are also used to diagnose colitis or its complications. There's no known cure for it, but therapies are available that may dramatically reduce the signs and symptoms and even bring about a long-term remission. Your doctor will decide which tests you need based on your symptoms, medical history, and clinical findings.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Facts on Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Supplements

A good source of healthy fatty acids is Nordic Naturals Omega 3. Omega 3 is one of the few fatty acids that is good for the body.Unknown to some people, fat is not the bad guy. There are some types of fats that prove to be useful and very essential to the body. Unsaturated fat, like those found in fish oil and olive oil, are healthy fat that can aid you in living healthy. Fish oil is particularly rich in omega 3 fatty acids. That is probably one of the reasons why fish is a staple food item for many people.

One of the many reasons why omega 3 is popular is because it is known to reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular disorders. Since it is the good kind of fat, it does not promote fat build-up within the walls of the blood vessels. It has also been found to decrease the chances of stroke. Omega 3 helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and helps regulate the blood pressure.

Another benefit of Omega 3 is that it promotes fat metabolism and prevents the breakdown of muscles. Studies show that those who combine exercise, proper diet and a dose of omega 3, burn more calories than people who don't get a dose of the fatty acid. This essential fatty acid is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it alleviates symptoms of asthma and ulcerative colitis.

But the benefits don't stop there. Nordic Naturals Omega 3 is also known to boost the calcium levels of the body, thus preventing the occurrence of bone and joint diseases. That is why people with arthritis are advised to add to their diet, food items which are packed with omega 3. There are still more benefits to taking supplements. Omega 3 lessens the risks of certain kinds of cancer and keeps the body functioning properly.

Other claimed benefits of omega 3 are that it promotes healthy skin and prevents acne and other skin diseases. It is known to help boost the memory and improve cognitive function. This fatty acid helps in the transmission of impulses between brain cells. In fact, doctors prescribe pregnant women to consume omega 3-rich foods to further the neurological development of the baby. By taking the necessary amount of omega 3 fatty acids, you could also reduce your risk for dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Since omega 3 is a natural chemical to help the body reach its full working potential, there are no harmful side effects. Consuming tuna, salmon or flaxseeds can give you the daily dose of omega 3 that your body needs.

However, if eating fish or hundreds of seeds does not appeal to you, you could always turn to supplements. You should bear in mind the quality of the supplement and how much omega 3 it contains. But before you buy your supplements, it's always a good idea to have a little chat with your physician first. Nordic Naturals Omega 3 supplements may be healthy, and they should be taken as prescribed, and with the approval of your physician.

Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) May Be Misdiagnosed Or Be Undiagnosed Colitis

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Microscopic Colitis Symptoms Overlap

Symptoms of IBS and microscopic colitis overlap. In a group of biopsy proven microscopic colitis patients, there is noted that up to half have symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Microscopic colitis is diagnosed only by biopsies of the colon even when it appears normal. Symptom-based criteria for diagnosing IBS are not specific enough to rule out microscopic colitis. Some people with IBS have Mastocytic Enterocolitis, a newly recognized form of microscopic colitis characterized by increased numbers of mast cells in the intestinal lining. These cells can only be seen when special stains are applied to intestinal biopsies, a maneuver, not usually done by most pathologists or requested by most doctors performing intestinal biopsies.


Patients suspected to have irritable bowel syndrome should undergo biopsies of the colon. This is absolutely necessary to exclude the possibility that they could have one of several forms of microscopic colitis. The diagnosis of microscopic colitis is made when biopsies of the colon have an increase in infection fighting or immune cells or deposits of excess collagen connective tissue in the lining of the digestive tract. In the most common form of microscopic colitis seen without special stains, excess lymphocyte white blood cells, or so called "intraepithelial lymphocytosis", seen under the microscope. This microscopic finding is present when the colon looks normal on the surface. Many doctors don't biopsy the colon when it looks normal despite obtaining a history of diarrhea from the patient. Microscopic colitis is a known treatable cause of diarrhea, bloating, gas and abdominal pain that can only be diagnosed by colon biopsies. In many patients who do get biopsies, special stains are not ordered when the standard stains fail to reveal an abnormality. However, under special stains, excess mast cells may be seen and a diagnosis of a treatable form of IBS known as mastocytic enterocolitis is missed.


Blood tests should be done to screen for Celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Without these blood tests and intestinal biopsies, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease and various forms of colitis especially microscopic colitis are frequently missed.


Microscopic irritation or inflammation of the intestine can be patchy. Therefore, anyone undergoing colonoscopy or upper endoscopy with symptoms, especially diarrhea, bloating, gas or abdominal pain, should have multiple intestinal biopsies. Inflammation that is the cause of these symptoms is often only seen microscopically and may be patchy. However, once a diagnosis is made treatment with medications and/or diet is often effective.


The earliest intestinal biopsy findings of Celiac disease and microscopic colitis is increased number of lymphocytes per 100 epithelial (intestinal lining) cells. In the colon intraepithelial lymphocytosis is considered diagnostic for microscopic colitis if 20 or more lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells are found. Interestingly the criteria for abnormal intraepithelial lymphocytosis in Celiac disease has more recently been reduced from 40 IELs per 100 utilized for nearly thirty years to 30 per 100. Even more recent studies have indicated that this should be reduced further to 20-25 per 100 because it is noted that early gluten injury occurs with lower levels of lymphocytes in the intestinal lining and is associated with a favorable response to gluten free diet. Microscopic colitis frequently responds favorably to a gluten-free diet.


Numerous patients have come to me with a diagnosis of IBS for years who I have confirmed to have Celiac disease, microscopic colitis or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These patients typically respond dramatically to a gluten free diet even in the absence of a diagnosis of Celiac disease. Several of my patients have both Celiac disease and a form of microscopic colitis such as lymphocytic or collagenous colitis.


People often experience years of unnecessary suffering due to delays in diagnosis of Celiac disease, microscopic colitis, Mastocytic Enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, and food intolerance. Many developed preventable secondary complications such as osteoporosis, infertility, iron deficiency or autoimmune diseases. Most live for years with pain, stomach pains, and diarrhea under the false conclusion that they have IBS. Frustation occurs when you are told there is little to nothing that can be done besides taking anti-diarrhea and anti-spasm medications combined with a high fiber diet and fiber supplements. Yet, most note they are no better or even worse with increased fiber. If you have complained to your doctor that such agents seem to cause more severe bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain you are often scoffed at or told you are not being compliant. Little did you or your doctor know that increasing fiber intake can make you worse if you are gluten intolerant.


Don't accept a diagnosis of IBS without adequate diagnostic testing or consideration of a trial of gluten free diet. Before accepting IBS learn more about the various forms of colitis, Celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, Crohn's disease and altered gut flora and be your own advocate when you visit your doctor.

Know How to Tell the Difference Between Premises and Property Liability

If you have recently purchased a product that was defective and you were injured as a result, you may be due monetary compensation. If you live in the San Diego area and have recently been injured by faulty merchandise, seek legal advice at once. A San Diego product liability attorney can lay out the law for you in simple terms and determine where your situation fits.

Negligent suppliers and shoddy production can lead to a plethora of injuries for you, the consumer. Broken bones, cracked teeth, ruptured corneas and ulcerative colitis are some of the common afflictions that the public have suffered. Trusting that what you see is what you get, you take a leap of blind faith as a buyer. No matter what product or service you have purchased, there may be a not so trustworthy character on the other end. Even when we err on the side of caution, we can protect ourselves 100% of the time.

Product liability laws are there for the consumer's protection, and they state that a company's failure to fulfill their promise will result in compensation, fines, and sometimes a "re-call" of the dangerous product. Contact a San Diego attorney straight away if you have suffered due to a company's negligence, as there is a time limit on how long you can wait to claim after the incident.

Another type of liability is an important one that you might have heard about before. It's called premises liability. Say a person is walking down a city sidewalk and trips over a gaping hole in the cement. They might have a justified cause to sue the city for not maintaining the sidewalks as they should have been, or for posting a sign cautioning pedestrians of the hazard. Premises liability is basically possible with any property that is neglected to the point that an object on the property or the property itself becomes dangerous to people.

Premise liability law covers those who are visiting a location and sustain injury. If you believe you were victimized by someone else's carelessness at their business or home, call your San Diego liability attorney and ask about covered claims. You can get back on your feet and back in the game quicker with your liability attorney at your side.

How to Tackle an Ulcerative Colitis Flare-Up

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome can lead to repeated flare-ups and other associated symptoms that are best controlled through continuous medications, proper diet and exercise and adequate rest.

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome are GI tract diseases whose symptoms appear to fade away with medications and diet management; although the diseases themselves are never totally cured thus increasing the risk of a relapse. Hence, the best way to avoid the symptoms of the trio would be to control those factors that lead to a relapse.

It is best to remember that ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome are conditions that do not like to remain dormant. Hence, the ideal way to prevent them from raising their ugly heads would be through a continuous management program. This includes taking prescribed medications continuously and adhering to a given diet plan consisting of nutritionally balanced foods and small and frequent meals.

Maintenance of the overall health is equally crucial in sidestepping the painful symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This is because the steroids that are usually prescribed against these inflammatory conditions negatively affect the immune system thereby making you more prone to infections. In the event of an infection, you might reach out for an aspirin or some other drug that might in fact kindle a fresh flare-up. Hence, maintenance of the general health is the best solution.

In addition to continuous medications and proper diet, adequate exercise is also a must to avoid the symptoms of colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Exercise has been shown to boost the immune system that is necessary to fight off infections and maintain normal health. Exercise can also help you to effectively counter fatigue that is a common symptom of ulcerative colitis.

One of the most important aspects to be taken care of is stress management as more often than not stress is the underlying cause for ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. To avoid the symptoms of these diseases, you must know how to handle stress and if possible, avoid the cause of the stress itself. Additionally, getting ample physical and mental rest during a flare-up is crucial in reducing the time-period for which the flare-up lasts.

Essentially, flare-ups due to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and hampered bowel movements in irritable bowel syndrome can re-occur at any time. Unfortunately, such relapses can never be banished; they can only be controlled. Constant vigilance with respect to medications, diet, exercise and rest is the best way to handle sudden flare-ups and to relieve the painful symptoms at the earliest.

Digestive Health: Why You May be Suffering from 'the Leaky Gut Syndrome' and How You can Fix It

"Life and Death are in the Power of the Gut. They that master it shall prosper in health thereof. They that do not shall gnash their teeth in dis-ease." -Uzo Onuwkugha, MD.

You are not just what you eat; you are what you ingest, digest and assimilate. Everything you've ever eaten since you were a baby all contribute to your overall health and well-being up till this point. All the cells in your body have an immunological memory and imprint of all that you have eaten. The law of sowing and reaping works behind the scenes. Some people don't even understand that there are dietary laws that govern optimum health. We should stop focusing on the type of disease and start asking, "What type of person has the disease." Your cells tell the story better because it has a record (biological time clock) of your state of health even when it has not manifested with symptoms and no medical test could pick it up.

Well, you are as healthy as your individual cells. There is a law in Science that says that in a closed system, any phenomenon in a large scale is also repeated in a smaller time frame. Therefore, your cells hold the key to your overall health. To be precise, the focus is on the cells of your intestines. My zoom lens is on your small intestine where the majority of absorption and digestion of food materials take place. The word 'gut' is somewhat vague because it could refer to the digestive system, part of it or even the stomach.

Now, do you know the best selling drugs in America? It doesn't matter if it is over-the-counter or prescription drugs. The best selling drugs are antacids or drugs for intestinal disease remedies. You probably know all the brand names: Gelusil, Sucralfate, Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol, Tagamate, and all kinds of laxatives. Please note that taking antacids worsen the problem because these patients are suffering because of lack of acid. This is because their enzymes that manufacture acid (hydrochloric acid) are depleted. Neutralizing the little acid you have give symptomatic relief and tend to worsen the problem.

The target diseases include heartburn, gastritis, flatulence dyspepsia, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, chronic constipation and other forms of digestive ailments. Some of the diseases may not even have a well defined symptom or signs that fit into a definite clinical pattern. That's why they are often called syndromes.

Many times, clinical tests will reveal nothing, and yet the patient continues to agonize. What is the underlying cause of these diseases? The answer is not what you think. It is an uncharacterized phenomenon most doctors don't talk about. The name is 'the leaky gut syndrome.' It is simply saying that your intestines are ailing because they are short of energy as such has become porous. I prefer a more scientific term called 'intestinal permeability disease.'

The onset coincides with depletion of functional enzymes in the body. This is the time when the resilience of youth tends to wean. Depending on your dietary habits, it peaks around late twenties or early thirties. Rapid aging seem to pick up at this point. It is a process that sneaks in on you. At this time, your hairs begin to thin and fall off. Bald head set in. Some of your hairs may even start graying because of nutrient depletion especially the B-complex Vitamins. Symptoms of intestinal malady seem to worsen at the same time. People begin to notice bloating, gas, belching, constipation and lactose intolerance.

The key to explaining 'leaky gut syndrome' lies at the cellular level. The small intestine has the hardest working cells in the human body. These complex cells may even work harder than brain cells. (No wonder they are called 'brain in the gut' because they have all the chemical messengers found in the brain.) In fact, the gut is regarded as the center of life and intuitive thinking. People tend to called it gut instinct--a meeting point of supernatural and physical energy. The Japanese call it the 'power center.' The cells of the gut are arranged in finger-like fashion called villi--designed to increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients. This process is an energy-dependent mechanism called active transport. (Water is absorbed by osmosis and is not energy-dependent).

Thus 85% of our life-time energy is used in digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. You could imagine that only 15% is reserved for the rest of the body for active work and other functions. Do you see why your digestive health is very important? Everything about life is energy and sickness is nothing but lack of force. It is either you take care of your digestive health or live at the mercy of the medical community. Most times they are confused because most doctors are not trained in nutrition therapy.

Furthermore, the gut acts as a semi-permeable membrane. In other words, it has a gating mechanism that allows some nutrients to pass while eliminating others. For instance essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and essential fats are absorbed while toxins, bacteria, parasites, and partially digested or allergic foods are prevented from entering the blood. These wastes are eliminated through the stool. However, if the linings become porous like an old filter, everything goes into the blood without restrictions. The gut is now said to be leaky. Note that most of the junk food all full of nutrient-depleted, energy deficient elements called oxidants or free radicals. Because these substances lack electrons, they are very reactive and attack the cell membrane lipid bi-layer. The tight and gap-junctions between cells also give way creating more holes on the membranes.

As the unwanted substances and chemical toxins pass through, they now set up a chain reaction. The body hates these intruders just like you hate spam. The body tries hard to fight off these free radicals as foreign bodies. Often there is no help from the victim who continues to eat junk, nutrient-depleted food causing more free radical damage. The stage for auto-immune reaction has already been set by these allergens and carcinogens (allergens are foods that cause allergy and carcinogens are risk factors for causing cancers). At this time, the body's defense mechanisms are also down giving rise to all kinds of degenerative diseases or even cancer depending on the end organ and nutritional deficiency involved. Leaky gut also triggers premature aging process. The victim also suffers from chronic fatigue. (Food is should give energy and not deplete your reserve).

Foods that cause leaky gut include fast sugars, partially hydrogenated and trans-fats, wheat gluten, yeast, bacteria, viruses, canned nuts, dairy products, cigarette smoking, alcohol, corn-syrup solids, food additives and flavors. Acidic foods and free radicals worsen the whole scenario. All non-living foods, chemicals, processed foods and all junks food deplete the body of the existing enzymes and leave it open for attacks with all kinds of illnesses. For instance one teaspoon of sugar shuts down your immune system for two hours. Also if you eat in a hurry without chewing your food or meat very well, you are a candidate for leaky gut syndrome. Digestion is a process and it starts in the mouth coupled with your state of mind. Stress is a powerful contributory factor.

Here is the good news: "Anything that can prevent a disease can also help to cure it," said Dr. Bernard Jensen. These foods boost your immunity, attack free radicals, strengthen your intestinal walls, help digestion and absorption, cleanse and detoxify you, give you energy, and add more years to your life and more life to your years. The list of healthy alternative is many. But my favorite is a bunch of green super foods--barley grass, wheat grass, chlorella, green kamut, wheat grass, alfalfa and spirulina. Please add avocado to your staple diet. Also essential fatty acid blend (omeg-3, 6 and 9), multivitamin and mineral supplements, aloe vera-papaya, periodic fasting and colon cleanse. Avoid junk and processed food. Drink eight glasses of water per day. Our body is 70% water. Water supports metabolism and help to eliminate toxins that cause diseases and ravages of premature aging. Don't forget the recommendation of at least five servings of green leafy vegetables daily. Minimize acidic food eat more of alkaline food. Practice food combining to make it easy on your digestive enzymes. Don't eat for at least 3 hours before you go to bed. (The body heals itself at night). Otherwise the body will use the energy for regeneration and repair to digest food. This makes you tired when you wake-up.

I must add that I take lemon juice and green tea regularly. Just cut off taking coffee it can worsen the leaky gut. Lemon is excellent because all the bacteria that cause disease hate anything bitter. They love sugar because they can multiply in nanoseconds. Both lemon juice and green tea help digestion (has life enzymes) and boost your immunity and strengthen your enzyme reserves while cleansing your system. Both are potent antioxidants that combat free radicals that cause lack of energy and aging. Lifestyle of regular exercise should be added.

Exercise is so important that it requires a special emphasis. Lack of exercise causes intestinal paralysis of some sort. This gives undigested food more transit time to sit in the gut and for toxins to leak into the blood triggering degenerative changes, allergy and stagnant immune system. However, when you exercise, nature cooks the food twice-- both in the stomach (more acid is mixed with the food) and in the intestines. This improves digestion and elimination of wastes. Overall, many people notice bowel movement during or shortly after exercise. Also exercise draws air into the body which is more efficient in combating the bugs that cause diseases. Disease does not exist in aerobic environment. All cells start to age when they don't get enough oxygen. Many other benefits of exercise are beyond the scope of this article.

In a nutshell, if you do these basic things, including adding raw food to your diet you will improve the quality of your life and enjoy optimum health all the days of your life. The key is to take responsibility for your own health. Watch what goes into your mouth. Educate yourself on how your body works. Listen to your body. Give it what it needs to serve you better. Your life is in your hands; not the doctor. Don't kid yourself. You don't put water in your gasoline tank. Do you? Don't think you're a machine. Even machines break down. Before you blame God and your parents, change your eating habit first. There are healthy alternatives to the junk you see all around you. Good health is lifelong journey. The earlier you start the better. Good luck in your quest for optimum health!

Back Pain and Being Overweight Part 1

If you already suffer from back pain, did you know that your office chair maybe adding to the problem? Your office chair may not be helping your back problem at all. In fact a low quality office chair can actually be causing more damage to an injured back. Office chairs can cause an increase in pain in the neck, back, arms and shoulders. As a matter of fact the way some office chairs are constructed, they can and extra pressure to an already aching back, and add extra stress to the spinal discs.

However, while back pain is indeed a common condition that happens to four out of five adults, what most people don't know about it is that it could be a symptom of a far more serious disorder. In fact, most chronic forms of back pain (lasting for more than two months) are actually symptoms of serious diseases, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, cervical spondylosis, spinal cancer, bone cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crone's disease, mittelschmerz, cervix cancer, tuberculosis, meningitis, among others. Also being overweight can cause back pain.

Because of gravity, blood in the legs wants to settle there, leaving the heart to work harder. Even when sitting for long periods can lead to back pain and weight gain. Sitting in the wrong position for prolonged periods with the neck turned up or turned down can be the cause cervical spine soreness and other problems.

Gall bladder back pain is a condition that occurs when the gall bladder is inflamed due to improper functioning. It is a sure sign of underlying problems within your gall bladder. Gall bladder back pain is one of the common symptoms of gall bladder disease, a disorder that mainly affects women (although it could affect men, as well), and causing symptoms that vary widely from discomfort to severe pain.

Baby carriers do not need to hurt your back. If you're wearing them correctly, you'll feel the weight of the baby, but it shouldn't be so painful that you need to take pain meds.
Pregnant women often complain of back pain problems. This is very common as almost as high as 80 percent of women face back pains during some stage or the other of their pregnancies.

Because if the occurring back pain is persistent e.g. Unfortunately since back muscles are the hardest working muscle group in the body, back pains are a frequent occurrence which indirectly effects it being the hardest to identify condition. So its is a good investment to learn all about back pain, the causes and the side effects of back pain, and how it is prevented or if the condition is occurring, how best to relieve the effect. Because being equipped with the proper knowledge is the best preventive measure for any ailment anytime.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Health Plus Colon Cleanse Reviews

Colon cleansing may be the ideal method to regain power over your health, particularly if you have been experiencing the after-effects of a poor diet, not enough exercise, chronic constipation, and the common stresses and strains of our every day modern life. A healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes it cleansing a must. A colon cleanse allows your colon the chance to rebuild itself, and return to proper functioning.

The function of colon

The colon consists of the portion of the large intestine that runs from the caecum down to our rectum. The large intestine's purpose is to store waste, reabsorb water, and helps maintain electrolyte and water balance. The largest intestine does not play any part in actually digesting our food - that's already done in the small intestine. Reabsorbing nutrients and water into our bodies is the main function of colon, along with ridding the body of toxins and waste materials through regular bowel movements. When the bowel is impacted, however, problems arise such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer.

People are suffering from different types of health problems including all types of pain, constipation and lack of energy, which can at once be related to a dirty bowel. Many problems can ultimately lead to more serious health issues like irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, diarrhea, weight problems, vision problems, hemorrhoids, joint pains, vision problems, loss of memory and sinusitis. We should opt for colon cleansing, as this is the only way to flush out extra toxins, which are continuously in the process of getting antitoxic.

Colon is one of the most important organ, which affects us all in a direct or indirect manner. When it gets blocked up, the liver cannot perform its job in a proper way. When the liver cannot work in an efficient manner then the kidney system fails to function properly. So in order to cure all these symptoms and to get better in the process we must start cleansing our bowel immediately.

A high-quality colon cleanse schedule will help you maintain a healthy weight, but more importantly maintain healthy lifestyle. You should have a regular colon exam with your doctor and use a good colon cleanser regularly, to help maintain a longer, healthier and more productive life.

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms Using Medications

Ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome have similar symptoms but differ in their intensity and require different treatment methods. Allopathic medications are widely preferred for the treatment of colitis.

Even though there are numerous approaches through which people will be able to treat any kind of disease or ailment, medication is still one of the most widely used approaches. This scientific approach ensures that the results of the treatment are quick, effective and long lasting. Treating any kind of disease with the modern allopathic approach will also ensure that the disease will not resurface in the near future and will have a good effect quite fast. People who are suffering from ulcerative colitis will soon realize that they have numerous alternatives that they can go for to treat the disease.

While patients can go in for surgery, which is also very effective, more and more people choose to go for treatment with medications as this can be more pain less and will also have very few complications. The first thing that people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis will have to ensure is that the diagnosis is right. This is because a very similar disease with the same kind of symptoms is also present. This disease is known as the crohn's disease and this too is very similar to ulcerative colitis.

However, the medication used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis is quite different from the medication used for the treatment of crohn's disease and hence it is necessary for people to get the right kind of diagnosis at the very beginning. People will also have to make sure that their condition is not confused with the irritable bowel syndrome which is also a similar inflammatory bowel disease which is lot less severe and involves treatment with completely different medications.

One of the most widely used medications for colitis is the Sulfasalazine which is recommended by most of the doctors. The few side effects like nausea, headache, heartburn and vomiting accompany this medication. Patients can also go for medications like the Aminosalicylates, Corticosteroids, Immunomodulators and Cyclosporine.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

The conditions of irritable bowel syndrome or IBS and inflammatory bowel disease or IBD are often confused as the same condition, however, they are different due to the fact that IBS is a condition that causes spasms in the colon and has multiple symptoms with no inflammation or disease present, while IBD is an inflammatory disease of the bowel that involves the autoimmune system and includes the conditions of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

However, some medical experts believe that some individuals with IBS may suffer some of the symptoms of IBD as well as some individuals with IBD may suffer from the symptoms of IBS except the symptoms of weight loss, anemia, bleeding, and fever that occur in individuals who have inflammatory bowel disease do not occur in individuals who have irritable bowel syndrome.

Characteristic Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Individuals with inflammatory bowel disease can experience the symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, bloody stools, and weight loss. The condition of the IBD ulcerative colitis affects the colons mucosal lining and can be contained in the lower colon; however, it can also affect the entire colon in some individuals.

Individuals who have ulcerative colitis are at a high risk factor for developing cancer - particularly those individuals who have experienced long term colitis. The condition known as Crohn's disease is also an IBD that typically affects only parts of the colon but also causes abscesses, strictures, and fistulas.

The coexistence of IBD and IBS

While there is conflicting evidence that individuals who suffer from IBD or IBS experience the same symptoms, patients who have claimed they experienced the symptoms of IBS for many years have later on been diagnosed with IBD.

However, medical experts claim that individuals with IBS are not at a higher risk for developing IBD. Depression is also common among patients with IBD and IBS and studies conducted have shown that approximately the same percentage of individuals who have IBS or IBD suffer from depression.

What is thought to cause the depression in these individuals is the fact that ninety five percent of the serotonin levels - that are a neurotransmitter or brain chemical that affect mood - in the body are present in the colon and that gastrointestinal issues experienced with these conditions causes the serotonin levels to be abnormally low.

Prevalence of IBS and IBD

Statistics show that the medical conditions of IBS and IBD primarily develop and are diagnosed in younger individuals' who are between the ages of ten and twenty years and is also often diagnosed in individuals who are in their early thirties.

Approximately fifteen percent of the American population have irritable bowel syndrome with over sixty percent of cases occurring in women while approximately six hundred thousand individuals suffer from inflammatory bowel disease.

While these two conditions are quite often mistaken for one another, they are two very different conditions. If you feel that you suffer from a gastrointestinal complication, it is important that you make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. By getting a confirmed diagnosis, you will be able to receive the treatment that is required to experience relief from the symptoms of the condition.

Genetics of Food Allergy and Intolerance

Can genetics explain if you are allergic to some pollens or foods?

White blood cell patterns determined genetically and designated as HLA DQ and DR genes have been identified with an increased risk of pollen, dust, latex, and food allergies. The intriguing part of this story is that there is an advantage to knowing your HLA DR and DQ type when evaluating your risk for pollen allergies and their associated food allergies or cross reactions.

Genetics of Food Reactions and Allergies

As I explain in more detail in my articles on the genetics of gluten sensitivity, we all have proteins on the surface of our cells that are genetically determined. These patterns are easily detectable by testing cells from blood or from the mouth obtained by a Q-tip type swab. Specific patterns have been associated with increased risk for autoimmune conditions, gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

HLA DQ Genetics and Celiac or Gluten Sensitivity

HLA DQ2 is present in more than 90% of people who have celiac disease while HLADQ8 is present in most of the rest, though not all people with celiac have been found to have DQ2 and/or DQ8.

DQ and DR Genetic Patterns Associated with Food and Pollen Allergies or Sensitivities?

Now it appears certain DQ or DR patterns are associated with food and pollen allergies as well. As the Food Doc, I continue to search the literature for more information about genetic links to food allergy and intolerance. My search has led to me to a couple of interesting articles in the unusual area of oral allergy syndrome (OAS). The relationship between seasonal and perennial nasal allergies and food allergies is certainly well established but not generally known by most doctors or patients. It appears that some of us need to avoid eating certain foods if we have hay fever or allergies, especially during the hay fever season. This problem also appears to be inherited.

Research Documents Genetic Association With Certain Food and Pollen Allergies

Boehncke, et al. from the University of Frankfurt reported in 1998 that certain white blood cell types known HLA class II genotypes or HLA DQ and DR genetic patterns were found more frequently in people with certain pollen associated food allergies. HLA-DQB1*0301 is present in more people with grass pollen allergy. Those with HLA-DRB1*08, an inherited white blood cell protein pattern linked with a grass pollen allergy, have six times the increased risk of peanut allergy. Those who have inherited the HLA-DRB1*12 white blood cell pattern are 13 times higher at risk for carrot allergy.

Tree Pollen Allergy to Birch Tree Pollen Appears to be Worst

Birch pollen associated hazel nut allergy is linked to HLA-DRB1*01, DQA1*0101, and DQB1*0501. Hazel nut, almond, walnut and apple are the most common food allergies associated with birch tree pollen. Allergies to those foods are commonly associated with birch tree pollen in other studies.

Weed Allergies Also Associated With Food Reactions

In 2004, Wang et al. from China published that the inherited white blood cell type DQA1*0302 is found in more people with Artemisia pollen-induced allergic rhinitis, hay fever due to Mugwort or Sagebrush weeds. Mugwort allergy is associated with several food allergies including apple, celery, hazelnut, pistachio, lettuce, almond, peanut, and carrots.

Where to Get Genetic Testing

There are three commercial labs that I am aware of that offer full HLA DQ typing. They are Quest Laboratories, The Laboratory at Bonfils in Denver, and Enterolab. Bonfils runs the Enterolab genetic tests. Enterolab offers the test run on samples of cells obtained from a Q-tip swab of the mouth. The test can be obtained directly from Enterolab without a doctor's order though it is not covered by insurance. It however is very reasonable from a genetic testing standpoint at $149. Bonfils also does the DQ typing on cells obtained from blood samples sent to them from other labs.

The Future of Genetic Testing in Pollen and Food Allergies

In the future such testing should be very helpful in evaluating suspected food allergies, intolerance and pollen allergies. In the meantime those of us interested in this interesting story anxiously await more research findings in this exciting area. Dr. Fine, founder of Enterolab, has previously published the HLA DQ patterns associated with microscopic colitis. He has found that microscopic changes in the colon or large intestine are similar if not identical to what is seen in the small intestine in celiac disease. Several articles now document that a gluten free diet works in many people with microscopic, lymphocytic and collagenous colitis. It also helps many with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

A finding of intraepithelial lymphocytosis in the distal small intestine (terminal ileum) is associated with an increased incidence of celiac disease in the proximal small intestine. Now, adding to the intrigue, are these articles linking certain inherited white blood cell protein gene patterns to pollen allergy and food allergy cross reactions that are well recognized but rarely pursued clinically. Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS), also called the "burning mouth syndrome", occurs in many people but frequently goes undiagnosed. Symptoms include burning, painful and/or itching sensation of mouth or throat with or without swelling that occurs almost immediately after eating certain foods. The foods causing these reactions are commonly associated with pollen, latex or dust allergies.

Unusual Association of Pollen Allergies and Mouth Burning or Food Reactions

This unusual association of tree, grass, and weed pollens, latex and house dust mite allergies to food reactions, though well documented in the medical literature, is not commonly recognized by doctors or patients. The OAS literature contains numerous reports of food allergy or intolerance reactions that are associated with specific pollen, dust, mold or latex allergies. One of the best examples is ragweed pollen allergy. It is associated with a higher risk of food allergy or intolerance to only a few foods. These include foods in the gourd family (cucumbers and melons) and bananas. On other the hand, Birch tree pollen allergy is associated with sensitivity to many foods. The list includes those foods in the Rosacea family (apples, pears), tree nut family (hazelnut, almond, walnut), potatoes, and carrots. Reactions include classic allergic reactions such as skin rashes (atopic dermatitis, hives), wheezing (asthma), runny nose (allergic rhinitis), as well as the burning mouth OAS symptoms and other food intolerance symptoms.

If You Suspect Food Allergy, Intolerance or Sensitivity Get Evaluated By an Expert

Individuals who suspect food allergy or intolerance are encouraged to review the food-pollen connection and undergo appropriate evaluations for food allergy, intolerance and sensitivity. Food sensitivity includes gluten sensitivity and cow's milk (casein) protein sensitivity. Food intolerance includes lactose intolerance. Food allergies are separate and distinct from either food sensitivity or food intolerance.

Consider Getting Genetic Testing or Asking Your Doctor to Test You

This new information about the link of white blood cell protein patterns, HLA DQ types, suggests that we should consider having genetic testing done. After an adequate evaluation,

Establish a Baseline Symptom Score and Start a Food Symptom Diet Diary

I encourage everyone to establish a baseline symptom score. A detailed food symptom diary before a trial of elimination diet is also extremely helpful. An elimination diet that excludes major food lectins (dairy, grain, legumes, and nightshades) and any foods from the pollen list that one is allergic is recommended before accepting diagnoses of IBS, fibromyalgia, unexplained neuropathy or headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Any symptoms not readily explained or improved with other diagnoses and treatment should be considered to be possibly due to a food reaction until proven otherwise.

Selected Bibliography

Boehncke, et al. Clin Exp Allergy. 1998 Apr;28 (4):434-41.

Fine KD et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Aug;95(8):1974-82.

Wang et al. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Feb; 130(2): 192-197.

Relief For Colitis, IBS and Crohn's Disease

There are many people who are suffering needlessly with inflammatory diseases of the bowel. Medical doctors treat the problems of inflammation in the intestines with drugs which only cover symptoms, doing nothing to heal the condition. This information comes from many years of working with herbal remedies and from my own experience with irritable bowel and diverticulitis.

Two of my siblings have been hospitalized with acute inflammatory bowel diseases. Had they known what to do they could have saved themselves thousands of dollars while eliminating the pain within minutes. I know how painful an inflammatory condition of the large intestine can be and have been successful every single time in eliminating the pain within less than a half hour of time. This treatment works well for all inflamed conditions of the bowel; Diverticulitis, Crohn's, IBS, and Colitis.

The herbs of choice are what are known as mucilaginous. They act as a 'mucilage' in that when mixed with water the herb becomes slippery, cooling and healing to the digestive tract. One of the herbs even has the word slippery in it. That would be Slippery Elm. Slippery Elm is the inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree and during the 1st and 2nd World Wars when food and medicines were scarce the bark of the Slippery Elm tree was used as a porridge for babies and children because it is highly nutritious and has a pleasant, sweet taste. Often it was added to oatmeal because it was high in vitamins.

The other mucilage that soothes the intestines is Marshmallow. Marshmallow root is another nutritious herb that is cooling and soothing to inflamed tissues.

Both herbs may be taken singly or in a combination known as Intestinal Soothe and Build which also contains Bugleweed, plantain and rosehips to help tone the tissues. Chamomile is in along with the other herbs in this combination to act as a nervine and an anti-inflammatory.

Infection is suspected if the pain is intense and may be assuaged by taking one or two capsules of Golden Seal powder. Known as "nature's anti-biotic", true Golden Seal is a rich gold color in a clear capsule. Since it is in high demand and there is only moderate supply, the price is usually about $20-$30 for 100 capsules. Don't be fooled by producers who try to sell you a cheap Golden Seal. If it is 'cheap' it is not Golden Seal. Never use Golden Seal if you are hypoglycemic because it will lower your blood sugar even more.

Limiting your intake of sugar, dairy, and peanuts in any form, especially peanut butter which is highly acidic, is another recommendation for a healthy digestive tract. If you want to eat something that is nutritious and more alkaline in nature, then try Almond butter. The almond is the only alkaline nut and much better for the bowel than peanut butter.

If diarrhea is keeping you at home, then make sure you always have plenty of Hydrated Bentonite around. Just one capful in water will stop those rapid trips to the bathroom in minutes.

Taking the herbs suggested in this article may be just the ticket to getting you back to a pain-free, more active life.

References: The Ultimate Healing System by Dr. Donald LePore
Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss

Flush Out Stubborn Fat With Colon Hydrotherapy

A large number of us are on a continual search for solutions to safe, effective weight loss. In order for us to lose weight and keep it off permanently we need to first understand how fat develops.

"Toxins In, Toxins Out" is a theory that is helping many people begin to understand the correlation between toxins stored in our bodies and obesity.

When our eliminatory systems are bombarded by toxins, which is extremely common in our industrialized world, our body begins to store all the unmanageable toxins in our fat cells. This environment causes the stubborn, unwanted fat deposits that most of us have trouble releasing. When this state of emergency is declared in your body, you will start to store fat regularly to manage the abundance of toxins in your system. The good news is that these toxins can be released quite effectively and painlessly, allowing the body to return to its natural state."

It is recommended to work with a health care professional to develop a cleansing program that focuses on the use of colon hydrotherapy, a.k.a. colonics, to remove excess debris and toxic waste from your body.

When you can introduce colon hydrotherapy treatments combined with a diet focused on healthy, living foods you'll notice immediate results in achieving weight loss goals and overall well-being. You will also find that the weight-loss is permanent, as the toxins are not reabsorbed from the colon back into the fat cells.

Many people agree that bowel cleansing is a good idea, yet they may have many pre-conceived notions about receiving Colon Hydrotherapy. One misconception is that colon hydrotherapy is painful, smelly and just plain gross. When done in a professional, relaxing environment the treatment can actually be relieving and invigorating. You want to make sure you find a colon hydrotherapist who uses a closed system FDA-approved machine to ensure you're receiving the best and most state-of-art treatment available.

There are a few contraindications for colon hydrotherapy. If you have any of the following please contact a colon hydrotherapist or your health care practitioner prior to your appointment:

Severe cardiac disease/hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure/recent Heart Attack, Aneurysm, Severe Anemia, GI Hemorrhage/perforation, Cancer of the Colon or GI Track, Severe Hemorrhoids, Severe Diverticulitis, Cirrhosis, Carcinoma of the Rectum, recent history of GI Bleeding, Intestinal Perforation, Fissures/Fistulas, Pregnancy, Abdominal Hernia, Recent colon, rectal, or abdominal surgery (within 6 months), Renal Insufficiency, Advanced Crohn's, Ileitis or Ulcerated Colitis, Epilepsy or Psychoses, history of Seizures.

An Introduction to Blood Tests for Colitis and Crohn's Disease

Ulcerative colitis is a brutal disorder that is exemplified by frequent occurrences of abdominal pain, soaring temperatures, nausea and acute dysentery. There is no definite cause for ulcerative colitis. The most widespread risk factor ascribed to this disease is an uncharacteristic assaulting of the intestine or bowels by one's own immune system. It may also be attributed to heredity. Of late, studies have shown smoking to cause this ailment. Other aspects such as diet and an assortment of infections may also cause colitis.

If you have any of the above symptoms, a simple blood test can confirm this disease. You can take advantage of a simple test that can be done at home. You can prick and collect a small amount of blood as sample. This can be sent to a pathological lab where further tests will be undertaken to reveal the presence of any antibody to particular food items. Antibody blood tests look for specific markers of ulcerative colitis, called serological markers.

Crohn's disease is also an inflammatory ailment of the bowel and the intestines which greatly distresses a large portion of the GI tract -from mouth to rectum. This in turn leads to a range of indications. It primarily causes abdominal ache, dysentery, vomiting along with weight loss. It could also provoke the inflammation of skin, arthritis, and swelling and tenderness of the eyes, weakness and an attention deficit. Crohn's disease is regarded as an autoimmune disease, in which the body's own immune response overwhelms the GI passage and causes the inflammation.

Blood tests are necessary for the diagnosis of Crohn's Disease. The physician cannot identify the disease based only on the symptoms. Blood tests for anemia may show if there is a blood loss in the intestine. If the white blood cell count in the blood tests is high, then it might indicate an inflammation in any other region of the body.

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is another common colitis affecting many people. Essentially, this is a result of an extremely prone GI tract. Irritable bowel syndrome can have diverse medical manifestations. The symptoms can vary from diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains or lost ability to hold food. All these symptoms are the indications of the same ailment.

Blood tests for irritable bowel syndrome involve a complete blood count or CBC to search for indications of bleeding or anemia. Prolific WBC count and/or platelet count might indicate an irritation or infection. Fecal blood tests are also used to diagnose IBS.

In short, many people suffer from these inflammations of the GI tract. Getting to know some of the tests for diagnosing the same may help these people.