Ever since man has known the concept of health and longevity on one hand as well as illness and death on the other hand, various methods have been found and continue to be found to maintain health. One of the foremost methods is drinking fresh wheatgrass juice.
Benefits to Health
If you are new to the concept, wheatgrass juice is simply the extracted juice from wheatgrass - the cotyledon of the common wheat plant. The resulting juice is vibrant green in color with a smooth texture and a leafy flavor. The most important thing about wheatgrass juice is its rich content of nutrients specifically chlorophyll, vitamins like B12, B6, K and C as well as beta-carotene.
With regular consumption of wheatgrass juice, you are doing your body and mind many favors. You can become healthier in body with the assumption that you are on a healthy diet and lifestyle. Your body will benefit from the many health benefits of wheatgrass juice including the following:
• Liver detoxification
• Colon cleansing
• Energy boost
• Stronger immune system
• Blood purification since chlorophyll has a similar molecular structure to hemoglobin
In fact, research has shown that wheatgrass juice has positive effects on people with breast cancer, thalassemia and ulcerative colitis.
Benefits to Proper Juicing
But not all wheatgrass juices may be up to expectations mainly because of the type of juicer used during the extraction process. Yes, you can use the fruit and vegetable juicer in the kitchen but it will not do the job for two reasons.
First, the high speed mechanism of fruit and vegetable juicers can easily deplete the wheatgrass of its beneficial enzymes as well as easily kill, so to speak, its beneficial nutrients. By the time you will be drinking the wheatgrass juice, significant loss of nutrients has occurred, thus, rendering the exercise futile.
Second, the fruit and vegetable juicers do not have the features necessary to cope with the leafy nature of wheatgrass. These small kitchen appliances will then clog up with the fibrous compound left behind after juicing.
For these reasons, you must purchase a wheatgrass juicer if you want to take full advantage of the health benefits of wheatgrass juice. You must, of course, keep your fruit and vegetable juicers as your juices must be varied so as to ward off boredom. Plus, different fruits and vegetables provide for different health benefits, which you want to enjoy, too.
Benefits to the Pulp
Also, a wheatgrass juicer allows for a more efficient collection of the wheatgrass pulp. Don't throw away that pulp because it still has health benefits to it albeit in a different capacity.
You can store the wheatgrass pulp for later use on the skin. Place it on external wounds, rashes, bruises and blemishes so as to speed up the healing process. This is because the wheatgrass pulp still contains some of the beneficial substances that are also good for your body's internal systems.
Your choices in wheatgrass juicers include the manual and the electric types. Both function to provide for the best possible wheatgrass juice although the process may be slightly different in terms of the power being used for their operation.
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