Saturday, June 29, 2013

Autoimmune Diseases and Some Important Immunological Disorders

The auto-immune diseases result from immunologically mediated tissue destruction where the antigens involved are autologous. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of auto-immune diseases.

Forbidden clone theory: All the clones which react with self antigens are destroyed during intra-uterine life but such a clone may be generated by somatic mutation in later life.

Sequestrated antigen theory: Antigens exposed to lymphoid system during intra-uterine life are recognized as self. But some tissues (e.g, lens, thyroid, CNS) are anatomically sequestered or guarded from the lymphocytes. In adult life, when such antigens are exposed the immune system reacts against them.

Suppressor cell (TS) deficiency: Small quantities of thyroglobulin (and other auto-antigens) are seen in circulation even in normal persons, but they are below the threshold level for immuno-stimulation. The suppressor cells also inhibit sensitization. In persons with deficient TS activity, inappropriate immune reactions are produced.

genetic effect: Auto-immune diseases show a familial distribution and female preponderance. Many of them are associated with particular HLA types. These suggest that genetic predisposition may play a role in their pathogenesis.

Modified antigenic structure: Normal tissues may be altered by micro-organisms, making them antigenic. Drugs such as methyl-DOPA may act as haptens combining with cellular proteins. These altered proteins can elicit immunological responses. Antibodies once produced will attack not only the hapten, but also the carrier molecules.

Cross reacting antibodies: Antibodies produced against exogenous antigens can cross react with tissue proteins e.g post-rabies vaccine encephalitis, and post-streptococcal rheumatic fever. In any given instance one or more of the above mechanisms may be operative.

Some Important immunological disorders

1. Organ specific diseases
a. Pernicious anemia: auto-antigen are Parietal cells of stomach (Diagnostic test- Immunoflourescence test) and Intrinsic factor (Neutralization test).
b. Ulcerative colitis: Auto-antigens are Lipopolysaccharides of mucous membrane of colon Immunoflourescence test)
c. Acute post-streptococcal Nephritis: Auto-antigen is the streptococcal antigen (Complement fixation test and Immunoflourescence test).
d. Sympathetic Pphthalmia: Auto-antigen is the Uveal protein Skin test).
e. Bullous pemphigoid: Auto-antigen is the basement membrane (Immunoflourescence tests).
f. Pemphigus Vulgaris; Auto-antigens are the Desmosomes (Immunoflourescence tests).
g. Thyrotoxicosis by LATS (Long acting thyroid stimulator): Cell surface receptor proteins (Bioassay).
h. Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Thyroglobulin microsomes (Passive hemagglutination and Complement fixation test).

2. Affecting two or more organ systems
a. Goodpasture's syndrome: Glomerular and lung basement membrane (Immunoflourescence test).
b. Auto-immune hemolytic anemia: Membrane proteins of RBC (Coomb's test).
c. Immune-thrombocytopenia: Platelet components (Demonstration of antibody)
d. Myasthenia gravis: Skeletal, heart and thymus myoid cells (Immunoflourescence tests).
e. Primary biliary cirrhosis: Liver and Kidney mitochondria (Immunoflourescence tests).
f. Rheumatic fever: Streptococcal antigen cross reacting with heart and joint tissues (Immunoflourescence).

3. systemic or generalized diseases
a. Rheumatoid arthritis: Immunoglobulins, especially IgG (Latex agglutination)
b. Sjogren's disease: Ductus mitochondria of glands (Immunoflourescence tests).
c. Systemic Lupus erythematosus: Nuclear DNA and nucleo-proteins (Immunofloresence tests).
d. Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma): Nuclear proteins (Immunoflorescence tests).

What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?

There has been a growing hype about the use of probiotic supplements around the globe because of their effectiveness in promoting the fitness and wellness of the users. Basically, probiotics are live microorganisms that resemble the qualities of live and beneficial microorganisms which thrive in the human gut. Probiotics are considered as friendly and good bacteria. According to the World Health Organization, probiotics are live microorganisms which can either be a virus, bacteria or fungi, that provide a number of health benefits to the host when taken in adequate amount only. Scientists believe that probiotics are helpful in keeping healthy people healthy. So what are the benefits of probiotics?

Many health professional strongly recommend probiotic therapy in treating a number of illness such as vaginal infection, urinary infection in women and in delaying allergies among children. Probiotic therapy is also beneficial in lessening the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

When there is an imbalance between the amount of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract, probiotic play a major role in alleviating the discomforts which the imbalance can bring about. Inappropriate intake of antibiotics can kill good and bad bacteria in the gut which can lead to a number of side effects such as diarrhea, cramping and gas. Many people take probiotics to offset these adverse effects. Probiotics can also help in improving the symptoms of lactose intolerance which is characterized by the absence of enzyme that digests milk.

Probiotics suppress the growth of fungi, yeasts, disease-causing bacteria and parasites that trigger the onset of infectious diarrhea, skin infection, stomach infection, irritable bowel syndrome, tooth decay, periodontal disease, infection caused by Helicobacter pylori, vaginal infection, and respiratory infections. Probiotics are even known to be effective in eliminating parasites and viruses that can trigger illness.

Results of scientific researches show that probiotics enhance the immune system of an individual. Probiotics produce a mildly acidic environment which is unfavorable for disease-causing bacteria to thrive into. They also stimulate the production of antibodies such as B-lymphocyte that helps the body fight against different kinds of infection. Furthermore, probiotics stimulate the body's natural capacity to produce alpha-interferon that regulates the body's immune response.

These beneficial microorganisms also play a major role in helping the patients cope with the adverse side effects of antibiotics and in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Probiotics are considered to be effective in easing the symptoms of certain medical conditions such as hypertension, elevated blood cholesterol level, weak immune system, oral health, necrotizing enterocolitis and kidney stones.

Other benefits of probiotics include treatment of urinary tract infection, diarrhea caused by rotavirus, and pouchitis that may require surgery in order to remove the colon. These microorganisms are also beneficial in reducing the recurrence of bladder cancer, in treating an intestinal infection triggered by Clostridium difficile and in preventing the recurrence of atopic dermatitis or eczema among children.

Probiotics also break down hydrocarbons into quantities which can be absorbed by the human digestive tract. This can improve cellular growth and development and at the same time provide additional nutrition for the human body. These microorganisms are also responsible in cleaning the digestive tract and in getting rid of any unwanted substance and accumulated decay out of the body.

Furthermore, probiotics significantly increase the availability of essential vitamins and minerals in the body such as Vitamin K, fatty acids, lactase, Vitamin B and calcium. Probiotics are even capable of strengthening the immune system which reduces the risk of an individual to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies and systemic candida.

Written by: Julia

Advancements in Medicine: Galectin-3 As the Root Cause of Chronic Diseases and How to Control It

The information I am about to share with you represents one of the biggest medical breakthroughs in decades and one that can save your life. It is the direct involvement of a molecule called Galectin-3 in chronic and life-threatening diseases, and how to control it using all natural Modified Citrus Pectin. Galectin-3 can be referred to as a "rogue" molecule in the body, as it is now proven to be a major cause of nearly every chronic disease. From cancer, cardiovascular disease and liver cirrhosis, to arthritis and Alzheimer's, excess Galectin-3 is at the root, wreaking havoc by igniting and fueling the deadly processes of inflammation, fibrosis, abnormal cellular growth and more. The solution: test your Galectin-3 levels with a simple new blood test and more importantly, stop this dangerous molecule in its tracks with Modified Citrus Pectin, the only proven natural Galectin-3 blocker

"High Galectin-3 Diseases"
Extensive research on Galectin-3 is rapidly expanding our understanding of chronic, "age-related" diseases. In small amounts, Galectin-3 molecules in the body play a role in growth processes, and are not considered dangerous. But when Galectin-3 levels are elevated beyond normal ranges, they wreak havoc on our systems, causing metastatic cancer, congestive heart failure, debilitating inflammation, fibrosis, organ damage and much more. Every few days, a new scientific paper is published linking excess Galectin-3 in the body with the progression of deadly and debilitating illnesses, from metastatic cancer and congestive heart failure, to diabetes II, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, arthritis, Alzheimer's and much more. In May 2011, a groundbreaking Galectin-3 mortality study involving over 8,000 people was presented at a European conference. The results of this study demonstrate that elevated Galectin-3 in the body increased overall mortality three-fold in the general population. Overall mortality was close to 15% in the group with the highest Galectin-3, compared to only 4-5% in the group with the lowest levels. With the advancement of a simple new Galectin-3 blood test, experts estimate that a new category of diseases known as "High Galectin-3 Diseases" will soon be established, utilizing the Galectin-3 test for screening and analysis.

No Way to Accurately Measure Risk....Until Now
Until now, there has not been an easy or reliable method for people to accurately determine their risks and progression of cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening illness. That's why the new Galectin-3 test is so a valuable for patients and doctors. Galectin-3 is an active biomarker, which means it is both a major cause, as well as a byproduct, of numerous deadly disease processes. Therefore it is an extremely important biomarker for analyzing the risk and progression of chronic diseases such as heart failure and cancer -- essentially any condition related to inflammation, fibrosis, abnormal cellular growth and other detrimental disease processes. It is now clear that testing and blocking the harmful effects of elevated Galectin-3 is critical in protecting against life-threatening conditions.

Modified Citrus Pectin's Life-Saving Role
This is where Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP), derived from citrus peels, plays a vital life-saving role. MCP is the only proven natural Galectin-3 inhibitor as demonstrated in published research, with the unique ability to enter the blood stream and block excess Galectin-3 throughout the body. MCP has been extensively researched and shown to to combat cancer growth and metastasis, control inflammation and fibrosis, and effectively reduce cardiovascular disease risks and damage to multiple organs. These important benefits make MCP especially useful during chemotherapy or radiation therapy, as it can help increase effectiveness while reducing the damaging side effects of severe inflammation and fibrosis caused by these conventional cancer treatments.

Most of Modified Citrus Pectin's life-saving benefits are attributed to its unique ability to enter the blood stream and target excess Galectin-3 molecules, binding to the receptors on the surface of these rogue molecules and effectively blocking them. Regular pectin is unable to achieve these remarkable benefits, due to its relatively large molecular weight and size. The right Modified Citrus Pectin, however, has been enzymatically modified to a very specific molecular weight range and structure, giving it the ability to enter the circulation and actively attack excess Galectin-3 throughout the body. In addition, published research demonstrates that MCP is a powerful immune stimulator as well as a safe chelator of heavy metals and radioactive particles. Modified Citrus Pectin is completely safe and poses no risk of toxic side effects (since it is a fiber, it may cause mild digestive upset at high dosages).

This multitude of scientific and clinically researched benefits make Modified Citrus Pectin one of the most important daily supplements for protecting against chronic illness and promoting long term health. As ongoing research continues to validate and expand this important body of information, Modified Citrus Pectin is earning an esteemed reputation world wide as the first, and so far only, natural ingredient proven to bind and block Galectin-3 throughout the body. If you are concerned about your risks of chronic illness, or are currently battling any of these life-robbing conditions, ask your doctor about the new FDA approved Galectin-3 blood test. And most importantly, include Modified Citrus Pectin into your health program as a safe yet powerful daily health supplement.

Top 6 Causes of Diarrhea in the Elderly

Many elderly folks suffer from the occasional battle with diarrhea without ever knowing what caused it. While it's generally just an uncomfortable annoyance that only lasts a day or two, it can become a more serious situation when it ends up causing incontinence.

Severe or chronic diarrhea is cause for concern and is a situation that requires medical attention. It can be a symptom of colon cancer, diabetes, fecal blockage, infection or other serious medical problem. Loss of fluids can lead to potentially life threatening dehydration, so it's something to pay close attention to. Get immediate medical attention for your elder should diarrhea be accompanied by stomach cramps or fever.

The 6 most common causes of diarrhea include:

1. Your elder eating too much dietetic candy or chewing too much dietetic gum.

2. Eating or drinking foods like apple and pear juice, or grapes, prunes, dates, figs and some nuts.

3. Drinking caffeinated products such as soda, coffee or tea. Some over the counter antacids containing magnesium as well as some over the counter headache remedies can also cause diarrhea as well.

4. Certain medications such as antibiotics. Some can cause an imbalance of the "good" bacteria in the intestines.

5. Drinking milk, eating ice cream or other dairy products. While this generally applies to those who are lactose intolerant, this isn't always the case.

6. Certain medical conditions such as Chron's disease, overactive thyroid or ulcerative colitis.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, diarrhea in elderly folks isn't all that uncommon. When it runs more than a day or two, it's time to consider contacting your elder's doctor so they can investigate further. And remember, if there is pain or vomiting present with the diarrhea, be sure and get your elder immediate medical attention. Doing so may just save their life.

Probiotics For Health to Restore Your Natural Bacteria Balance

For those who have yet to hear of probiotics for health, probiotics are commonly defined as live micro organisms like bacteria and yeasts that provide health benefits on human beings provided that these are administered in sufficient amounts. In other words, these are beneficial microorganisms that are present in food and dietary supplements.

Sources of Probiotics

As previously mentioned, probiotics can be found in foods and dietary supplements either occurring naturally or added during preparation. The foods with probiotics include yogurt, fermented and unfermented milk, tempeh and miso as well as soy beverages. Of course, some of these foods have an acquired taste so you probably will need to consume substantial amounts before you get the hang of it.

If you wish to avail of the benefits of probiotics for health without the acquired taste test, you can always opt for the dietary supplements. These come in various forms like powder, capsules and tablets, which still provide for the same benefits as its food counterparts

Benefits of Probiotics

To understand the benefits of probiotics in the promotion of general well-being, it must be noted that the human body is made up of friendly and unfriendly microorganisms from its skin surface to its intestines. Your body has a natural mechanism that ensures a delicate balancing act between these micro organisms.

There are two ways that can upset this delicate balance - through the use of antibiotics and the explosion of unfriendly micro organisms when diseases set in. Probiotics for health products offset the negative effects of antibiotics on the good micro organisms and/or restore the balance between the good and the bad micro organisms.

As such, many benefits can be had from probiotic products that include but are definitely not limited to the following:

o Management of lactose intolerance.

o Lessening inflammation present in diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, periodontal disease and even some types of skin infections.

o Reduction of cases of diarrhea especially those that are highly infectious.

o Maintenance of urogenital health in women particularly against bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infection and yeast infection.

o Offset the effects of other stomach and respiratory infections.

When administered properly, probiotics for health products can be effective in fighting off diseases, restoring the healthy balance in the body, and maintaining general well-being. For something as microscopic as probiotics, the benefits are definitely life-saving!

Things to Consider

Despite the good press it has been getting amongst practitioners of alternative medicine as well as medical doctors, there are some things to be considered when using probiotics to complement your efforts towards a healthy lifestyle.

First, you must only take the recommended amounts. Keep in mind that anything in excess can be toxic and this includes probiotics. Second, each probiotic strain has a different effect than the others of its kind and each mixture for the same kind of strain also acts differently on the body. Third, always use probiotics as a complementary and alternative medicine that should be used in conjunction with professional medical care. Indeed, you must adopt an integrated approach - natural and medical - in your health management.

In conclusion, probiotics for health products are a welcome addition to your life. With proper dosage and administration, probiotics can be your best friend in ensuring that your body's best friends - good micro organisms - flourish.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Abdominal Cramps and Diarrhea

Abdominal cramps and diarrhea are symptoms that may come with various diseases. These diseases include gastritis, food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome, parasitic infections, diverticulitis, and traveler's diarrhea. Diarrhea is a disease where a person suffers from abnormal bowel movements. A bowel movement would be considered abnormal if it occurs more than thrice in a day. Abdominal cramps are caused by spasms or muscle contractions.

It can be said that abdominal cramps and diarrhea tells us about the irritation that our colon or the digestive system faces for various reasons. It is often said that it is through diarrhea that our body frees itself from various unwanted substances. Bacterial infections can also trigger diarrhea.

In short, what we eat has lot to do with abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Eating of unhygienic or under prepared food items often causes food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastritis. People who have allergies from various foodstuffs can also suffer from diarrhea.

Apart from the above mentioned cases, abdominal cramps are seen in women who are undergoing their menopause. This is a period of their life cycle when they undergo some biological changes and that may cause the cramps on the muscles of the abdomen. Women who are having their period also suffer this kind of cramps.

Abdominal cramps can also signify infections of the colon. This is the reason that such cramps are one of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. However, a patient of this disease also suffers from blood diarrhea.

Quite often a person suffering from diarrhea and abdominal cramp can also have feelings of nausea. There are antibiotics that can control these cramps and diarrhea. It is also very important that one should keep his body hydrated during diarrhea.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. Lead a hygienic and healthy life style and you will not suffer from abdominal cramps and diarrhea too often.

Isotretinoin and IBD: Did Acne Drugs Cause Your Bowel Disease?

Public awareness is growing about the dangers of certain acne drugs and their link to bowel diseases. Studies have shown that isotretinoin, the primary active ingredient in various acne medications, can cause serious gastrointestinal problems.

A study at the University of North Carolina set out to find whether there is a cause and effect relationship between isotretinoin and bowel conditions. Based on their analysis, the research team concluded that patients who used isotretinoin to treat their acne had a four times greater chance of having ulcerative colitis than people who did not use the drug.

Types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Isotretinoin has been linked to inflammatory bowel disease, also known as IBD. IBD is a condition that causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal system. There are several types of inflammatory bowel diseases, including:

-Crohn's disease

-Ulcerative colitis

-Ulcerative proctitis

-Indeterminate colitis

Although the different types of IBD are related, they have their differences. For example, ulcerative colitis normally affects only the colon. On the other hand, Crohn's disease can affect any portion of the intestinal tract.

Side Effects and Treatment

The symptoms of IBD are very similar regardless of the specific type of IBD. Common side effects include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, vomiting, loss of appetite and other problems. The type, progression and severity of the side effects vary from patient to patient.

Unfortunately, inflammatory bowel disease can have serious complications. The disease results in ulcers in the intestines. Over time, these ulcers can cause obstructions, infections (abscesses), narrowing (strictures), bleeding (hemorrhage) and an increased risk of cancer.

The treatment for IBD varies depending on the patient. Some patients are rarely bothered by the disease while others have regular flare-ups that can be painful and inconvenient. Strong medications may be used to manage the disease. In some cases, invasive surgery is required.

How Can Isotretinoin Cause IBD?

Isotretinoin is a form of vitamin A, so how can it be so dangerous? The drug was originally developed as a chemotherapy medication to treat serious cancers. It is effective at killing cells that are rapidly dividing. Inflammatory bowel disease occurs a result of improper immune system activity, and cancer drugs are known to damage a person's immune system. If a cancer medication can damage the immune system, then it makes sense that it can cause IBD.

What Should You Do if You Took Isotretinoin and Have Bowel Problems?

Many people who took isotretinoin and developed Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or another form of IBD do not know the two are linked. As a result of growing media exposure, more people are finally learning about the connection. Knowing the cause of a problem can help answer the question of where the disease came from, and it may also help in treating the condition. If you took isotretinoin and have bowel problems but have not been tested for inflammatory bowel disease, you may want to ask your doctor about getting tested.

Chron's Disease

Crohn's disease is often confused with other inflammatory bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, thus making it difficult to diagnose. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is characterized by an inflammatory reaction throughout the entire thickness of the colon and bowel wall. This inflammation can penetrate deeply into the affected organ, causing pain and diarrhea.

Symptoms associated with Crohn's disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding (which may lead to anemia), weight loss, malabsorption syndrome and nutritional deficiencies. The onset of Crohn's disease is typically between the ages of fourteen and thirty. Cases of this disorder tend to be 2-4 times more common in Caucasian whites than non-Caucasian, and 4 times more common in Jews than non-Jews.

Crohn's disease is typically experienced as flair-up, with attacks occurring every few months to every few years. Over time, if the disease is active, bowel function can gradually deteriorate, with the risk of cancer increasing by 20 fold.

Scientists believe that chronic imbalances in the intestinal flora set off a chain of events that, in the end, damages the intestinal mucosa. This theory is strongly supported by the parallel in the number of cases of Crohn's and other inflammatory bowel disorders and use of antibiotics over the last 50 years. In turn, it has also been found that the incidence of Crohn's disease is higher in cultures consuming a "western diet", while it is virtually non-existent in cultures consuming a more primitive diet. Studies also reveal that patients with Crohn's disease were found to be individuals who habitually ate, prior to the onset of symptoms, more refined sugar, less raw fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber when compared to their healthy counterparts.

While the exact causes of Crohn's disease is still unclear, there is much that can be done to lessen symptoms and even put this disorder into remission. The goal for treatment of this disorder is to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies and relieve symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and rectal bleeding.

Recommendations for Wellness

1) An elimination diet, such as Gottschall's Specific Carbohydrate Diet have been shown to reduce the symptoms experienced within 3 - 12 weeks.

2) Avoid sugar, both white sugars, and the sugars contained in white flower, white rice etc.

3) Keep a food/flair-up journal. Identify foods you are eating, or your emotional state just before and during a "flair-up". In time, you may find a pattern forming

4) To reduce intestinal inflammation and begin the healing process, try products such as UltraInflamx - by Metagenics, Robert's formula - by Phytophamric, or aloe vera juice.

5) Flax seed or fish oils (Omega 3 Oils) have been known to greatly reduce the inflammatory process. If you find you have a hard time digesting them, try freezing the gel caps before taking them.

6) Extra vitamins and minerals are important at this time, especially if you are not absorbing nutrients correctly. Incorporate a liquid meal replacement (one that is loaded with vitamins, minerals and protein, and low on sugar!) into your diet as well as taking a high quality vitamin and minerals supplement. Try to find one that is in a gel casing or capsule.

7) Find a good mineral supplement such as Alfalfa, barley greens, liquid chlorophyll or colloidal minerals. Many of these come in a powdered form that you can mix with water or juice.

8) Because of blood loss due to rectal bleeding, and the anemia associated with it, incorporation of additional iron is important. Look to find an herbal iron alternative, especially one that comes in liquid form for better/easier assimilation. If you decide to look to a single herb, Yellow Dock would be my choice. (Consult with your health care provider before introducing additional iron into your diet.)

9) Starting a program of re-inoculating the intestinal tract with Friendly Bacteria, namely lactoacidopholis can enhance recovery and restore bowel function to normal.

© Copyright 2001 Body, Mind & SoulHealer, All Rights Reserved.

Leaky Gut Syndrome - Celiac Disease - Crohn's Disease, and Colitis Linked to Altered Gut Permeabilit

Leaky gut syndrome:

Leaky gut syndrome is a term often used in complementary or alternative medicine circles and by the lay public that is really describing a known entity termed increased intestinal permeability. Gut permeability is important for health and prevention of disease. The intestine is lined with a single layer of epithelial cells, called enterocytes in the small bowel and colonocytes in the large bowel or colon. These epithelial cells both constitute the intestinal barrier and the digestive and absorptive lining of the gut.

Intestinal villous and microvilli increases absorptive area:

The small intestine lining has projections called villi that dramatically increase the surface area of the intestine. Each villous is lined with a single layer of enterocytes and goblet cells. The enterocytes of the small intestine have projections on their surfaces known as microvilli where digestive enzymes reside.

Tight junctions prevent leaky gut:

The cells are joined to each other by tight junctions or zonula occludens that form a barrier to fluid and proteins except when permitted by signals that open up the spaces between the cells, the paracellular space. Abnormal tight junctions result in increased intestinal permeability or what may be called a leaky gut. This altered intestinal permeability or barrier function is implicated in several diseases, especially celiac disease and the inflammatory bowel diseases ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Occludin, claudin and zonulin proteins:

Occludin and claudin are structural proteins that maintain the tight junctions or zonula occludens. These proteins are regulated at least in part by another protein, zonulin. The structure of the tight junctions is also known as a cytoskeleton.

Leaky gut can occur without visible or microscopic signs:

Obvious visually apparent defects of the lining of the intestine or mucosa such as ulcerations and erosions or atrophy are associated with increased intestinal permeability but ultra structural studies have shown that areas of the lining can have gaps in the intestinal barrier. That is, your gut can be leaky though it may look normal visually during endoscopy or even on plain microscope examination of biopsies.

Gluten can cause leaky gut without celiac disease:

Chronic gluten exposure has been shown to activate zonulin resulting in increased intestinal permeability (or leaky gut) even in the absence of celiac disease. Intestinal permeability with malabsorption has been described in celiac patients and their relatives who don't have atrophy of the intestine on biopsy but only increased inflammatory cells known as lymphocytes or increased intraepithelial lymphocytosis (IEL).

Lymphocytic enteritis may be the earliest microscopic sign of leaky gut:

Lymphocytic enteritis is a relatively new term for this small intestine biopsy finding. Since lymphocytes release chemical mediators such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) it makes sense that increased numbers of lymphocytes in the villi releasing TNF can result in a leaky gut, malabsorption symptoms and increased risk of celiac disease, Crohn's, and colitis, especially in genetically predisposed individuals. Moreover, if altered gut bacteria and yeast levels are present the risks appear to be higher.

Tumor necrosis factor release results in leaky gut:

Interestingly, anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) therapy in the form of remicade (infliximab) and humira (adalimubab) are highly effective in treating Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and more recently ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, such therapy is directed at the already released TNF not the underlying cause or predisposition.

Probiotics may be protective against leaky gut and bowel inflammation:

Probiotics are gaining acceptance or interest in the prevention and treatment of both inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's and colitis) as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They are also being touted to prevent or treat antibiotic associated diarrhea.

Leaky gut gaining scientific support but bigger picture still being missed:

Again, however, it appears that there are a lot of researchers and physicians who appear to have some pieces of the bigger puzzle of leaky gut or altered gut permeability as a cause of intestinal diseases and intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms but few are seeing the bigger picture. Go to to access the Food Doc Blog to explore this bigger picture and the latest research in the context of my experience of a practicing gastroenterologist who is also personally affected by food intolerance. Be sure to subscribe to the blog and e-mail postings to friends and family.


Gliadin, zonulin and gut permeability: Effects on celiac and non-celiac intestinal mucosa and intestinal cell lines. Drago, S et al. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2006; 41(4): 408-419

Inflammatory bowel disease: Is it really just another break in the wall? Weber, CR and Turner, JR. Gut 2007; 56(1): 6-8

Changes in expression and distribution of claudin 2,5, and 8 lead to discontinuous tight junctions and barrier dysfunction in active Crohn's disease. Zeissig S. et al. Gut 2007; 56(1): 61-72

Do You Have an Autoimmune Disease?

How can i manage my life now that I have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease?. Although there is no cure, you can treat your symptoms and learn to manage your disease, so you can still enjoy life. It is important, though, to see a doctor who specializes in these types of diseases.

Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the body's immune system reacts against itself and produces antibodies to attack its own healthy cells and tissue. Autoimmune disorders can be directed mainly at one part of the body, such as the thyroid gland or the pancreas, or they can spread widely throughout the body, as in the case of diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.


Symptoms vary depending on which autoimmune disease you have, the most common that is shared among the autoimmune disorders are joint pain and fatigue.

RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) joint pain, joint deformities, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, and weight loss.

MS(multiple sclerosis) numbness and tingling in the extremeties, difficulty with balance and coordination, problems with walking or speaking, tremors, and even paralysis.

Lupus - joint pain, swelling, skin rashes, fatigue, sensitivity to sun, purple fingers or toes from cold or stress, and swelling in the legs or around the eyes.

Type1 Diabetes elevated blood sugar, fatigue, increased thirst and urination, nausea, vomiting, increased appetite, and weight loss

Graves Disease(overactive thyroid) insomnia, irritability, unexplained weight loss, weakness, bulging eyes,shaky hands, brittle hair.

Hashimotos Thyroiditis (under-active) tiredness, cold sensitivity, weight gain, weakness, tough skin, constipation, and depression

Ulcerative Colitis - diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, rectal bleeding, skin lesions, and joint pain.

Who is at risk?

Autoimmune diseases tend to run in families, with women more likely than men to develop an autoimmune disorder.


There is no cure however with treatment you can still lead a full life. Treatments depend on which autoimmune disorders you have but range from antiinflamatories, insulin, and synthetic thyroid pills.

How do I know if I have an autoimmune disease?

If you suspect you may have an autoimmune disorder the doctor will likely start out conducting a physical exam and taking your personal and family medical history. Test may be run to rule out other conditions.

There is no definitive diagnostic test for autoimmune disorders for the most part. Blood tests, x-rays, ct scans, or MRI's may help in determining some of the autoimmune disorders.

Should I see a doctor and when?

If you experience any of the symptoms of an autoimmune disorders it is wise to see the doctor as soon as possible. Putting it off only runs the risk of having symptoms worsen or do permanent damage to your body.

Ulcerative Colitis, the Bowel Disease of Chronic Inflammation

A chronic inflammatory bowel disease in which the inner lining of the large intestine (colon or bowel) and rectum become inflamed, Ulcerative colitis is a serious disorder which is characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, fever, chills and profuse diarrhea.

Ulcerative colitis causes both inflammation and sores, also called ulcers, in the lining of the colon and rectum. The ulcerated areas occur in the areas where inflammation has killed off the protective cells that usually line the colon. The inflammation and ulcers lead to pain, bleeding, and the hallmark symptom of profuse and nearly uncontrollable diarrhea.

The inflammation typically begins in the rectum and the sigmoid or lower colon. It may then spreads upward throughout the entire colon. However, except for the lower section, call the ileum, this disease rarely invades the small intestine. Other names for ulcerative colitis include proctitis, enteritis, ileitis and colitis.

Currently the cause is unknown, although many theories exist. Some researchers believe that it is hereditary; others believe that it is due to a bacteria or viral invasion, and still others believe it is a defect in the immune system in which the body's antibodies actually attack the colon.

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody or pus-filled diarrhea. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, rectal bleeding, anemia, loss of body fluids and nutrients and fever.

Patients may also experience joint pain, rashes, skin lesions, and abscesses. Typically the onset of ulcerative colitis is gradual. However, in some cases the onset can be rather severe with the diarrhea and bleeding being much more significant. Because many of these symptoms can mimic other disorders it is important to see your physician so that an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment can begin.

There is currently no known cure for ulcerative colitis except for removal of the colon. Some helpful treatments include medications such as steroids designed to control or lessen the inflammation of the colon can help to improve the diarrhea and cramping. Antibiotics may also be used to help control the disorder.

Other medications may be used to control the pain and diarrhea of ulcerative colitis. Dietary changes can also help. For example, during an acute attack of ulcerative colitis, your physician may suggest that you avoid milk, milk products and bulky, heavy fiber foods.

A healthy diet with sufficient calories and adequate protein will help in overall well being. Hospitalization may be necessary in order to correct malnutrition, dehydration or mineral imbalances and to stop the diarrhea.

Surgery may also be required for difficult cases of ulcerative colitis. In cases of excessive bleeding, a perforation of the colon or even a debilitating lifestyle impact from the disease may all be appropriate reasons for surgery to remove the colon. Surgery is generally looked to as a last resort option after all other treatment options have failed.

Ulcerative colitis mimics several other bowel disorders and must be aggressively managed in order to avoid long term damage to the colon and a significant impact on the overall health of the sufferer.

Talk with your physician today and determine the best and most aggressive course of treatment for your disease.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Diet Advice For People With Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is when a chronic inflammation is present in the colon (large intestine), which is a part of our digestive system. This chronic inflammation causes ulcers or open sores to form. In most cases, people suffering from this condition do not display any symptoms, and even when warning signs do exist (such as fatigue, weight loss, loss of nutrients, joint pain), they will diminish on their own. Contrary to what most people believe, environmental factors contribute greatly to the development of this disease, not poor diet. But having said that, dietary modification can actually help lessen the effects caused by ulcerative colitis.

If you have ulcerative colitis, it is very important for you to modify your diet. Although there is no specific ulcerative colitis diet, many people find that avoiding or increasing the intake of certain foods can greatly reduce the symptoms.

People suffering from this condition should maintain a well balanced diet, preferably a balanced combination of complex carbohydrates, good fats, whole grains and protein. Soluble fiber is very helpful for this condition and is better than insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can be found in foods such as peeled apples, peeled potatoes, oat bran, and white rice; while insoluble fiber can be found in cabbage, wheat bran, sweet corn, and fruit and vegetable skins. You are advised to avoid insoluble fiber because it can't be digested by our body, and it will irritate the colon even more. Fish oils that come from sardines or any other oily fish will help you treat ulcerative colitis. The fatty acids contained in fish oils are believed to reduce inflammation in general. Do include more oily fish in your diet to help heal the ulcers in your colon. If you are a vegetarian, you can include dairy products or high protein plants in your diet. Soy products can be a good replacement for meat, fish, or poultry, and it gives the same benefits to the body.

As mentioned previously, poor diet is not the cause of ulcerative colitis. However, there are foods that may worsen inflammation or cause previously unseen symptoms to occur; these foods are often referred to as food triggers. The types of food that might be considered as food triggers vary among sufferers. One individual might be highly sensitive towards coffee or caffeine in general, while others are not. The most common foods which can cause further irritation are alcohol, carbonated beverages, popcorn, raw vegetables, nuts, pepper, or spicy foods in general.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet

An ulcerative colitis diet as such does not really exist, as different foods trigger different sufferers. Overall its best to avoid fruit and fruit juices, alcohol, high fiber cereals, coffee and prepackaged refined food, as they generally provide poor nutrition and contain hidden salt sugar and chemical preservatives. If you are not entirely sure which specific food and drink are problematic for you, keep a detailed food and drink diary and visit an allergy specialist, particularly as allergies change over time. Then put together your own ulcerative colitis diet and stick to it.

Healthy nutritious food is of vital importance to reduce the progress of the disease from controllable to requiring surgery. You will need a well balanced diet with a good supply of high quality protein, carbohydrates and fats as well as vitamin supplements such as B12, vitamin D and additional iron. Meat protein from non free range animals may also lead to flare ups caused by the growth hormones, antibiotics and generally stressful conditions present in the lives of these animals. Stick to free range lean chicken and meat, free range eggs, wild salmon and unprocessed fish products. To improve your ulcerative colitis diet, shop around the edges of the supermarket to find the food that is the freshest and least packaged and leave the middle aisles alone. Check sell by dates and buy fresh food daily.

As a general rule of thumb, here are a few suggestions to help you put together your ulcerative colitis diet plan:

  • Plenty of fluids to reduce constipation and keep your body hydrated. This does not include alcohol!

  • Low fiber foods during a flare up but high fiber food when you are in remission

  • Small frequent meals will put less stress on your system

  • Reduce fatty food and gas producing vegetables from the cabbage family (cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli)

  • Herbal teas to replace sugary carbonated drinks and coffee

  • Include a good multivitamin and other supplements to make up for lost nutrients (fish and flaxseed oils and probiotics may all aid in the healing process). Check your individual needs with your doctor or nutritionist.

Try to reduce the stress and anxiety in your own life too by educating yourself as much as possible about ulcerative colitis and by finding a doctor or specialist you can relate to and confide in. Support groups whether on or offline are also really helpful for suggestions which worked for others.

Crohn's Disease IBD - They Are the Same Thing, Aren't They?

Crohn's Disease is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a group of illnesses, the main two are Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Both of these illnesses are very similar but the main difference between them is that ulcerative colitis is only located in the large bowel or colon, where Crohn's Disease can affect the person anywhere in the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus.

At times it can be hard for doctors to know if you have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease. A couple of years after I was diagnosed my doctors decided that maybe I didn't have Crohn's after all, perhaps it was Ulcerative Colitis. Eventually they changed their minds and I was back to having Crohn's again.

Some people can be told that they have IBD as it isn't really clear whether they have Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis. Western treatment can vary between Crohn's and Ulcerative colitis, but it if you have not been diagnosed with anything other than IBD then it probably won't really make much difference not knowing in most cases.

A good thing as is that many natural methods that work well for Crohn's also work well for Ulcerative Colitis. A great place to start is to keep a food dairy and write down what you eat during the day, so if the next day you start to feel not that well you can go back over the last few days and see what you have eaten. You can then tell if there is something there that you may think has caused you a problem.

Over time you maybe able to see a pattern with certain foods and you could try not eating that food for awhile to see if that makes a difference in your Crohn's Disease. It may only take a couple of days to make a difference, for some people they will need to eliminate that food for perhaps over a month to see an improvement. There are other ways to see what foods are causing you problems but a food diary is a good place to start and can give you some good results.

Probiotics Effect Health in Positive Ways But Are There Side Effects?

Beware the Possibility of Probiotics Side Effects!

You are looking to supplement your diet with probiotics but want to check whether there are any side effects first? This is a wise decision as so much of what we consume today has effects on our bodies.

What are probiotics?

Before we answer the question of probiotics side effects, we need to understand what probiotic bacteria is and its role in normal body function. It is with this understanding that we have the context we need to answer the question effectively.

Probiotics are living microorganisms (typically in the form of bacteria) that are similar to those found naturally in the human gut. They are often referred to as "good bacteria" because of the positive role they play in the process of digestion. They can be found in many foods or can be acquired from health shops as a dietary supplement. Many alternative health practitioners recommend probiotics as complementary medicine.

Probiotics are often consumed to treat and prevent certain ailments and to promote good overall health and well being. These include such illnesses as infectious diarrhea, excessive gas, stomach bloating, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Chron's disease), infections in female body regions, skin infections, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), stomach and respiratory infections and tooth decay - amongst others.

Probiotics should not be confused with prebiotics (no digestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial microorganisms already in people's colons). However, a when probiotics and prebiotics are combined in one's diet, together, their relationship is complementary.

A quick note on Antibiotics

Antibiotics are used to kill "bad bacteria" but their use does not discriminate so they also kill the "good bacteria". So many people use probiotics to counteract the negative effect of antibiotics. Essentially they are used to replace probiotics after a course of antibiotics has been completed.

So, what are the side effects?

Historically, people have consumed live microorganisms without too many side effects. There have not been sufficient studies undertaken to comprehensively test probiotics effects on the body. However, they are generally considered to be safe.

Probiotics effects some people adversely and when it happens, it tend to be mild and digestive related e.g. excess gas or bloating). More serious probiotics effects have been identified in a few people. Some experts hypothesize that probiotics could cause infections in people with underlying health conditions. They could also over stimulate the immune system. Overall though, there is little evidence of any significant side effects in most people. If you experience these symptoms after taking a probiotic supplement, we suggest you stop taking them and consult your doctor.

Where to find good quality probiotic supplements

Probiotics can be found naturally in some foods or they can be taken as dietary supplements. There are many places where reviews have been conducted on different probiotics supplements in the market. Check out the links below for more information on this.


Probiotics are consumed to prevent some diseases and to promote good overall health and well being. They have been consumed in diets for many years. Although few comprehensive studies have been carried out on probiotics side effects, there would seem to be very few and in most cases these occur in people with an existing condition. If you are in any doubt, consult your doctor first.

Ginkgo Biloba Properties And Benefits

One of the world's oldest alive tree forms is Ginkgo Biloba. Excavations of fossils of Ginkgo Biloba show them to be 5000 years older and even more. One single tree can have a life of a thousand year; it can grow up to one hundred twenty feet long. The leaves are shaped like a fan while branches are short.

There is a strong odor in it's fruits and there is inner seed in every leaf, consuming the leaf can lead to human poisoning. For centuries Chinese people used both the seed and the leaf as herbal medicine, but modern researchers have discarded this and mainly focused attention on basic Ginkgo Biloba extract, derived from green leaves after being dried up.

There are as many as 40 odd materials available in Ginkgo Biloba tree, but just 2 out of those many can be of any benefit to human suffering, the 2 being terpenoids and flavonoids. Flavonoids are influential in antioxidant effects.

Reports have supported the same and say it helps protecting retina, blood vessels, heart muscle and nerves from damage. Terpenoids help increasing blood circulation by opening blood vessels and dipping the tackiness of platelets.

Flavonoids is a definite antioxidants which are immensely helpful in removing free radicals that float present in out bodies, these radicals possess threats to human health and can effect normal system functions.

The environment too has its share in causing damage to us (obviously we stand responsible for the current state of environment) like cigarette smoking, air pollution, radiation and ultraviolet rays shall have a telling effect on our bodies and these threatening free radicals can lead to heart diseases, cause aging, cancer, cell death & Alzheimer's disease.

There are various studies being conducted across the globe to find the diseases that Ginkgo Biloba can be applied in. We know now that Ginkgo Biloba is useful in treating dementia, hair loss, circulatory problems and hair loss but researchers are trying to widen the scope of its benefits to alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, blood vessel disorders, chronic rhinitis, atherosclerosis, hearing loss, high blood pressure, respiratory tract illnesses, concentration deficit hyperactivity disorder, asthma, cataracts, bronchial asthma, anti-rheumatic, migraine, high cholesterol, heart disease, labor induction, schizophrenia, congestive heart attack, coronary heart disease, menstrual pain, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, blood clots, freckle-removing, traumatic brain injury, neuropathy, cough, dermatitis, fatigue, hepatitis B, angina, genitourinary disorders, anxiety, mood disturbances, acute cerebral infarction, retinopathy, anti-bacterial, autoimmune disorders, oral cavity cancer, acidosis, anti-parasitic, diabetes, indigestion, allergies, anti-fungal, dysentery, breast disease, bronchitis, insomnia, varicose veins, skin sores, eczema, hypoxia, sepsis, scabies, ulcerative colitis, swelling, headache, seizures, thrombosis, heart attack and aging.

There exist few side effect but benefits will always out number side effects. Headaches and gas related discomfort may be experienced. Suppose you consume anti-depression drug (these are monoamine-oxidase inhibitors in character) then a negative counter reactions could be possible. You could be risking some kind of bleeding and if you at all have a clotting disorder then it should be strictly avoided.

If going through lactation or pregnancy then too should be avoided. Headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, in few cases you might get rashes or feel itchy and nausea are few other possible side effects. To be on safer side visit your doctor and consult him/her before you starting the medication of any herbal remedies.

Digestive System Diseases and Nervous Disorders

Conditions which affect the stomach, esophagus, bowel, colon, liver or pancreas are considered digestive system diseases and disorders. Many people wonder about nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and emotional trauma may all aggravate symptoms, but it is unclear whether any of these cause digestive system diseases and disorders. In fact, in most digestive system diseases and disorders the causes are unclear. There are only theories about what the causes may be and what may worsen the conditions or aggravate symptoms.

There are many digestive system diseases and disorders. Some are very common and easily treated, while some are more serious, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. There are some nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract. These are sometimes classified as symptoms or related conditions and sometimes as possible causes of digestive system diseases and disorders, because in some cases it is unclear which came first, the digestive disorder or the nervous disorder.

The most common of the digestive system diseases and disorders is heartburn. Heartburn affects an estimated 25% of people in the United States on and other western countries on a monthly basis according to a study from the Mayo Clinic. In contrast only 11% of those living in Eastern Asian countries have heartburn once or more per month. Excess stomach acid is what causes heartburn, but stress and anxiety are nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract and increase stomach acid. Heartburn is a symptom of another of the common digestive system diseases and disorders; acid reflux.

Acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms include heartburn, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of stomach acid and/or food, hoarseness, coughing and irritation of the larynx, throat and/or esophagus. This is one of the digestive system diseases and disorders that can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. For example, acid reflux or GERD is one of the major risk factors for esophageal cancer. As with heartburn, anxiety and stress are nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and can aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is another of the digestive system diseases and disorders. This one can be very serious and when symptoms are severe may require surgery to remove diseased portions or the entire colon. Anxiety, stress, depression or emotional turmoil (all nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract) are often experienced by people with ulcerative colitis and can worsen symptoms. It is an inflammatory bowel disease, similar to Crohn's disease. Whereas irritable bowel syndrome is not considered an inflammatory disease, but because the names are similar, people sometimes get them confused.

Irritable Bowel System or IBS is one of the common digestive system diseases and disorders. Somewhere between 25 and 55 million Americans suffer from IBS and most of them are women. IBS is not life threatening and it does not lead to other more serious digestive system diseases and disorders, but it can still be hard to live with. IBS and nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract, such as stress and anxiety may cause a vicious circle in a person's life. Meaning, IBS may make a person anxious about when he/she will have to find a bathroom and the anxiety can aggravate symptoms of IBS, which increases anxiety, etc.

These are only some of the many digestive system diseases and disorders and while nervous disorders that affect the digestive system are not believed to cause any of these conditions, it is possible that they may aggravate symptoms, particularly when it comes to stress and anxiety. Eating too fast, too much, on the go, in the car, in front of the TV or computer are all poor eating habits that are very common. When treating digestive system diseases and disorders like IBS, acid reflux and heartburn, doctors typically advise that these eating habits may worsen symptoms. It has been shown that by slowing down and reducing stress in one's life, many of the symptoms of the most common digestive system diseases and disorders may be reduced or prevented entirely.

For more information about digestive system diseases and disorders, visit

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reasons and Remedies For Blood in Stool

There are many reasons you may discover blood in your stool, and some of them are life threatening. Some are less so, but finding the cause is very important.

How do you know there's blood?

Seeing something red is one way, but that is not the only thing to watch for. If the blood has been in or through the stomach, it won't be red. It'll be black and have the consistency of tar or coffee grounds. Both types can be a sign of something bad.

What causes it?

1) Medications and herbs: Aspirin, willow bark and blood thinners can cause bleeding in the intestines. Anti-platelet medications can do the same thing. This is something you should speak to your doctor about, as you may need a change in these medications.

2) Ulcers: Whether it's in your stomach or your intestines, an ulcer can bleed. Stomach ulcers can cause this to exit on both ends of the alimentary canal. This is a potentially life threatening problem, so getting treatment fast is important.

3) Hemorrhoids: This burning, itching problem around the anus can actually rupture. If so, the color will be fairly bright red. Diverticulitis (an abnormal pocket in the intestines) can also bleed.

4) Crohn's Disease: Another name for this is ulcerative colitis, and as the name suggests it causes ulcers in the digestive tract.

5) Colon Cancer: This is obviously not something that can be treated at home, and one of its symptoms is bloody stools.

Some of these problems can be dealt with using herbal remedies and lifestyle changes. Others may need the help of your doctor, especially if cancer is the cause. It's always best to consult your doctor, especially in the above cases. The doctor can give you a diagnosis and help you come up with a plan that will be beneficial for you.

For ulcers and Crohn's Disease, you may be able to use marshmallow or licorice root to coat the digestive tract. You will probably also need an antibiotic, at least in the case of regular ulcers. Don't take any medications at the same time as the herbs, as it can prevent proper absorption. Don't use licorice root if you have high blood pressure.

Hemorrhoids may be eased by sitz baths, witch hazel and aloe vera. The witch hazel acts as an astringent, and may shrink the hemorrhoid. Aloe will help reduce inflammation. Don't drink the juice, as it can cause explosive diarrhea, which would be an irritant.

Colon cancer, as mentioned above, cannot be treated at home. If the doctor approves, oats and marshmallow may be useful. Due to the side effects, licorice root would be a bad idea.

There is one more thing to consider if you see an off-color stool. Some of the things we eat can change the color and not be a threat. Black licorice and pepto-bismol, lead, iron tablets and blueberries can turn the stool dark. Tomatoes can give a reddish color, especially if a great many are eaten.

Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

Ulcerative colitis treatment begins with a definitive diagnosis and a determination of the severity of illness. Once this initial diagnosis has been made, the immediate goal of treatment is to reduce the painful physical symptoms associated with it. Since there is no cure for ulcerative colitis, the long-term goal of treatment is to prevent future onset of illness, or relapse.

Both ulcerative colitis, and a related disorder called Crohn's Disease, are characterized by an abnormal immune system response within the intestines. In patients with ulcerative colitis, the location of this response is restricted to the large intestine, or colon. The resulting inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal walls can cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding, the main symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Due to the fact that other health conditions may exist that exhibit similar symptoms, care for ulcerative colitis begins with a confirmation of this initial diagnosis. This includes taking stool samples to rule out the presence of parasites or an existing infection within the colon, and performing blood tests to detect elevated white blood cell counts (high white blood cell counts indicate that the cause of inflammation is due to the activation of the body's own immune response).

A visual examination, either directly using a sigmoidoscope or a colonoscope, or indirectly via a barium enema, will help make the final confirmation that colitis is in fact the culprit. These visualization techniques are an essential step in ulcerative colitis treatment because they allow the physician to measure the severity of the illness, and therefore to figure out the best course to minimize the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Medications play a large part in both the initial treatment and long-term care for ulcerative colitis. These medications fall into two main categories: immunomodulators, which alter the proteins produced by the immune system which cause inflammation, and anti-inflammatory medications, which act to reduce the inflammation directly. Although these medications do not cure ulcerative colitis, they can induce remission of its symptoms and lengthen the time between relapses. As such they offer an ulcerative colitis treatment option that many sufferers take advantage of.

Very rarely, ulcerative colitis is treated surgically. Although surgery is the only true cure for the disease, it is inherently risky and therefore often reserved only for cases in which prolonged inflammation of the colon has resulted in life-threatening complications.

Although research has not yet shown any correlation between diet and the initial onset of ulcerative colitis, a low-fat, bland diet may alleviate some of the symptoms during periods of disease activity. Similarly, a healthy, balanced diet may help to prolong periods of disease remission.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis mentioned above, make sure you visit your doctor right away for a thorough examination. If you do have this disorder, your doctor will help you determine the best ulcerative colitis treatment for your particular case.

Symptoms for Hypoglycemia

A largely unknown symptom of hypoglycemia (or diabetes) is a fungus infection that, very often, the individual is unlikely to be aware of. The fungus, over time, builds up and unless it is seen on the skin or the sides of your mouth you won't know it is there.

However, it is also unlikely that you develop a skin fungus without also building up fungi inside your body. An internal fungal infection you have probably known is Candidiasis or yeast infection. Candida albicans makes its home chiefly in the intestines and mouth and especially develops after taking antibiotics. These kill off all bacteria (both good and bad) and leave the way clear for the yeast infection to multiply unhindered.

This is where it pays to be alert to symptoms you might have. These symptoms start off mildly and then can become quite debilitating:

  • Mental confusion

  • Allergic reactions

  • Hunger cravings

  • Fatigue

  • Hyperactivity.

Eventually autoimmune disorders kick in - these can be as serious as ulcerative colitis and generally involve inflammation in various parts of the body for example arthritis is inflammation of the joints.

Another simple fact you should know is that a dieting plan is like a road map and will help you treat hypoglycemia and low blood sugar. Once you have your diet under control you will start to feel better and have more energy in your daily activities.

Note, the above symptoms for yeast infection are similar or the same as those for hypoglycemia. The connection is that hypoglycemia tends to open you wide to candida. How does this come about?

Generally people with hypoglycemia love sugars, refined foods and sodas. These make the body more alkaline. Now what kind of environment does fungus thrive on? Alkaline. And what kind of foods do fungi rely upon? The sugars from the excessive Western refined and processed diets.

To compound the problem, once you have a thriving population of sugar eating bacteria, they put increased demand on your cell's sugar supplies. And before you know it the fungus is adding to your hypoglycemic woes.

Daily exercise and walking are essential to keep hypoglycemia under control. By keeping active you allow your blood sugar to stay at a healthy level which is very important.

So if you find a fungus on your nails or suspect candidiasis then ask yourself the important question how and why did it arrive? What lies behind it? Perhaps hypoglycemia is slowly percolating in the background.

Ulcerative Colitis and Depression

Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic disease. As such, any chronic health condition being a long term illness, invariably causes stress and anxiety. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes not only pain, but also symptoms such as diarrhea and gas that are not easy to deal with in social and professional situations. This leads to continued mental stress and has every tendency to lead the patient towards the risk of depression.

Recent research findings suggest patients who show symptoms of depression and anxiety report a lower quality of life and could perhaps be at an increased risk of a relapse. Another study showed that patients with Crohn's disease who received some psychological treatment spent fewer days in the hospital and took fewer sick days. What is important is to break the seemingly vicious cycle of depression increasing the IBD and vice versa. Counseling plays an important part in making the patient aware of his illness and that he can play an active part in treating is depression.

The best known treatment for Ulcerative Colitis is with natural Aloe Vera which has been showing promising results. Its anti inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines plays a major role in arresting further irritation of the bowels as also in regenerating dead cells in the inner linings of the intestines. Aloe Vera heals, and if taken regularly, it restores your digestion and absorption. This increases nutrition intake in the body. Simultaneously, the patient can be put on a course of mild anti depressants and weaned off after a few months.

Treating irritable bowel syndrome with drugs may give short-term relief but always lead to severe side-effects. Knowing that there is no identified cure for this illness and that all drugs give only temporary relief should lead the doctor and the patient to a smart management of the disease as well as weaning oneself away from drugs. As said before, preference should be given to treating the patient with Aloe Vera juice, since this not only manages the overall condition of the body, but also improves the general well-being of the body.

Once the patient experiences a prolonged period of absence from the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, his general mental condition improves considerably. Instead of giving in to depression and anxiety, he begins to experience hope and relief from a chronic illness. As his mental attitude turns positive, his mood generally remains more cheerful than before, leading to a gradual improvement of his health.

Dark Green Stool? Read This Now!

A healthy person's bowel movements are normally yellowish brown and comprise of 75% water and 25% solid matter, the latter of which would include waste materials, undigested particles of food and intestinal bacteria. But at times, poops of unusual colors might appear, such as white, dark brown, black, green or reddish because of various reasons. Green stools, whether in darker or lighter shades might be completely harmless. Still, it should be remembered that it could be a sign of underlying intestinal or digestive problems, most of all if these dark green stools are frequently passed. Therefore, it would be recommended to identify the risk factors, causes and overall treatment options for dark green stool.

The Risk Factors

Bowel movements that are green aren't necessarily something of concern as long as it only happens on occasion. If it happens recurrently, it would be recommended to look for medical attention. If it happens to be related to therapeutic medications or ingested food, there is no cause for worry. On the other hand, passing odd colored stool has to be treated if caused because of digestive disorders or food poisoning. Doctors need to be consulted if dark green stool is in any way associated with diarrhea, rectal pain, constipation, weight loss or fever.

The Causes

A lot of the time, mothers report breastfed babies passing unusual colored stools. As a matter of fact, dark green stools can be seen most often within babies and toddlers. Occasional odd-colored stool passing is fairly common in adults, as well, though. When it comes to the causes of dark green stool, there are various possibilities that could result in them, such as the following:

1. Diets - One common dark green stools cause would be the consumption of green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, broccoli and peas. Dark green stool passing might also be an indication that a diet is filled with iron, food coloring and sugar.

2. Digestion Problems - weird colors in the stool could be caused by abnormal processes of digestion. When it comes to food particle malabsorption within intestinal tracts, stools might get green coloration. Additionally, if bile salts get passed into the rectum with no undergoing intestinal changes, stools become dark green.

3. Too Much Bacteria - Defecate usually consists of colonies of bacteria. If there is too much bacteria present in the form of salmonella, the color could possibly turn green.

4. Medication - abnormally colored stool might result from particular medications. People that administer antibiotics and laxatives have higher chances of dark green stool passing.

5. Others - Other causes of abnormally colored stool would be intestinal problems, food poisoning, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and starvation stools.

The Overall Treatment Options

Before treating irregular colored stools, physicians have to analyze stool samples for abnormal changes. Several conducted diagnostic procedures for weird colored stools include stool culture, blood tests, colonoscopy and X-ray. The therapeutic options for odd-colored stool treatment will vary depending on the related symptoms, diagnostic results and underlying health conditions, if there are any. Doctors might prescribe eating habit and diet plan changes with various medications to make one's digestive health better. Drinking lots of water for body hydration would be another effective treatment from home for dark green stools.

10 FAQs To A Detox Diet

1. What is detox?

Detox is the popular short form for detoxification. It describes a natural process that goes on in your body. The detox process neutralizes toxic wastes which accumulate in your bodies, chemically transforming them into relatively harmless compounds and then eliminating them from the body via stools or urine. Toxins enter your body when you breathe in air full of pollutants, consume junk food, smoke cigarettes or use products that are harmful. The removal of toxins from your body is a crucial process in order to maintain good health.

2. What is a detox diet?

Detox diet is a diet that helps our bodies to eliminate harmful toxic wastes. There are many types of detox diets. In general, many people refer the term "detox diet" to mean a dedicated detox diet plan program that is undertaken to remove toxins from a specific part of the body. For instance, there can be detox diet programs for cleansing of the colon, liver or the GI tract.

Dedicated detox diet programs are short-term diets. Detox diets are also recommended for losing weight. They work by giving your body various organic chemical compounds required for detoxification, such as vitamins, antioxidants and other necessary nutrients. Some of these organic compounds help elimination of waste products from your body by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.

3. Why undergo a detox diet program?

Regular consumption of unhealthy food substantially reduces the natural ability of your body to detoxify and eliminate toxic chemicals. There are certain indications when you have a toxic body. They include feelings of sluggishness, frequent colds, digestive problems, allergies, eczema, etc. The presence of toxins further lead to conditions like hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency and inefficient metabolism. Undergoing a detox diet program can help repair, maintain and maximize the natural detoxification abilities of your body.

4. What are the benefits to adopting a detox diet program?

Some of the benefits of detox diets include increased stamina and energy, enhanced mental alertness, clearer skin, better immune system, improved digestion and lots more.

5. When is a detox diet program not advised?

You should not be going through a detox diet program if you are pregnant. Also, if you are suffering from diseases such as anemia, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, lowered immunity, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, ulcers, epilepsy, cancer or ulcerative colitis, some detox diets may not be appropriate for you. Detox diets are also not meant for children.

6. Are there any side effects to a detox diet?

Yes, there can be a few. For example, within the first few days of starting a detox diet, you may suffer from headaches. Or you may feel extremely exhausted especially if you need to purge a few times. Most side effects or symptoms should disappear after a few days.

You may also experience excessive diarrhea, if you are doing a detox diet program for the first time or if the detox diet program is too harsh for you. Hence it is best that you go under the guidance of a health care practitioner for this.

7. Do I need to consult a doctor before trying a detox diet program?

Yes, you are advised to. Just because you are facing symptoms like tiredness, irritability, acne, weight loss, and hunger, it does not mean that you need a detox diet. Sometimes, there might be other medical reasons that require different treatment. Therefore, do consult a doctor and get a thorough check up done before you start taking detox diet.

8. What foods are normaaly included in a detox diet?

A detox diet includes high fiber foods and consumption of adequate amount of water. It normally includes fresh and green vegetables like broccoli, spinach etc and other healthy foods like garlic, artichokes, beets, cauliflower, rice, beans, nuts and seeds. It also includes plenty of fresh fruits except grapes.

9. Can I continue medication during a detox diet?

No, you should generally be undertaking a detox diet program during a period when you are feeling well. As such, if you are having your period, do not go on a detox diet program either during this period.

10. What can I eat once the detox diet is over?

Once you have finished a course of a detox diet, you should not be eating unhealthy foods like deep fried chicken wings for the first meal. You should gradually ease back into a less restrictive yet healthy diet.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Acute Pelvic Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pelvic pain is the pain located in the pelvic region or lower abdomen and can affect both men and women. Sometimes this pain can radiate to the lower back and to the thighs. Different types of diseases may cause the pelvic pain and it may be a part of a symptom. This pain is more commonly found in women than in men.

It can be of two types: acute or chronic. Acute pain is severe, short duration and immediate and is common. It is often seen in people who have had surgery. Chronic pain is which extends and lasts much longer. The pelvic pain experienced may be mild, moderate or severe which increases gradually. It could be a sudden sharp pain which comes and goes or a constant dull aching pain. These pains may be noticeable during menstruation, while passing urine or during sexual intercourse. Pelvic pain may take place due to problems in areas like urinary system, reproductive system, nervous system or the lower intestinal tract. The pain in women is often related to the menstrual cycle or the female reproductive system. Acute Pelvic pain in women could be due to the following reasons:

1. Miscarriage: Miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy and one of its symptoms may be pain or cramps in abdomen area.

2. Ectopic Pregnancy: When the fertilized egg attaches or implants itself somewhere other than the lining of the uterus, it is known as ectopic pregnancy. This may cause pelvic pain and the woman may feel cramping or lower abdominal pain in this condition.

3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: This is the condition of infection of the reproductive organs in female and can be detected if one has chronic pelvic pain.

4. Ovarian Cysts: Most of the cysts in the ovary are harmless but some can cause pain that is constant and dull. This pain may radiate to the lower back and the thighs too.

5. Endometriosis: Pain in pelvic area is the main symptom of this condition.

6. Ovarian Cancer: This cancer can result in pelvic discomfort and pain.

7. Menstrual Cramps: This causes dull cramping pain in the lower abdominal area.

8. Uterine Fibroids: These fibroids may cause pressure or pain in the pelvic area.

Some of the other causes of pelvic pain can be constipation, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, appendicitis, Colon cancer or ulcerative colitis.

If one experiences pelvic pain, you should visit the doctor to get a checkup. Since there are a number of possible causes for pain in the pelvic region, the doctor may do various tests to diagnose the underlying problem. Some of the tests the doctor might do are MRI or magnetic resonance imaging, ultra sound imaging or computed tomography to detect the problem by the process of elimination. The treatment will depend on the type of problem diagnosed. For some condition, simple medications may be used like anti inflammatory, oral contraceptive pills or anti depressants. For other problems surgery like hysterectomy or laparoscopy may be performed. Other treatments include muscle relaxants, exercises, heat therapy or nerve blocks. It is important to get the right treatment for pelvic pain according to the cause.

Mucus in Stool

Mucus is a clear, jelly-like substance usually of a whitish or yellowish colour. It generally shows that it has trapped air inside it. The interior epithelial lining of the large intestine is responsible for producing mucus. Its purpose is to serve as lubricant by making the inner lining of the intestine very smooth and thus assist in the transportation of stool to the anus. The presence of small mucus in stool is a very usual and natural happening. However, if the amount of mucus in the stool increases, it can be a sign of some other medical condition and thus, medical attention should be sought. There are various conditions which result in mucus appearing in stools. Some of these conditions are discussed below:

1. Ulcerative colitis This is when the mucus membrane of the epithelial lining of the large intestine becomes inflamed and result in ulcers developing. Due to the presence of this irritation and ulcers in the lining of the intestine, the production of mucus will take place and is therefore passed out in stools.

2. Bacterial Infection Certain amounts of bacteria are naturally present in the intestine to smooth the process of digestion. When alien particles are introduced, the result is an imbalance in the normal amounts of bacteria which lead to bacterial infection. Mucus is then increased in the stool.

3. Bowel Obstruction This reason for mucus in the stool is very regular. It is usually the result of low water consumption, gastric hormone imbalance and increased yeast formation, which in turn causes constipation. Thus, the demand for increased production of mucus leads to an increase in its presence in stools.

4. Internal hemorrhoids These are caused by straining and are common causes of mucus in stools.

5. Food intolerances The malabsorption of fructose, lactose intolerances and food aversions can result in mucus in stools.

6. Diverticulitis This occurs when an inflamed pouch emerge in the colon and it is a condition that can lead to mucus in stools.

7. Colon polyps Mucus in stools can be caused by colon cyst being present in the colon. The mucus is a sign that they are present.

Other possible causes are: Crohn's Disease - soreness of the lining of the intestine Intestinal parasites especially giardia ( a parasite which lives in the gut) Cystic fibrosis - a inherited disease which causes hormones to discharge large amounts of thick mucus.

There are no specific treatments for mucus in stools as most times the situation returns to normal on its own. There are various ways in which the situation can be enhanced, so long as there are no primary conditions present. Some are:

By including specific nutritional supplements. Increasing the consumption of water. By taking herbal demulcent. This may be prepared by adding a teaspoon of finely ground flaxseed to a cup of hot water, and leave to penetrate overnight.

If the condition does not get better over a long period of time, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies

The inflammatory bowel disease denotes a group of idiopathic chronic gastrointestinal disorders and is characterized by the inflammation or swelling and ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract. The other symptoms of this medical condition include abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, bloody stool, and weight loss. Irritable bowel syndrome is another abdominal disorder that is characterized by many symptoms, including abdominal bloating, cramping, pain, and diarrhea. This is not a serious disease, but can cause constant uneasiness and agony to the patient.

The most widespread inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Unlike irritable bowel syndrome, the inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are very serious medical conditions and at times can result in life-threatening situations. Ulcerative colitis typically causes inflammation and ulcers or sores on the inmost lining of the large intestine or colon. This is a hereditary disease and is usually found in the age group of 30s, although it can happen at any age, even in fifties and sixties.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure to this disease. However, certain kinds of therapies are useful to achieve the long-term remission of this condition. The symptoms can be controlled with various types of medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppression medications, pain medications, anti-diarrheal medications, and antibiotics. It should be noted that a medication that is effective for some patients might not be perfect for other patients. Hence, the treatment for ulceration should be done under the care and management of a qualified gastroenterologist.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis also can be managed by following some dietary and lifestyle changes. Certain food items can worsen the condition. People with ulcerative colitis are recommended to follow a low-fiber diet and to avoid or limit the intake of all types of gassy foods, carbonated beverages, alcohol, fruits, fresh fruit juices, caffeine, cabbage, broccoli, beans, and popcorn. Instead of raw vegetable and fruits, they can use steamed or baked vegetables. They should also try to drink large quantities of water every day. The Mayo Clinic has proposed that the patients suffering with this condition consume five or six small meals a day instead of having three or four heavy meals.

It has been noted that stress can trigger symptoms in individuals with ulcerative colitis. Hence, it is suggested that the ulcerative colitis patients should perform mild exercises and practice stress reduction techniques and breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Can My Thoughts Really Affect My Health?

I was completely taken aback when a friend recently claimed, "I know exactly why I got cancer!"

She went on to explain how she realized that the stressful issues in her marriage had compromised her health and helped to create her illness.

My surprise comes from the fact that this particular woman describes herself as an atheist, and strongly believes that illness happens strictly at random.

As for the notion that "our thoughts influence our reality" she still considers it to be a steaming load of excrement, although now she is beginning to question her own internal biases.

She's not alone; many people believe their thoughts and feelings have nothing to do with their health, and how they feel.

When I suggested to her that we all can learn to control our thoughts to help ourselves be healthier, she responded with vehement anger that I certainly don't know what it's like to be ill.

Well, I do in fact know exactly what it's like.

When I look back to my battle with Ankylosing Spondylitis, I remember the anger, resentment, guilt, depression and other suppressed emotions I harbored. I didn't really understand these feelings at the time because I was in the midst of living them, while coping with the constant, chronic pain of a cruel and punishing autoimmune disorder.

If someone had told me then that I was in any way responsible for my own condition, they wouldn't have wanted to stick around for my answer.

At the time, heavy stress was constantly with me, which weakened my immune system and made my body susceptible to chronic illness. By releasing the deep-seated emotions and buried stress, I helped my body do what it was designed to d0 - repair itself in a timely manner.

Only now, years after recovering from Ankylosing Spondylitis, do I truly understand the role stressful emotions play in chronic conditions.

You might think the daily challenges of life are stressful, but it's not necessarily so. The way we respond to those circumstances is what causes stress, and stress is recognized as the primary cause of illnesses.

Stress is an emotional response that affects the body. When your body becomes so stressed that it begins to break down, your immune system can no longer repair the damage.

Under stress, the cells in your body don't take in proper amounts of oxygen, water or nutrients. They don't release wastes and toxins, and they don't communicate with other nearby cells to help keep you healthy.

However, when you stop creating the constant stress within your body, you allow your cells to move out of their defensive mode and into normal growth mode. Your immune system then works to rid you of illnesses and protect your from creating new ones.

Your body is the world's most perfect healing machine, when your cells are not forced into the defensive position brought on by mental and emotional stress.

Thoughts in the mind create changes in the body that can be easily observed. If you see or hear something that you find embarrassing, you might "blush" and your face turn red. It's a good example of the chemical change that occurs in the body in response to your thoughts. This is called the "mind-body connection."

Our thoughts produce physical reactions, many with predictable results. Sexual thoughts can create responses in the anatomy that are easy to observe; creepy thoughts will make your skin crawl and your hair stand on end. Scary and stressful thoughts cause us to secrete catecholamines, the stress hormones including cortisol and adrenalin that must be metabolized regularly to prevent ongoing tissue damage.

Conditions like hypertension, stroke, ulcerative colitis, heart disease and many other health challenges are clearly impacted by mental stress, establishing the fact that there's a link between our thoughts and the internal chemical reactions that affect how we feel and how we heal.

We feel our bodies respond to our thoughts and subconscious beliefs. Unfortunately, attitudes like anger, jealousy, resentment and guilt are the stressful emotions that create consequences to our health and well-being. These emotions deplete a lot of energy, energy we need to maintain healthy immune function.

Your body is designed to heal itself naturally and keep you healthy. Emotional stress is a problem which worsens the pain and symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Now researchers are learning how we can reverse illness when we first accept that we ourselves are the most powerful factor in our own health care.

Who Else Wants To Fix Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Get Instant Relief?

Suffering from the irratable bowel syndrome can be very annoying. The IBS is a gastro intestinal condition that manifests through episodes of diarrhea and/or constipation, associated with acute abdominal pain. Medics find it quite difficult to set up a diagnosis as there is no apparent cause and the symptoms can be associated with a series of other gastro intestinal conditions.

People between 20 and 30 years old are more affected by this disorder and studies have shown that women present these symptoms twice as often as men do. There are four main types of manifestation of the condition: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and diarrheic episodes alternating with constipation. Between 10% and 20% of all the people in the U.S. suffer from the irratable bowel syndrome. However, specialist believe that the incidence rate is actually higher that the official numbers, as many people try to self-medicate or believe that they suffer from other affections and do not consult a medic.

Medics also refer to the irratable bowel syndrome as spastic colon, spastic colitis, nervous diarrhea, nervous colon or nervous bowel. However this condition should be distinguished among other gastro intestinal disease called "colitis, such as ulcerative colitis (colitis describes the inflammation of the colon, whereas the colon is not inflamed in people suffering from irratable bowel syndrome).

There are several symptoms depending on the person and the actual cause, but the main ones are abdominal pain and occasional diarrhea, often alternating with constipation. The person suffering from IBS may feel bloated, full, as the digested food travels at an abnormal rate through the intestines. Sometimes the person may witness abdominal swelling or tenderness. Anxiety can be another symptom associated with the condition, as the person is aware of the gastro intestinal problem and he gets annoyed.

The movement of the digested food and fecal material through the intestines and the colon is dictated by a series of rhythmical muscular contractions (the medical term for these actions is peristalsis). When a person is suffering from the irratable bowel syndrome, the peristalsis is more frequent, thus leading to a noisier and abnormal bowel activity. That is what causes the discomfort of the IBS and what may determine people to be embarrassed with these symptoms.

Abdominal pain is another frequent symptom and it appears mostly in the lower left corner of the abdomen. Going to the toilet can relieve pain associated with this condition.
Also, there may be traces of white mucus in the sufferer's stool sample.

Other symptoms include burping, bad breath caused by an abnormal digestive activity, gas production, nausea and headache. It is important to go the doctor if you witness any of the above syndromes in order to have the proper medication prescribed.

Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Herbs That Help

Managing IBS with herbs that help

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome month. It is estimated that as many as 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

If you suffer from irritable bowel, you're not alone. IBS is a common condition that affects an estimated 1.4 million people in the UK. Twice as many women than men are thought to experience IBS.

People with IBS report symptoms such as diarrhoea, constipation, heartburn, bloating and stomach cramps.

What are the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

IBS symptoms may come and go, or they may be constant, the condition affects each person differently.

Common symptoms of IBS include:

- changes to bowel habits such as diarrhoea, constipation or a combination of the two

- stomach cramps or pain that eases when the bowels are emptied

- bloating or hardness of the stomach

- a feeling that the bowels haven't emptied sufficiently

- symptoms that get worse after eating

- mucus in stools

- flatulence

- nausea

According to the Rome III Diagnostic Criteria, IBS is usually diagnosed after you have experienced symptoms, on a regular basis, for 6 months and when tests prove that there is no other cause for your symptoms.

The condition is usually diagnosed after all other possible causes have been eliminated. This is known as diagnosis by exclusion. It is important that other conditions are ruled out as conditions such as Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Crohn's Disease, Coeliac Disease and Colon Cancer can present with similar symptoms; particularly in the early stages.

*** It is vital that you see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

- bleeding from the back passage

- blood in stools

- a lump or swelling in the back passage or stomach

- unexplained weight loss

- unexplained fever

- unexplained changes in bowel habit

- persistent or severe vomiting

Herbs That May Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One way Western herbal medicine describes herbs is by the actions they have on the body. Current research confirms many of these herbal actions. For example, Meadowsweet, has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic (something that brings a temperature down). Research has confirmed the presence of salicylates, which are similar in action to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).

Adaptogens:Adoptogens increase resistance to the negative effects of stress - known to exacerbate IBS symptoms - by supporting the function of the endocrine and adrenal systems.

Anti-inflammatories:Anti-inflammatory herbs help alleviate inflammation of the large and small intestine, an important first step in the healing process.

Antispasmodics:Anti-spasmodic herbs prevent, reduce and ease stomach cramps by relaxing contractions of the smooth muscle of the intestinal system.

Anti-microbial:Anti-microbial herbs fight infections; they also help to strengthen the body's natural defence system.

Astringents:Astringent herbs cause contraction of the body's tissues and make them stronger. They are useful for people with diarrhoea predominant IBS.

Bitters:Bitter herbs are used to strengthen the digestive system. They stimulate production of digestive enzymes and enhance the break down and absorption of food.

Carminatives:Carminatives are traditionally used to dispel gas, reduce nausea and improve digestion. They work by reducing the amount of gas formed in the gut, increasing peristalsis within the gut and by increasing blood flow through the gut wall to encourage transportation of gas from the gut.

Mucilaginous:Mucilaginous herbs soothe and coat irritated mucosal tissue of the intestines to prevent irritation of the nerve endings and promote healing.

*** The following herbs can be used to support IBS ***

Meadowsweet - (Filipendula ulmaria)

Actions:Antacid, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, astringent.

Therapeutic properties:An excellent antacid and antispasmodic that can relieve the pain, irritation and cramping associated with IBS. Astringent properties help to heal and protect the gut lining.

Cautions:Do not take Meadowsweet if allergic to salicylates or aspirin, warfarin.

German Chamomile- (Matricaria recutita)

Actions:Relaxant, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic.

Therapeutic properties:Traditionally known as the "mother of the gut" German chamomile alleviates flatulence, muscle contractions and irritation of the gut and is useful in treating stress-related IBS. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Cautions:Can cause dermatitis i.e. irritation of the skin if you have an allergy to the Asteraceae plant family.

Cinnamon- (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Actions:Antibacterial, antifungal, astringent, antibacterial, carminative.

Therapeutic properties:Helpful for stomach upsets, flatulence, nausea, bloating and diarrhoea. Enhances digestion and protects the gut lining.

Cautions:Avoid during pregnancy.

Licorice- (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Actions:Adaptogen, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory (similar action to cortisone), antiviral, demulcent.

Therapeutic properties:Calms irritated mucous membranes. Useful for heartburn and indigestion as it lowers stomach acid.

Cautions:Avoid if you have high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

Agrimony - (Agrimonia eupatoria)

Actions:Astringent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic.

Therapeutic properties:Enhances digestion and improves bowel function. Protects the gut lining from irritation. Useful for treating diarrhoea.

Cautions:Avoid with blood thinning drugs such as warfarin. Proceed with caution with diabetes drugs.