Sunday, June 23, 2013

Diet Management In Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a type of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease that is characterized by ulceration of the inner lining of the large intestines. Its symptoms include abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and dysentery. Ulcerative colitis is a serious medical condition that needs immediate treatment as it can lead to several life-threatening complications.

Although many doctors opine that diet does not factor in as a cause for ulcerative colitis, the condition is certainly exacerbated by several types of foods which are hence best avoided. Therefore, good knowledge regarding foods that must be avoided and those that can be eaten in case of this type of irritable bowel syndrome goes a long way in enabling successful dietary management of this condition.

Foods that must be included in the diet to help manage flare-ups in case of ulcerative colitis are good quality proteins from non-vegetarian sources, carbohydrates and fats in moderate amounts. Fruits and vegetables must be easily digestible and fruits in particular, can be boiled or baked. Dairy products are a must as they help to reduce the propensity of the ulcers. Adequate consumption of water is mandatory as it helps to solve many digestive problems related to Crohn's disease. Physicians might also prescribe certain nutritional supplements such as vitamin B, D and iron to make up for any dietary deficiencies or loss due to lowered intestinal absorption.

Foods that must be avoided to overcome flare-ups in Crohn's disease are those that cause flatulence such as cabbage, caffeine, carbonated drinks, beans etc. Hot, spicy and greasy foods, highly fibrous foods, sugar, sweeteners and processed foods containing food additives must be curtailed as these increase the intensity of the symptoms. Also avoid heavy meals; instead opt for frequent, small meals to stave of hunger pangs that exacerbate ulcerative conditions.

Although, correct dietary practices might not help to completely cure irritable bowel syndrome, they definitely act as adjunct therapy in controlling the symptoms associated with this condition. With the right dietary management, controlling IBS is possible, although medications and in case of severity surgery might be necessary.

Thus, dietary management of crohn's disease involves avoidance of spicy, greasy, highly fibrous and processed foods, whereas, consumption of fresh foods and a balanced diet is recommended. Therefore, those suffering from ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome can take heart from the fact that dietary management can help curtail some of the unbearable symptoms of this condition.

Hence, flare-ups in ulcerative colitis can be managed via sound dietary practices that revolve around eating fresh and balanced meals.

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