Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Nutrition

Often in cases of Ulcerative Colitis patients can become malnourished and need better nutrition. This is because often eating can be a painful experience when in a Flare up and at the other end everything is being evacuated as fast as it goes in!

Good nutrition can help in many ways. Patients need good nourishment to build themselves back up after a Colitis episode, the right kind of diet which is nutritious and helps reduce inflammation is very useful. Many people find eating a Paleo type diet helpful. Vitamins are often very helpful in recovery; a good multivitamin as well as Vitamins C E & D can be very helpful in treating Colitis.

Calcium - often after a Flare up which has been treated with steroids it is a very good idea to take calcium supplements if you doctor is not already providing them. Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis as a side effect of steroids. It can also help reduce Diarrhea.

Iron - If there has been bleeding during a flare up you may become anaemic and need topping up with an Iron transfusion as Iron supplements can sometimes upset colitis.

Omega 3 Fish Oils are very good for staying in remission as they are anti inflammatory and our diet in these modern times is deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Herbs - such as Boswellia, Turmeric and Ashwaganda can be very useful in reducing inflammation in the body as a whole which helps colitis as well.

Probiotics - Either as supplements or in the form of Kefir or homemade Probiotic Yogurt made with Goats Milk. Probiotics are excellent at improving the good bacteria in the Gut and reducing inflammation.

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