Monday, June 10, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis - What to Do About It

Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic disorder in which the mucous membranes in the gut become inflamed which causes ulcers. This leads to symptoms such as gas, bloating, pain and diarrhoea. The condition can also cause the stools to harden which means the colon has to work overtime to try and remove the hardened stools. As a result, another condition called diverticulitis can occur. Diverticulitis is small pocket like projections in the intestinal wall.

Although the actual cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown there are many factors that can contribute to it and these are bacteria, poor dietary choices, allergies and stress. If the diet lacks fibre and there is a high consumption of meat, this may cause inflammation because meat contains arachadonic acid which is highly inflammatory.

In extreme cases, the ulcers may become cancerous so regular checks ups are critical.

In order to help manage the symptoms of this condition, the first port of call is with what you eat. In Chinese medicine, good health starts in the digestive area so the most important food(s) to begin with is fibre. Fibre creates bulk, as well as softens and gently massages the intestinal wall. This increases muscle contraction which allows waste to be easily removed. Fibre is best in the form of vegetables, fruit, pulses and beans, green leafy vegetables and seed sprouts. Also include oats, brown rice and quinoa. Avoid harsh fibres such as wheat germ or bran which may aggravate the intestinal wall.

The next most important step is to increase fluid intake. When eating more fibre; this is critical and prevents further complications such as constipation. Avoid fried fatty foods and carbonated drinks - these will only increase inflammation and find alternative sources to cheese and milk as these may worsen diarrhoea.

Herbs that are soothing to the intestines include aloe vera and slippery elm. Both help by soothing the mucous membranes.

If you have or know of anyone who has ulcerative colitis, try implementing these simple steps for 30 days and monitor what happens.

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