Sunday, July 14, 2013

Do Food Intolerances Effect People With Colitis?

If you have Colitis do you have any food intolerances which may be aggravating your symptoms? Do certain foods cause your symptoms to flare up? The answer is most likely yes. If you already have Colitis then the likelihood is that you have a Leaky Gut because Colitis damages the gut lining, and if you have a leaky gut, then you guessed it - you probably have food intolerances because of it.

Food intolerance is a relatively new idea and one which can be very useful to Colitis sufferers as by testing for any foods which you may have an immune reaction to you can find out what foods may trigger your Colitis symptoms. In fact a study recently done at University College London over six months has shown links between food intolerances and Ulcerative Colitis.

In the past it was sometimes quite difficult to actually work out what problem foods were as with this type of food reaction it can often show up a few days after you've already eaten the culprit food. Thankfully now there is a reliable way to assess whether you have any food intolerances and this is by having what is called an IgG antibody test done. It is a simple test which involves you just providing a pin prick of blood which is then sent to a lab for analysis. You will then receive the results in the form of a report in the post which identifies what if any foods you may be intolerant to. This is very useful information because by avoiding foods that don't agree with you, you can help avoid any nasty little flare ups! It is well worth having the test done and avoiding the foods that you are shown to be intolerant to. I have had this done and I now know that Brazil Nuts and eggs whites are bad news for me, so I make sure I avoid them and I have less problems as a result.

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