Saturday, June 8, 2013

Herbal Medicine Sicklepod Will Help With Colon Cleansing

Sicklepod and Chinese Senna are both the common names for Senna obtusifolia. Senna is a large species of plant that is prominently found in tropical areas. For many years, the Sicklepod plant has been well known in both the world of herbs and folk medicine. They often act as a laxative and help treat constipation. Much like rhubarb and aloe, the Senna plant has active ingredients in it that give it the ability to loosen stool. It can also help with colon cleansing, as it can cause an increase in the peristaltic movements of the colon when it irritates the mucosa.

Sicklepod leaves have been used for ages in creating tea, and over the years they have developed a lot of medical claims as to what they can do. For a long time it has been a prominent ingredient in a number of tonics and herbal medicines. It has also been a lot in so called "dieter's teas". Since it has the properties of a laxative, in addition to acting like a stimulant, it can help someone on a diet to lose weight. In addition to its laxative properties, Senna has also been used to treat various skin diseases when applied directly to the skin in the form of a paste.

Sicklepod is very rich in fiber, which is a powerful ingredient in making sure that bowels move regularly and timely through the body. As for it being a good colon cleanser, during the day to day consumption of food, as waste forms from what the body did not use, it begins to move through the intestines. As the bowels are moving it creates a slimy concoction that gets stuck on the intestinal walls. Things like Senna that are high in fiber are good at removing that slimy residue out of there.

Although Sicklepod has beneficial properties working as a laxative, it needs to be taken in moderate doses. It should never be taken for more than 10 days in a row. Overusing Senna can cause someone to lose fluids, cause their potassium to drop, as well as cause diarrhea. All of that can lead to dehydration, which could eventually cause harm to the muscles as well as the heart. Senna should also not be used during the first trimester when pregnant. Those who suffer from Crohn's disease, appendicitis, have intestinal obstructions, ulcerative colitis and general abdominal pain should not use any Senna products, tea or otherwise, at all.

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