According to the Bible both Jesus and Moses both fasted for 40 days so that they could strengthen their spiritual connection, the fathers of medicine Plato, Socrates and Hippocrates all suggested that fasting should be done for ones own health to be renewed. The Oahspe also talks about fasting and the type of diet that we are supposed to follow to live in peace with each other and Mother Earth.
Professor A J Carlson of Michigan University stated that a healthy man can easily fast for 50 - 75 days without any adverse effects as long as he isn't exposed to harsh elements and emotional stress. Most people carry with them enough fat reserves to handle a fast, considering that a pound of human fat contains 3,500 calories, each pound of fat would enable a fully grown adult male to perform a full days hard labour without any problems. Most people have enough fat reserves to sustain us for many weeks.
Fasting can be used to help people recover from mild to severe health conditions, some of the more common complaints that can be helped by fasting are as follows:
- High blood pressure
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Chronic headaches
- Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Adult onset diabetes
- Heart disease
- Degenerative arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Acne
- Uterine fibroids
- Benign tumours
Benefits of appropriate fasting for the individual:
- Healthier skin
- More energy
- Healthier teeth and gums
- Better quality sleep
- A clean and healthy cardiovascular system
- A decrease in anxiety and tension
- Dramatic reduction or complete elimination of aches and pains in muscles and joints
- Decrease or elimination of headaches
- Stabilization of blood pressure
- Stronger and more efficient digestion
- Stabilization of bowel movements
- Loss of excess weight
- Elimination of stored toxins
- Improvement with a wide variety of chronic degenerative health conditions, including auto-immune disorders
- Mental clarity is improved
- Spiritual balance is improved/restored
One day weekly fast:
The benefits of a weekly fast can't be under estimated, both as a physical and a spiritual discipline. How many people can honestly say that they follow a perfect diet all week, or don't over eat?
The weekly fast is a perfect time to give your digestive system a rest and burn a bit of fat. It is also a good time to spend in silence contemplating the Creator if you feel that is right for you.
When performing a one day fast you should consume a light meal the evening before, so that you don't spend the whole fasting day digesting the heavy meal you had the night before. When breaking the fast you should ideally do it in the same manner as when you started the fast, i.e a light meal such as fruit or something easy to digest and then move on to heavier food throughout the day if needed.
You can follow a simple water fast or you can do one of the following:
- Fresh fruit juice
- Fresh vegetable juice
- Raw fruits and vegetables
When you perform a fast you will generally discover that you will lose on average 3 - 4 pounds of weight during the first few days, and if you fast for more than a day or so your weight loss will start to reduce down to about half a pound per day. If you are taking juices or raw fruits and vegetables then this will reduce how many pounds you will lose because your body will get some calories from the food/juices that you are consuming instead of using your fat reserves.
If you would like to use the weekly fast as part of your spiritual disciplines, as I do, then please take this time to spend it in an environment that is both spiritually and emotionally uplifting for you. If you can find the time to relax fully and meditate, maybe perform some gentle stretches, or go for a walk in nature, then you should find yourself being able to release some of your emotional baggage. The more often you perform this spiritual discipline, the more benefits you will receive, both spiritually and physically.
Fasting is not a cure-all and is not right for everybody, but I firmly believe that it should be considered as an important ingredient to a persons health and well being. If done right, and with intelligence and diligence then fasting will go a long way in improving most peoples lives.
Remember, if you are considering following a fast, even just for one day, then please make sure you speak with your Doctor or Medical Professional first.
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